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���. <br /> DEED RECORD NO. 96 <br />� � 32641-THEAUGUSTINE40.GRANDISLAND,NEBR. <br /> IT BEING THE TNTENTTON OF ALL PARTIES HERETO, THAT IN THE EVENT OF THE DEATH OF EITHER OF SAID <br /> GRANTEES, THE ENTIRE FEE SIMPLE TITLE TO THE REAL ESTATE DESCRTBED HEREIN SHALL VEST IN THE <br /> �URVIVING aRANTEE, <br />� TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the premises above deseribed, �og�ther with< all �he Tenementa, H�redita- <br /> ments and Appurtenanees thereunto belonging unto the said Gene Boysen and Helen Boysen, as <br /> JOINT TENANTS, and not ag �enants in common, <br /> And the said DODaE CO�TSTRU��'SON COMPANY for itself or its auaaeaeor�, do�s hereby covenant <br /> and agree to and w3.�h the said partlea of the second part and their heirs and asaigns, �hat at <br /> �he time of the execution and delivery of theae presents it is lawfully �eized of said premisea; <br /> that it ha,a �ood right and lawful authority to convey �he same; that th�y are free from enaumbranee <br /> except regular taxea f or the year 195o and subsequent taxes. does hereby co�er.ant to warrant <br /> and dePend the said premise� aga�.nst the lawful claims of all persons whomsoever. <br /> �N WITNESS WHEREOF, the said DODaE CONSTRUCTION COMPANY has hereunto caused ita eorporate <br /> seal to be affixed and these preaents to be signed by i'�s President the day and year firat above <br /> writt�n. <br /> �'CORP� <br /> Signed, sealed and delivered in pr�sence of (SEAL) DODGE CONSTRUCTION COMPANY <br /> ( 11. 0 I. R. STAMPS By N. P. Dod�e Jr. <br /> (Canaelled ) Presldent <br /> Attest� R. H. Aberna�hy, Jr. <br /> Secretary <br /> BTATE OF Nebraaka ). <br /> )se. On this l�th day oP October 1950 bef ore me, the undersi�ned, a <br /> Douglas County ) No�ary Public in and for s�.id Cou nty, personally cam� . N. P. Dodge� Jr. <br /> President of the DODGE CONS�RUCTION COMPAP+iY to me personally known to <br /> be �he President and the identical person whose name is affixed to the abo�te aanveyane�, and <br /> aaknawledged the ex�cution �hereof to be hie voluntary ac� and deed as sueh off ieer and the <br /> voluntary ac�G and d�ed of the sa3d DODGE CONSTRUCTION COMPANY, f�dtthat the Corporate seal of the <br /> said DODGE CONS�RU�TI��d COMPANY was there�o affixed by i.ta authority. <br /> Witness my hand and Notarial Seal at Omaha. in said ooun�y the day and year las� abone written. <br /> (SEAL) J. A. �arley � <br /> My Commission expires '�he lOth day of March 1955• � Notary Publia. <br /> F11ed for record this I8 day of Octob�r, 1950, at 2:55 o� alock P.M. ' <br /> ��°`�� <br /> REGISTER OF DEED3 /✓ ' <br /> o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-a-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-a-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o=o-o-o-o-o-a=o-o-o <br /> SHERIFF� S DEED <br /> K�JOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: <br /> THAT, WHEREAS, in an actlon in the Dis�riet Court of the Eleventh Judicial Distrlct of the <br /> State of Nebraska, wi�hin and for the County of Ha11, whereln County oP Ha11, Hall County, <br /> Nebraska, a munieiPal corporation, is plaintiff and E. B. Cowlea, first rea7. ttrue name unknown <br /> et al. , are def enda.nts, No. 17, Dve. 1, Page 174�-I84, the plaintiff did on the 2Q�h day of <br /> December, 19�9, obtain a de�ree finding there to be due from th� defendants for g�neral and speclal <br /> improvement �axes upon a Cer�ifiaa�e of Tax Sale and subaequent taxee, in Ca,use of Action, No 3, <br /> the sum of �79..�7, aceruin� interest and cos�s of the suit, and, whereas, it was then and there <br /> further ordered in th� said action �hat in d efault of the payment of the sum so fourid due from <br /> the eaid defendan�s that the Sheriff of said County of Hall should cause �he lands and �enemente <br /> hereinat'ter described to be advertised and sold accordin� to law to pay the same, and, whereas, <br /> default having be�n made therein, �he said Sheriff of said County, under and by virtue of the , <br /> said decree and the order of sal� to him duly directed, did, on the 22nd da,y of March, 19�0, at <br /> the North Fron� Door of the �ourt Hou�e in the Ci�y of Grand Island, in said Coun�y of Ha11 <br /> having first �iven due and lega.l notice of the time and place of said sale for not less �ha,n <br /> thirty days prior 'Ghereto in the Grand Island Da�.ly Independent, a legal newepaper, printed and <br /> in general circulatior� in said County of Hall, sell sald premises a'� public auction to Be�ty Mae <br /> Bartho2omew and/or Calvin K. Bartholomew or survinore. for the sum of Fifty and no/1�Q Dollars, <br /> (the to�al accrued eoa�a oP suit and sale be3.n� �82.09) , which sale was afterwarda on the 14�h <br /> day of April, I950, examined and confirmed by the eaid Court and the said E. H. Stobbe as euah <br /> Sheriff, ordered �o convey the said premises in Fee simple to the said Betty Mae Bartholomew and� <br /> or Calvin K. Bartholomew or survivors. <br /> NOW, THEREFORE, I, the �said Sheriff of the County of Ha1.l, as af.oreaaid, in eonsideration <br /> oP the premiaes and by virtue of the power vested in me by law and the deeree of said Court, do <br /> hereby give, grant, and convey to the said Calvin K. Bartholomew,,�r�d/flr E��'�ty..�i�a�. Sart,ha,lc��tre�r <br /> the3.r. heira a�c� �:�s���i- the -p��mie.�.�� :so as af'oresa9.d sold, �o-wit: . <br /> The Eaat One-half (E�) of Lots �fix and Seven (6&7 ) Block Thirty-three (33) in Paeker & <br /> Barr� a Second Additior� to the City of Grand Island, Hall County, Nebraska, as surveyed, <br /> pla�ted, and r�oorded <br /> with the appur�enances. <br /> TO HAVE AND TO HOLD THE SAME un�Go �he eaid Hetty Mae Bartholomew and/or Calvin R. Bartholomew <br />' or survivors. and his heirs and assi�ne forever. <br /> IN TESTINIOAIY WHEREOF, I have as �uch SherifP hereunto set my hand this 26th day of June, <br /> 19.�0. <br /> Executed and deli.vered in th� presenee of E. H. 8tobbe <br /> Sheriff of Hall County, Nebraska <br /> Therese A. Muek�ow <br /> �TATE OF NEBRASKA � <br /> )SS. On thia 26th day of June, 1950, bef'ore me, M. E. Moaes peraonaZly <br /> County of Hall ) appeared the said E, H. S�obbe as sheriff of said County '�o me, <br /> personally known to be the identiaal person who aigned the foregoing <br /> � <br /> � <br />