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l <br /> � 9 � � �� <br /> persans whose names --- affixed to the foregoing instrumen�G as grantors and ackno�rled�ed the sam� <br /> to be their volun�ary act and deed. <br /> Witness my hand and Notarial 9�a�. the day and year last a,bove wr3tten. <br /> (SEAL) H. G. Wellens�.ek <br />' My Commiss3on exp3res the lst day of September, 1�54. Notary Publie <br /> Filed for record '�his 3�th day o�' October, 1950, at 2:40 o�clock P.M. ? <br /> �c�i�-��� <br /> Reg3.ster of Deeds� <br /> o-o-o-a-o-�-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-a-a-o-o-. <br /> � '�WARRANTY DEED--Corporation <br /> THIS II�IDENTURE, Made �his 1�'�h day oF Oetober A. D. , �,950 between DODGE CONSTRUCTION CONg'ANY <br /> a, corporation organized and exiating under and b�r virtue of �he laws->i�� the State .of Nebraska <br /> party of the f�rst part, and Or�ral W. Reynolds and Maxine M. ReynoZds, as JOTNT TENANTS, and not <br /> as tenants in common of �he County of Ha11, and S�ate of Nebraska, parties of �he second part, <br /> WITNESSE�H. Tha� the said party of the f irst part f or and in cons�.deration of the gum of <br /> One Do�.lar (�1.00) and other valuable consideration DOLLARS in ha,nd paid, reeeipt whereof is hereby� <br /> acknowlEdged, has sold and by these present8 does �rant, eon�rey and eonfirm unto �he aaid parties <br /> of the second part, the f ollowing desaribed premisea., situa�ed in Gx�and Tsland Hal1 �:4unty, and <br /> S�ate of N�braska to-w�.t: . . . � � <br /> AlI of Lot Forty-five (1�5 ) , in BuEnavista �ubdivieion of' a, part of th� Northwe�t Qu�.rter <br /> of Section Twenty-�wo (22 ) , Township Eleven (lI) Nor�h, Range Nine �9) West, in Ha11 <br /> Courity, Nebraska. . . <br /> Sub�ect to restrictions con'Gained in an ins'�rument entitled "Agreement for Protec�ive <br /> Covenants and restrictions" covering lots in Buenavis�a Subdivision, rECOrded in the <br /> D H C r <br /> r, n <br /> n e f e th Re i ter of eeds in aII ount P1eb a.ska in Book V <br /> records 3. th o fic of e g s y, , , <br /> Pr�ge 584. <br /> I� being the intention of all Parties hereto, That 3.n the event of the Death of �i'�her of said <br /> t d <br /> Granteea, The Entire Fee Simple Ti�Gle �o The Rea1 Ea�a e Describe herein ahall vest in �he <br /> I surviv�.ng Grante�. _ <br /> TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the premis�s above described, toge�he� wi�h a1I �he Tenements, I3ereditame�ts <br /> and Appurtenanees thereunto belonging un�o the said Orval W. Reynolds and Maxine M. Reynolds, as <br /> J OINT TENANTS, and not as tenants in common . <br /> And the said DODGE CONSTRUCTION COMPAN� f or i�self or its suceessors, does hereby covenan� <br /> and agree to and wi�h the said parties of the s�cond par� and the3.r heirs and assign�, tha.t at <br />' the time of the execution and delivery of these presenta i'� �is l.awfully seized oP eald premi�es; <br /> �hat it has ood ri ht and ].awful authority to convey t he same; that they are f rom encumbranc� <br /> � g <br /> exeept regular taxes �or the year 1950 and subsequent taxes. does hereby covenant to warrant and <br />� defei�d the said premises against the lawful claim5 of a11 persons whomsoever. <br /> IN WTTNESS WHEAEOF, the said DODGE CONSTRUCTTON COMPANY has hereunto caused i�s corporate <br /> seal �o be aff�.xed and these present9 to be signed by its President the day and year first above <br /> written. - <br /> Signed, �ealed and delivered in presence of <br /> (CORP) � DODGE CONSTRUCTSON COMPANY <br />' ( 9.90 I. R. �TAMPa) (SEAL) <br /> (Cancelled ) Hy N. P. Dod�e Jr. <br /> Pre side n� <br /> Atte$t: R. H. Abernathy Jr. <br /> Secretary <br /> � <br /> STATE �F Nebraska ) <br /> )sa. On this l�th day of October 19�0 bef ore me, th� undersigned, a Notary � <br /> Douglas Co�.nty ) Publie in and f or �aid Coun�y, personally ca me N. P. Dodge, Jr. , <br /> President of the DODGE CONSTRUCTION COMPANY to me personally known to <br /> ,be the Presiden� and the identical person whose name is affixed to the above eonveyance, and <br /> acknowledged the e xecution thereof to be his voluntary act and d�ed as such off icer and the <br /> volun�ary aet and deed of the said DODGE CONSTRUCTION COMPANY, and th��3 the Corporate seal of the <br /> said DODGE CONSTRUCTTON COMPANY was thereto af'f ixed by its au�hority. ' <br /> Witness my hand and 1�Iotarial Seal at Omaha in �aid county the da.y and year last above written. <br /> (SEAL) J. A. Carley ° <br /> Notary Public ' <br /> My Commission expires the 10�h day of March 1955• <br /> Filed for reaord this 31 day of Oatober, 1950, at 3:4�0 o�elock �. M. <br /> � _�.�, �� . <br /> = REGISTER OF DEEDS./� <br /> 0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-Q-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-4-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0 <br />