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���$:� <br /> D ��D R�CORD <br /> HuF£man Form No. togt/2 Containing qtt Printed Worcls. <br /> (�Q. �3S-'.�'.l36O-THEAl16USTINECO.CRANUI5LAN0,NEBR. <br /> STATE OF NEBRASKA� <br /> FROM L'ounty of jja,]„], $s Entered in Numerical Index and filed for recorc�tn <br /> Adolph Voss and wife theR.�gister of Deede off��e of said Couniy <br /> • TO the, 2�' day of June i9�$ nt 3 0 lock anc�5 tes P M. <br /> � and recorded in book 9rT page 26O of Deeds ����o( � <br /> Adolph & Della M, VOSS Re9ister o{De s. <br /> By �f Deputy. <br /> KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PxESENTS, ThaaWe, Adolph Voss and Della M. Voss, husband and wife, <br /> in consideration of 1 and other va,l.uable considerations — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — DOLLE�RS <br /> � <br /> .00 <br /> in hand paid,do here�iy grant, bargain,sell,convey and confirm unto A,c7.olph Vos s and De11a M. vOS9� husband and W�f@� <br /> � JOIN1' TENANTS, anc� not as tenants in common; tlie followinfl clescrtbecl real estate situate in the County of H8,�.1. and <br /> State of Nebra�ka to-wLt: � <br /> . <br /> Lot Five O in Block Thirt -seven (37) in Charle� Wasmer' a Addition to the City of Grand <br /> 5 y <br /> Ssland, Nebraska. <br /> together with all the tenements, hereditaments, and appurtenances to the same belong ing, and aIl the estate, titTe, dower, right o f homestead, claim or demand whatsoever o f <br /> the said grantor9 ,of,in or to the same,or any part thereof; subject to <br /> IT BEING THE INTENTION OF ALL PARTIBS` HERETO, THAT IN THE EVENT OF THE DEATH OF EITHER OF SAID GRANTEES THE <br /> ENTIRE FEE SIMPLE TITLE TO THE REAL ESTATE DESCRIBED HEREIN SHALL VEST IN THE SURVNING GRANTEE. <br /> TO HAVE AND TO HOLD !he above described premises, with the appurtenances, unto the said grantees as JOINT TENANTS, and not as tenants in common, <br /> and to their assigns, or to the heirs and assigns of the survivor of them, forever, and W@ the grantor S named herein�'or ourselves <br /> and OLiT' heirs, exeeutors, and administrators, clo eovenant with #lte grantees namecl herein ancT with tl�eir assigns and with the heirs and assigns of the <br /> survi�or of them, that �re are lawfully seized of said premises; that they are free from incumbrance except as stated herein, and that WE <br /> the said grantor t9 �a Qe good right and lawful authority to sell the same, and that WG' will and OUI' heirs, executors <br /> and acjministrators sh.all warrant and defend the samo unto tTie grantees namecl herein and unto their assigns and unto the heirs and assigns of the sur�ivor of them, forever, <br /> against the lawful claims of alI persons whomsoever, excluding the exceptions named herein. <br /> I O <br /> IN WITNESS WHEREOF We have hereunto set uY' handg this 23rd day <br /> of June , A. D. �9t�8 . <br /> In presence of <br /> Helen Polzel Adol h Voss . <br /> P <br /> Della M. Voss <br /> STATE OF Nebras?� on th�s 23rd clay of June A.D. �.9�8 , before me,a Notary Public in and for said <br /> County of 11a7.1 �SS' County,personally. came the above named �O�.ph VOBS 3rid Della M. V�88� husband and wife, <br /> who SY'G' personally known to me to be the identical person $ whose name8 ar'e af(ixed to the above - <br />' instrument as grantor S ,anct 'I"iYlEy' acltnowledged said instrument to be �"+Y12:I.Y' <br /> voluntary act and deed. <br /> ���,�� , WITN$SS my hand and Notarial Ceal t�e date last a`oresaid. Pa,U1 �'i. Holmber� <br /> Notary Pu ic. <br /> , My commission expires on the 9 t h day o f May A, p, �.9,5�. <br /> _ <br /> _ <br /> _ <br />