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� �`� <br /> „_�, <br /> D �E� R� C�RI� <br /> I-�u�Ffrnan Form No. iogt/2 Con�aining qit Prinhed Wo�s. <br /> NO. 135-33360-THEAUGUS7INECO.GRANOISLANO,NEBR. h . <br /> � S"1'AT;E OF I`VE�BR�SKA� <br /> ' FR�I�'I �.'ounty o� Ha�-1- SS� Enteret�in Numerical Inclex anc�filecl for reeortl in <br /> J, F. Abrahamson and Glady's the Register of Deedeffi�e of said County <br /> Abrahamson T� t�ie 1,3 day of May iq 1}.� at 1 o'c and�}.5 rr�u�sP� M. <br />, and recorcted in boolz 97 pa�e i63 of Deeds �i ,c���.a��C �f��`�� <br />, Marvel Steen Hornady and Joyce Wright Register of Dee�"s. <br /> Hornady, husband and wi Pe By � Deputy. <br /> KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS, That J. F. Abrahamspn and Gladys Abrahamson, his wiPe, <br /> in consideration of One �y�'].. ���— — — — — — .� — — — — — — — — — — — — .. — — .. — .� — — .� — _ — DOLLA�2S <br /> in hand paid,do I�ereby grant, bargain,sell,convey and confirm unto Marvel 3teen Hornady and Joyee ti�Tright Hornady� wife <br /> and husband, <br /> as JOINT TENANTS, anc� not as tenants in common; tjie �o�Iowing describez� r�a� estate situate in t�ie �'ounty oF Ha,ll and <br /> State of NebPa.S�, to-wit: <br /> Lot �'ourteen (l�-) in Abrahamson� s Sub-division of Block Forty-two (42) oP Wasmer� s Second <br /> Addition to tne City of Grand Island, N�bra�ka, as surveyed, platted and recorded. <br /> . . amp s ) <br /> ( Cancelled ) <br />,II <br /> together with all the tenements, liereditaments, and app�rtenances to tlie sume:;belartg�rig, aretl a� t1�e estat�e, title, dobuer, rGght o�' homest�nd, cluirn br d�emanrl w�tatsoeviar o( <br /> the said grantorS ,oF,in or to the same,or any part tTiereof; subject to unpaid balance of a certain in the original <br /> sum oP �3£�00. 00 in favor of The Overland Nati�nal Bank of Grand Island, Nebraska, and <br /> assigned to The Prudential Insurance Comnany of America; and a.lso sub,ject to the 1944 real <br /> estate taxes levied and assessed said premises. <br /> 1�" BEING THE INTENTION OF ALL PARTIES HERETO, THAT iN TII� �VEN1' OF 'I"HE �EATH OF EiTI-IER OF SAID G�NTL�ES THE <br /> ENTIRE FEE SII�IPLE TITLE TO THE REAL ESTATE DESCRI�ED HEI�EIN SHALL VEST I1V TH� SURVIVIIVG GRANTEE. <br /> TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the above �escribecl premises, wit� t�e appurtenances, unto tl�e saic� grantees as ]OINT TEIVANTS, and not as ten�nts in common, <br /> and to their assigns, or to the heirs and assigns of t�e survivor of them, forever, and they' the grantor g riamed herein for thelTl <br /> , and their �etrs, executors, and administrators, do�coventtnt with t�e grantees nameil herein anr� wit� therr assigns and�with the heirs and assigns of t�te_ <br /> suruivor o f tl�em, that t h ey are lawf ally seized o f satt� pre►nises; that t�.ey are f ree f rom incumb'rance exce�#cu stated herein, nnd that th e <br /> t1�e saicl grantor s ha ve good right and lawful authority to sell tlie same, and t�iat ��1ey w�Il and their y�eirs, ex�cutors <br /> anc� ac�►ninistrators shall warrant and defend the same unto t�e gr�ntees nametl'lierein artr��unto t�ieir assigns rincl unto t�e �e�rs and assigns o( t�ie surviaor uf thetn, forever, <br /> against the lawful claims of all persons whomsoever, excluding the exceptions narneil 1�eretn. <br /> IN WITNESS WHEREOF �te have hereunto set pur ha�d g this 2l+th day <br /> of January . A. D. Z945 <br /> In presence of cT. }.'' . Abrahamson <br /> Gladys Abrahamson <br /> Herman F. Buckow <br /> STATE OF Ngbra,gka, On this 2�-t-,h clay of January . A.D. �9l�c� b�fore me,a Notary Public in and for said <br /> County of Hall }ss. County,personally came the above named J. F'. Abrahamson and Gladys Abrahamson, <br /> his wif e, <br /> who a,Y+g Personally �enoujn to ►ne tb be tl�e idsntical person 8 whose name $ are affixec� to the above- <br /> instrument as grantnr g , and tney ac�now�edged said insirument to be their <br /> voluntary act and deed. <br /> ( SEAL� WITN$SS my hand cind Notaria� Cea� the dste ��e «f���d. � Herman F. Buekoy� <br />' Notary-Public. <br /> Nly commission expires on the 17�► day of � Apri1 A' D� 1950• <br />� � <br />