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r� <br /> � � <br /> DE�D RECORD NO. 96 ; <br /> 92841-THlAU6USTINECO.GRANDISLAND.NEBR, . '� <br /> �UIT CLAIM �EED ' <br /> THIS INDENTtJRE, Made this 12th day oP Sept�mber, in �he �ear one thousand ni�e hundz�ed and fif�y, <br /> between Nadine Armstrong and Tom Armstror�g, wife and husband, oP �he Yirst par�, and Howaxd L. <br /> I3eHoer of the aeaond I�art, WITIJESSETH, that the ssid partis of the first part, in consideration of <br /> the sum o� One and no/100 - - - DOLLAR3, and other valuab�e consideration, te them �duly paid, the <br /> receipt whereof. 1s hereby ackno�led�ed have remi8ed, released, and quit-c2aimed, arld by these <br /> preserits do Por �hemselves,� the�r he�rs, executora and administ�8tors, remise, rele�se and forever <br /> quit-claim arid eonvey unto the saS.d party of the second part, and to his heirs and as�igns fore�er, <br /> a11 their ri�ht, title, interest, estate claim and demand, both a� law and in equity, oP, in and to <br /> all <br /> South Hal� of Southeast Qua�ter (S� SE�) oP Seetion Twenty-one (21) and North Half of Sou'�h- <br /> east Quart�r (N� SE�) af Seetiori Thirty-thr�e (33) , aI7. in Townshlp E1.even (lI) North, Range <br /> Eleven (11) West oP. 6th P.M. , in Hall Countp, Nebraska; <br /> Together r�ith all and singular the hereditaments therEUnto belon�ing. , <br /> TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the abov� described premis�s unto the said Howard L. DeBoer, his heirs and <br /> assigns; so that neither we the sa�d grantors, nor any person in our name and behalY, aha11 or wi11 <br /> hereaPter claim or demand any rl�ht or tit].e to the said premises or any part �hereof, but they and <br /> II every one of them sha1l by th�se presents be excluded and forever barr.ed. <br /> IA1 WTTNESS WHEREOF, the sai:d parties of the first part have hereunto se� their ha,r�ds and aeal <br /> the day and year above �rr3tten. <br /> 31�ned, s�aled and delivered in presence of' Nadine Armstr°ng <br /> R. E. Lunner om rmetrong <br /> STATE �F ILLINOIS, _) <br /> ) ss. �n this i6 day of September, A.D., ].950, before me, the undersigned <br /> Pope County ) Audie P. Ferrell a �totary Public, duly commissioned and qua23gied for <br /> and residing ir� said county, personally eame Tom Armstrong, huaband of <br /> Nadine Armstrong, to me known ta be the iden�G3ca1 person as whose `name is at'fixed to the faregoing <br /> instrument as grantor and acknowl.edged the same to be his �oluntary act and deed. <br /> DVttness my hand and No�aria,l Seal the day and year la�t above writ�en. <br /> (SEAL) Audie P. Ferre2l <br /> My Comm3ssion expires the 29 day of June, 195� <br /> o ary u e. <br /> STATE OF NEBRASKA, <br /> York County. ss. <br /> On this 12th day of September, 1950, bePore me, the undersi�ned, R. E. Lunn�r, a Notary Publie, <br /> duly commissioned and qualiYisd for and residing in said County, per$onally Nadine Arms�rong, <br /> who is peraonally known to me to be th� identiaal person deserl.bed in and who cxecuted the foregoing <br /> in�trument as gra,ntor and she acknowledged eaid 3nstrument to be her voiuntary aet and deed. <br /> Witness my hand anc� Notarial 3ea1 the date last $bove wr�.tten. • <br /> ( s�� R. E. Lunner <br /> My commisaion expires July �, 7.9�j2. <br /> Notary Pub11c. <br /> Flled Yor reeord this 21 day of Septemb�r, 19�j0 at 11:15 o � olc�ck A.M. C�y� <br /> Reg s '�er o� ee s �/ <br /> 0-0-0-0-0--0_0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-(�-0-�-0-0-0-0-�J-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0_0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0--0..0-0-OLb <br /> °�CORP�RATI�N WARRANTY DEED--Veeting Entire Title in Survivor <br /> - <br /> KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRE3ENT5, That PLATTE VALLEY DEVELOPMENT C0. a corporation organized and <br /> existing under and b� virtue oP the of the State of 1�EBRASKA, for and in conslderat3on of the <br /> stim oP ONE and Na/100 and other valuable con�3deration D4LLARS in hand paid does he�eby grant, bar- <br /> gain, sell and convey unto WILLIAM N. BOYD and FRAIJCES A. BOYD as JOINT TENANT3 and not as '� n <br /> , e an�8 <br /> in csommon• the followi describ d r al sta si u <br /> , �g e e e te, t ated in the County oP Hall and State of Nebraska <br />�I to-wit: ' <br />, � L�T FIVE (5) , IN BL��K THREE (3) , IN uMEVES FIR3T ADDITION" TO THE CITY OF aAAND ISLAIdD, <br /> NEBRASKA, A� SURVEYED, PLATTED AND RECORDED. <br /> TT BESIVG THE INTEATTION OF ALL PARTIES HEREZ'0, THAT IN THE' EVENT OF THE DEATH OF EITHER OF SAID <br /> aRANTEE3, THE EIVTIRE FEE SIMPLE TITLE T� THE REA'L �STATE DESCRIHED HEREIN SHALL VEST I1� THE SUR.. <br /> VIVII� aRANTEE. <br /> TO HAVE AND TO HOLD th� above deseribed premises, with the aforesaid appurtenanaes, unto the <br /> said grantees aa JOINT TENANT3, and not as tenants in common, and to their assign�, or to the heirs <br /> and assi�ns of th� surv3vor oY thea�, forever, and the �rantor herein, for itselP and its succes$ors <br /> doea eovenan� with the gran�ee8 named herein and �ith their asslgne and with the heirs and assi�ns <br /> o� the survivor oP them tha'� it is lawfully seized of said premisea, that they a,re free From enaum- <br /> branae and '�hat said grantor has good title 'Co and good right and law�'uI authority tv convey. the same <br /> and it does hereby covenan'� to warrant and Porever defend said premiaes unto the grantees nar�ed � <br /> herein and unto th�ir ass3gns an d wnto the h:eirs and assigns of the eurvivo� of them, forever, <br /> ag�,inst the lawful claims oY all persons whomeoe�►er, excl�xding the exeeptions �named herein. <br /> IN WITNE3S WHEREOF the said grantor has caused this instrament to be executed by its preBiden� <br /> and its corporate� sea,1 to be aPFixed hereto. <br /> Jigned this 7th day of 3eptember A.D. �950 <br /> In the Presenee of (CDRP) ( .1 .� . amps) PLATTE VALL�Y DEVII,OPA+�,iiT C0. <br /> (3EAL) ( Caneelled ) A Corporation <br /> By D. H. Mevea President <br /> Attes 3ecretary <br /> i <br />