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, ��. �4 <br /> D �ED RECORD <br /> HufFinan Form No. tog�/2 Containing qit Printed Words. ' <br /> NO. 1'.jS-3336O-THE AUGUSTINE C0.GRAND ISLAND,NEBR. � . . <br /> STATE OF NEBRASKA� <br /> FRO1�I SS' Enterecl in Numerical Index ancl f iled f or recorcl in <br /> County of Hall <br /> � William Suhr and wife, � the Regist er of Deeds 6ffi�B of said County <br /> ' TO the 7 day of June 19 �}� at 3 o'clock and 3�utes P,M. <br /> and recorded in boolz 97 page 21�j oF Deeds�_�,��Lr,a�l <br /> Dennis A. Fair and rRargit E. Fair, 02' Rec�ister oF De s. <br /> survivor. By ,/ Deputy. <br /> lv <br /> KNOW ALL NIEN BY THESE PRBSENTS, 7'hat William 3uhr and Anne M. Suhr, husband and wife, and each <br /> in his and her own right, <br /> in consideration of One Dollar and other considerations DOLLARS <br /> in hand paid,do hereby grant, bargain,sell,convey nnd confirm unto Dennis D. Fair and Ma.rgit �+'. Fair, husband and wife, <br /> «s JOINT TENANTS, and not�as tenants in common; tl�.e followtng described real estnte situate in the County of H&11 and <br /> Stat� of Nebraska, to-wit: <br /> Lot Five ( 5) in Block Eighteen (1�) in Arnold and Abbott' s Addition '�o the city of Grand <br /> Island, <br />� ( 1 . 0 . . amps) <br /> ( Cancelled ) � <br />, togetl�er witli alI the tenements, hereditaments, and appurtenances to t�e same b�elav�giarog, and�l the esYc�, ti�le, do�rer, right of,�omestead,c�r�im � cl�aancl w�it�tsoe�r o� <br /> t�ie said grantor 3,of,in or to the same,or any part thereof; subject to <br /> IT B$ING THE INTENTIOlV OF ALL PARTIES IIER�TO, T�-IAT dN �'I�E EV�tV�' OF TI:�E �DEATH OF EITHER OF SAtD GiZANT'�EES THE <br /> ENTIRE FBE SIMPL$ TITLE TO TH$ REAL EST'ATE DESCRIB�D I�EI2EIP� SHt1LL VEST IN �'I�E SURVIUIIVG GRANTEE. <br /> TO HAVE AND TO HOLD tTie above 2lescribed premises, wiC�i :f�ie a��.urtenances,.unto #he said grantees as �]OINT TENf�1VTS, and not ns ienants in common, <br /> and to their assigns, or to the heirs and assigns o f the survivor of tTtem, f orever, and W 2 t�te grantor $ named herein f or o ur s elv e s <br /> ancl OUr heirs, executors, and ddministrators,:do�covenant w#I� t�e gra�tees•mamet� �ieuein and witli t/�eir� assigns and with the l�eirs and assigns of�lie <br /> survivor of them, that tnTe are taw)ully seized of said premeses; tTiat-t�e�+are feee from.incumbrance except as atated herein,and that We <br /> the saicl grantor� ha ye good right and lawful aut/�ority to sell the same, and Y3tatt We will anc� OUY' �ierrs, exeeufors <br /> and actministrators shall warrant and de f end tTie same unto.tlie grarttees rzumed herein arrd' unto�t�eir aasigns-and unto the lieirs and assigns-o f�tl�e survivor of t�em,f orever. <br /> against tlie lawful claims of all persons wliomsoever, excluding the exceptions narr�ed:�i.ersin. <br /> IN WITNESS WH�R$OF � Tn1e •haue h,ereunto set OUT' •lissnd 8 this 19th day <br /> oi May, . A. D. 1g4�. <br /> In presence of <br /> C. E. Cronin �� <br /> Annes�:rSuhr <br /> STATE OF NEBRASKA 1 On tli�s 19t',rl day of May, A.D19�$� , before me,a Notary Public in and for said <br /> County of H.�L. f SS' County, personally came the above named Wj.11.j.i�II1 Suhr and Anne M. Suhr, husband and wife, <br /> and each in his and her own right, <br /> who a,r'Q personal�y known':to me':to be t�e iden€itAal,•p$rson8 whose name s ar e af f ixed to the nbove <br /> instrumentas grantor 8 , anct severa�-ly � a��knot�le�gecl;sait�instrument to be their <br /> , voluntary act and deed. <br /> WIT'N$SS my Tian�d an�'�Votsrial��al'#he daE+e'It�t,dfa���d. Clinton E. Cronin <br /> � S�� Not�y Pubiio. <br /> My commission expires on the 27tiri tlay of �'�$y A. D. 1949 <br />