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r . - . - --- - . . <br />� � <br />, � �� <br /> DEE e I�ECO�.D <br /> HuFf�an Form No. io�l/a Containin�'.gtt Printed Wprds. <br /> NO. 195�3338O�TXEAl1GUSTINECO.GRANDISLANO.NEBR. � . - . . , <br />',� SxA�'E,OF 1�FEB�tASKA� <br /> FROM SS� �ntered in Numerical Index ancl f iled f or recorc�in <br />�� County of, Hall ' <br /> Naney Lindemann t�eRegister o� Deeds�fficeofsaidCounty <br /> Hanny Lindemann T� thQ: 21 day oJ P�Iay 19 4� at o'�l��k and15�ufesA. M. <br /> and;r� book 97 page 1,75 of Deeds ,��-�-.� ,c� <br /> Register o D ds. <br /> Gl e nn G. Go g da By Deputy. <br /> Wilma M. Gosda �- <br /> KNOW AI.L 1�IEN BY TxESE PRESENTS, 1'hat Nancy Lindemann and Hanny Lindemann, each in her or his own <br /> right and as Wife and Husband <br /> in considerution of , One Dollar and Other Valuable Considerat�.on- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - DOLLARS <br /> in hand paid,do hereby grant, bargain,sell, convey and confirm uiito Gl_e.nn G. Gosda and Wilma �. Gosda <br /> as JOINT TENANTS, ancl not as tenunts in eommon; the followi�fl clescrz��d�; est,gte situats in the County of �'jA.].1, <br /> and <br /> I State of Nebr'ask8 to-wit: <br /> Lot Two (2) , in Block Five � 5) , in windolph� s Addition to the City oP Grand Island, Nebraska <br /> . . . amps ) <br /> (Caneell.ed ) <br /> . • e me-, elqn in , an�l alI �he e�tate,,title, dower, right of homestead, claim or demand whatsoever of <br /> tbget�eer wzth, alI the tenements, hereditaments, and appurtenqnces;to th Sa. �? .. .9,.,� ,.• ,,, ,- � ;. .. .: .: ,,, - , . „ � < .:.; � <br /> t�ie said grantor"5,o f,in or to the same,or any part thereo f; subject to <br /> IT BEING THE INTENTIbN OF ALL Pt��?TIES HERETQ. THAT,IN;THE EV$�T,OF THE DEATH QF ��TH�R OF,SAID GRANTEES THE <br /> ENTIRE FEE SIMPLB TITLE TO THE REAL ESTATE DES�R,IBED H�REI�V ,SHALL YE,$T.IN:THE SURVIVIIVG GRAIVTE�. <br /> TO HAV$ l�ND TO HOLD the above describ�d,prem�ses,; with..the„pppurtenances, ur�to the saic� grantees as JOINT,TENANTS, and not ns tenants in common, <br /> and to their assigns, or to tlie heirs and assigns of the survivor of them, forever, and wE the grantor S named�erein for US � � � <br /> and puY+ �ieirs, exeeutors, and administrators, do covennnt with;tTie,prantees namec� herein ancl wit�. tTieir assigns and with t�e heirs and assiflns of the <br /> p W� ,,�, <br /> survivor of them, that We are lawfuriy Se��a of scud premises; t�iat;,�liey,are free from incumbrance exce t as statec�herein, nnd that <br /> the saacl grantor g ha ye good right and Iar�ful authority to sell tTie same, anclith;at y,�� will and OUY. heirs, executors <br /> and aclministrators shall warrant nnd defend tlie.same unto tTie grant�e,�,na►Kted herein anc� ux�to their assigns ancl unto the �eirs and assigns of the suruivor of'lhem,forev'er, <br /> , _. � ,, . <br /> against the lawful ctaims of nll persons whomsoever, excluding t�e exceptions na►�,ed �te,r�in. , <br /> IN WITNESS WH$RF.OF we h�Ue hereunto set OUY' .. hand g this 17th <br /> day <br /> of May , A. D. 19�8 <br /> In presence o{ Naney Lindemann <br /> Hanny Lindemann <br /> Rose P. Dudek Johnaton <br /> STATE OF Nebraska On this 17th dQy �{ Ma.3T A•1D• ]_9�� � before me,a Notary Public in ancl forsaid <br /> CouT�ty af Hall }SS. County,personally came th,e above named . Na,riCy L'1riC1@ITl&,21ri and Hanny Lindemann, eaeh <br /> in her or his own right and as Wife and Husba.nd <br /> who gr'8 personally,;Finnw� tq,me to,,be.,�he,Fdentical person g whose na►ne g ape af f ixed to the above <br /> instrument as gru�tor � ,and thgy ackno,wledged said instrument to be their <br /> voluntary act and deed. <br /> (SEAL) WjTNESS my hand..�nd No(nria�,csad,thQ:,date,,Iast;aforesnid. R08 G P. Dudek Johnsto <br /> ' ' � Notary Pu�ic. <br /> NIy commission expires on the Zlth dQY of February A• D• 1952• <br />