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2 F��_ <br /> � E�� �.� C�R� <br /> HuFFinan Form Na ro��/2 Goettaining q i i .Printed'Wcsrds. <br /> NO. i$5-333C>O-THEAUGUSTINECO.GRANDISLAND,NEBR. <br /> STA1� OF]VEBRASKA� <br /> FROM County of j3a,I1 39 Entered in Numerical Index and f iled for record in <br /> Adolph Voss and wife th6 Regia�er of DeedsOffi�e of saicl County <br /> " TO fhe'�� tlay o f �}ne i q �S at 3 0 loclz and 3,rj m' s p.M. <br /> �iC1 & Della M VO antlTecarded in�book �r page 261' of Deeds �2�� ������ <br /> olph . 8S Register of Deeds� <br /> By i Deputy. <br /> KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS, 7"hat We, Adolph Voss and Della M. Voss, husband and wife, <br /> in consideration oF �1..�� and other valuable considerationa — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — '17C3L`LAR`S <br /> in hand paid,do hereby grant, bargain,sell,convey and confirm unto Adolph Voss and D81�.&: M• �088� husband and �tife, <br /> as JOINT TENANTS, ancl not as tenants in common; the -following deacr•tbed real estate sttudEe in 'tlee Caunty of Ha.�-�- and <br /> State of Nebraaka to-wit: <br /> Lot Five (5) , in Voss Bub-Diviaion of all of that part of the East Half of the Southwest <br /> Quarter (E2SW�) , and the West �a].f of the Southeast Quarter (W'�3E�) of Seetion I�3�even (11) , <br /> Towr�hip Eleven (11) North, Range Nine (9) , West of the bth P.M. in Hall County, Nebraska, <br /> lying south of the Lincoln Highway, said Lot Five (5) containing 11,804� acres. <br /> together with all the tenements, hereditaments, and appurtenances to �'�te eame�belong.tng, and all fhe eetate,�litle,�dowor,right o f homestead, claim vr demmrd:►vhutsoever•af <br /> the said grantor :�r'of,in or to the same,or any part thereof; subject to ' <br /> r <br /> IT BEING THE INTENTION OF A-LL PARTIES Hfi72E'�O, TI�i�1T =IN TI�� E�✓E��' OF �"F�E DEATH OF ETT�TER OF SA�D GRANT��ES THE <br /> ENTIRE FEB SIMPLE TITLE TO TH$ .REAL ESfiATE DESC1711�`ED HEf�ETt�1 �HALL V�ST ,TN TH'E SURVIVING GItA1�TEE. <br /> TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the above deseribed premtses, wiC� 'the+appurtenane�rs, unto't'he saic�grantees as JOl'1\1T TENANTS, and riot as tonants�in common, <br /> ancr to their assigns, or to the'heirs and assigns of the survivor of them, forever, and We tke grtmtor a named herein for ourselves <br /> anc� OUZ' heirs, executors, and ac�ministraEocs, do oovena�►t wlth 'fihe g�anteas rrumed herein and witFi their assigns and with the heirs and assiflns of+the <br /> survivor of them, that W@ are lawfully seized of sttid premtfses; t'Irat t�e�+an�fnee from inrntmbranoe except as stated lierein, and tliat �e <br /> the said grantor S ha V8 goocl riglit and Iawful authority to sell the same, and�'hut W8 will arrd OUZ' leea7s, exeoutors <br /> and administrators sliall warrant nnd defend the same unto tl�e grantees named Izer�n ant� uxtto'their•assigt�s and unto !tFce �eirs and assigns of tT�e sarv4vor•aF them,�foreve'r, <br /> against tl�e lawful claims of all persons wliomsoever, excluding the ezceptions named�aere�n. <br /> IN WITNESS WHEREOF We l�ave hereunto set our htt�ds th�s 23rd day <br /> of June . A. D. 19�8 <br /> In presence of <br /> Helen Polzel Adolph Voss <br /> Della M. Voas <br /> STATE OF Nebrasl�a� On this 23rd clay of June A. D. �.9�8 , before me,a Notary Public in ancl�orsaitT <br /> County of �.j�l SS' County,personally came the above named Adolph Voss and Della �I. V08S� husband 8rid wife, <br /> wh.o gY'Q personall3+:Izzmoum�bo tne'fo be tTte it�entriaal�rerson S whose name s are af f ixed to the aboue <br /> instrument as grantmr 8 , and tY163T acjFinowleeiqedga#d instrument to be their <br /> voluntary act and cleed. <br /> �SEAL� WITNESS my ha�d and Notariul ��eal �the date bust�df�►esaFd. Pa,Ul G', Holmberg <br /> 9 t h dQ o Ma 95lNotc�y Publ�o. <br /> - �y commission expires on the y f y A. D. 1 <br />