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. , ` . . , • , .. . - <br /> - . . . . .. . _ . . . ' _ .. _.Y�. <br /> . . a r- '._'— ;�- _ <br /> . . . . , . __ <br /> ' . . - -�—--. - ` r <br /> . <br /> , . , _ . . ._.______ - --- <br /> � <br /> . . <br /> .' . . . _._.- �---...._ . , . . . . . . _. .. . • . . . . . . . j _ .. ��fi6l,L'. <br /> .l L ,[` .l. <br /> shall be paid to Bonewer. If ffie Proparty is abandoned by Borrower, or ii, after notioe by Lender to Borrowar that Yhe .- •. ' �-'_-�`�: <br />' � condemnor aff6rs to mako an award or settle a ctaim for damages, Borrowar faiis to respond 4o Lender within 30 days after , •_ <br /> the date the nolit�a is givan, Lender is suthorized tfl colled and apply the proceeds, at its aption,eitt�er to restoraatian or repair •` , r - <br /> � ot the Property or to the sums secured by 4his Secur'►ty{nsWment,wheth�r or not then due. Untess Lender and Barrower , n�= <br /> othsrwise agree in writing,any application of procaeds to princ�pal shall not exten d or po s t pone t h e d u e d a t e o f t h e m o n t h l y � °� <br /> _ � paymen4s refeRed to in paragraph 1 or change the amount o9 such payments. "�` <br /> 9. Borrower P��s! Fieleased; Forbsaranc� By Lender NaY a Waiver. Extension of the time fc�r payment or modiftcation of� <br /> amortization o?the sums secured by this Security instrumen!granted by Lender to any sucoessor in interest at Borrowar shall' , � • , <br /> nct operate to release tha liabiliry of the original Borrower or Borrower's successors in interest Lender shall not be required .. . �# <br /> � to commence procsedings against any suxessor in interest or refuse ta extend �ms for payment or otherwis� modify� <; <br /> . amortization of ffie sums secured by this Security Instrument by reason of any demand made by ihe origirea!Borrower or� _� .____ __ ._ _ �__ <br /> � Bonowar's successors in intsrest Any forbearance by Lendar in exerasiRg any right or remedy shall nai ba a vraiver ot or� � � , <br /> � precludo the exerase of any right or remedy. • <br /> 90.Suc�ars end Qs�tgns Bo�nd; Joint end Scverel Liabil(ty; Co$'.��ters. The covenants and agreements of this� • <br /> Qs � <br /> Security Instrument shall bind and benefd the suocessors and assigns of Lender and Borrower,subject to tg►e provisions of , , � , <br /> paragraph 16. Borrower's covenants and agreements shall be joint and several. Any Borrower who co-signs this Security ,. , : �_ �_ <br /> tnstrument but does nat execute the Agreemenx(a)is co-stgning this Security Instrumsnt only to mortgage,grant and convey . ,�� — <br /> thai Borrower's interest in the Property under the terms of this Security Instrumen�(b)is not personally ob'i�ated to pay the , �_.�,_. <br /> - sums secured by this Security InsVumen�and(c)agrees that Lender and any other Borrower may agree to ext�nd,mad'rfy, � : <br /> • ,. • .,�=; .— _ <br /> forbear or make any axommodations wfth c�gard to the terms of this Security InsWment or ttte Agreement without that ,- ::,.� <br /> BoROwet's oonsent. ' <br />