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i... .v.Y . . . . . <br /> �/ <br /> � ^!� � <br /> DE�D RECORD NO. 96 <br /> 32841-7'XE AUGU57INE C0.GP11ND ISLAND.NEBR. . . <br /> 3TATE OF NEBRASKA ) <br /> ) ss. On th3.s 7th day o� September 1950 befvre me, the undersigned, a Notary <br /> - COUNTY OF HALL ) Public in and Por said County, personally came D. H. Meves, Presiden�G oP <br /> � the PLATTE VALLEY DEVELOPMENT C0. A Corporation to me peraonally known <br /> to be the President and the ider�tical person whose name ia affixed to the above conveyance, and <br /> acknowledged the exeQUtion thereoF to be hi$ voluntary aet and deed as such oF�ieer and the volun- <br /> tary act and desd oP the �a1d PLATTE VALLEY DEVELOPMENT G0. A Corporation, and that ths Corporate <br /> seal of the said PLATTE VALLEY� D�'VELOPMENT C0. A Corporation was thereto aY2'ixed by it� authority. <br /> S�itness my hand and Seal at arand Taland in said county �he day and year last above <br /> wr3tten. <br /> (SEAL) Llo d W. Rell <br /> My Cot�misalon expires the 27th day of October, i951 <br /> �ary u o. <br /> F11ed for record �his 21 day of September 1950, at 11:15 o �elock A.M. <br /> eg s t er o f De e�C �✓ <br /> 0-0_0-0-0-Q-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0_0-0-0_0-0-0-0-0-0-0_J-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0_0_0-0-0_�_0-0_�_0-0-0-0-0-0 <br /> �,.QUTT CLAIM DEED <br /> KNOW ALL MEN BY TRESE PRESENT3: <br /> T�iAT R. B. Lockwood and Caroline B. Lockwood, husband an wiPe oP �Ghe County oP Ha1.1 and state <br /> of Nebraska for and in conaidera�ion of the sum of One and no�10�----�OLLARS in hand paid do hereby <br /> quit-claim a,nd convey ur�to Kenneth G4. Caeteel. and to his heira and assigns forever all their right, <br /> title and interest in the following described real eatate: <br /> Lot Three (3) in Block N3neteen (19) in Packer and Barr�e Second Addition to the City ot <br /> Grand Island, Hall County, Nebraska, as surveyed, �latted and recorded. <br /> � <br /> to�ether with all appurtenancsea 'Chsreun�o belonging to them. <br /> �t� �AVE A�3D TO �i��,D the premises above desoribed unto the said �rantee and to his heira and <br /> aas�.gna; so that neither the said grantors, or any person in their name and behalf, .shall or �i11 <br /> hereafter claim or demand any rfght or title to the said or any paxt thereof, but they <br /> � and every one of them shall by these pre�ent� be excluded and' Porever barred. <br /> All homestead rights and statutory righta of inheritance in and to the above deseribed premises, <br /> iP anq, are hereby released and relinquiahed. <br /> Signed this ninth day of Auguat, A.D. 1950 <br /> In the F'resence of ('�.Zj' . . tamps) Caroline B. Lockwoo8 <br /> I{Yn Haller (Cancelled ) . . oc woo <br /> ruce . c e an � <br /> STATE �F Nebraaka ) <br /> ) ss. On this ninth day of August A.D. 1950, bePore me, the undereigned, a <br /> COUNTY OF Ha11 ) Notary Publio, duly commiasioned and qualified for and reaiding ' in said <br /> County, perso�ally came R. B. Lockwood and Caroline B. Lockxood, husband <br /> and wiYe to me �nown to be the identical persons whose names are afPixed to the foregoing instrument <br /> as grantors and acknowledged the same tv be their voluntary act artd deed. <br /> Witne�s my hand and Notarial Seal the day and year last above wriLten. , <br /> (9EAL� _E�u�_e_n_e_.�L. Lewis <br /> My Ccrmmission expires the 3rd day of �etober 1955 0� tax'Y Pu �. c- <br /> Filed Por reQOrd this 21 day of Septe�ber, 1950, at 1:30 o'clock P.M. � �J��� <br /> eg s er of�"�'eec�s/� <br /> o-o-.o_o-o-o-o_o-o-o_o-a_o-o-o-o-o-o-o_�_ao_o-o_o-o-o-�-o-o_o-o_o-o-o-o-o_o-o_o_o-o-o-�-o-o_o-o_o-o <br /> CEMETERY WARR.ANTY DEED <br /> . No. 133 <br /> �'his de�d made '�his day of Sept-20--A.D. 3950, by the Doniphan Ceda.r View Cemetery Assoeiation, as <br /> �ranto�, to Gler�n H. (3eddes oP Hall county, State of Nebraeka, as grantee. WITNE88: That the eaid <br /> grantor, for and in eonsidera�icn oP the su�n of Forty and no/100 - _ Dollars in hand paid, does � <br /> hereby ae11 and Qonvey unto the eaid grantee th� fol�owing real �estate, situa'�ed in Hall county, i� <br /> the State of Nebraska, to �rit t I�t No. �5, in Bloek �To. 12--, in the Doniphan Cedar �Tiev� Cemetery, <br /> acscording to the recorded plat thereof, to have and '�o hold unto the aaid grantee, his heire and <br /> asaigns, for the purpo�e of human burial and Por no other purpoae, and sub�ect to such rulea and <br /> regulation� aes the said Doniphan Cedar View Cemetery Assvo3ation has adopted. <br /> In testimony whereof, the said Doniphan Cedar �View Cemetery Aesociation, does by its Preaiden� <br /> and ��acretar y exeQUte �nd deliver this deed. <br /> Si�ned thle 20th day of 3eptember A.I?. 195�. <br /> . _ <br /> �itne�s : Verne Cra�ford <br /> W. S. Piokene res ent <br /> Attested by <br /> A. H. Meaeraull--. <br /> eare ary <br /> STATE OF NEBRASKA ) <br /> ) ea. On this 20th day of 3eptember �.D. 1950, bePore me W. 3. Pickens, a notary <br /> Courity of Ha11 ) public, 1n and f'or 8ald aounty personally came Verne Crawford, aa President <br /> of the Donlphan Cedar View Cemetery Assoaiation, to me, well known to be <br /> euch ar�d the identical person xho eigned the fore�oing deed as President, and aoknowledged the <br /> execution oY the +aaid instrumen'G to be his voluntary aot and d�ed, by authority of eaid Association, <br /> for the purpose therein expre+�sed. <br />