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��_ �. <br /> I�E�D RECOR.D <br /> HuFfman Form l�o. ��i/z Containin;4�t t Frinted Words. <br />, NO. 1 3 5-3 3360-7NEAUGUSTINECO,�GRANDISLAND.NEBR. <br /> STA.TE OF NEBRASKA� <br /> FROM ss' Entered in Nunierical Ind��and{iled{or record in <br /> �.'ounty of <br /> Wilmer M. Niec�oth & wf. tTieRegist_er of Deeds 'offLCe of gQ='d County <br /> • �•� the �} clay o{ June 19�}$� at 1 0 ock and �-5(yi�u_t� P.M. <br /> �`e o r g e F. Z'�O O C�.3 $c and recorded in book 9 7 pafle 211, o f Deeds �\/1-c,r�a�d �J <br /> Jessie V. ��00C�.8 Registerof� <br /> � By � Deputy. <br /> KNOW ALL MF,N BY TH$S$ PRESF.NTS, 7'hnt ��'ilmer M. Niemoth and Verna Mae Niemoth, his wife, each in <br /> his and her own right and spouse of the other <br /> in consideration of ONE DOLL.AR AND OTHER VALUABLE CONSIDERATION � HOL�ARS <br /> in hand paid,do hereby grant, bargain,sell,convey and confirm unto George F. �OOC�B and Jessie v. WOOC13� husband 8,21C� wife <br /> as JOINT TENANTS, and not ns tenttnts in common; tTie following described real estale situate in the.CounEy o{ ���+ and <br /> Statg of NEBRASKA to-wit: <br /> Lot Sixteen (16) in Block Three (3) in "Bet�er Homes Subdivis�on" to the City of Grand <br /> Island, Hall County, Nebraska <br /> ( �. 0 .R. amps) <br /> ( Cancelled ) <br /> . <br /> together witTi al� the tenements, �iereditaments, and appurtenances to t�ie sam� belareging, and sll t�e estate, title, dower, right of Itame,sYaacl, claim or d�ma�ecl wltatscer�er of <br /> tTie said grantor8 ,of,in or to the same, or any part thereof; subject to a Pirs t mortgage t0 �he Equi table Building and Loan <br /> association of (�rand Island, Nebrasl�a, an unpaid balance of �5795.00 <br /> IT BEING THE INTBNTION OF ALL PARTIES H$RETO, THAT IN TH$ EVENT OF THE DEATH OF EITHER OF SAID GRANTEES THE <br /> ENTIRE FEE SIMPLE TITLE TO THE REAL ESTATE DESCRIBED HEREIN SHALL �IEST 1N THE SURVIVING GRANTEE. <br /> TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the above described premises, wit� the ap�urtenanees, unto t�e saic��rantees as jO1NT TENANTS, and not as tennnts in common, <br /> and to their assigns, or to the heirs and assigns of the suroivor of them, forever, and tYl&�", the grantor$ namect herein for them <br /> ancl their heirs, executors, and administrators, clo covenant with llte grantees .narr�ecl heretn and wit�. their assigns and with the heirs nnd assigns of the <br /> survivor oF tliem, that they a.T'@ lawfullq seizec� of said premises; t�iat t�ey are free from incumbrance excepf as stated Tzerein,and that <br /> the saicl grantor S ltia VQ good right and lawful autTiority to sell the same, ancl t�iat they will and their heirs, executuss <br /> anc� administrators shall warrant nnd defend t�e same unto the grar►tees named l�erein anc� unto their c�ssigns and unto the lieirs and assigns of kTie survivor Qf them, farever, <br /> against the Iawful claims of'aTI persons wTiomsoever, excluding the exceptions named �terein. <br /> IN WITNESS WHEREOF vi�e have Tiereunto set OU2° hands fhis 2nd day <br /> o{ J un e , A. D. 19� <br /> In presence of <br /> B. M. Hans�n • Wilmer Pd. Niemoth <br /> � Verna P�ae Niemoth <br /> STATE OF ?'�TEBl'�"ASKA On this 2n� day o{ June A.D. �g4� , before me,a Notary Public in nnd for saicl <br /> County of Lane�.ste2�ss' County, personally came the above named WILMER M. NIEMOTH AND VERNA MAE NIEMOTH� Husballd <br /> and wi f e <br /> wTio personally known to me Co be the idenl4ca� person S whose name 8 a,l'6 nf f ixed to the aboue <br /> instrument as grantor8 , and they acknow�edged said instrument to be their <br /> voluntary act and deed. <br /> WI'1"NESS my hand and Notarial fieal the date Iast aForesaid. V. A. 3e ymo ur <br /> (SEAL) , Notary Pubii�. <br /> My commission expires on the 9 day of cTU11@ A. D. 1�I-9 <br />