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•:� <br /> �►��-� <br /> �E�� R�coR� �o. �� � <br /> 32641�TpEAUGUBTINECO.GRANDISLANO,NEBR. " <br /> WAR��A,NTY DEED - S�c i al <br /> KNOW ALL MEP3 BY THE3E PRESENTS: <br /> THAT William J. Bacon and Mamie B. Baaon, �aeh in his and her o�rn right and as husband a.nd wife, <br /> of the Coun�y of Hal1, and Stat� of Nebraska, in consid�ration of the sum of One and no/100 and <br /> vth�r valuable consideration ------ DOLLAI3S, in hand paid by Charli� !�. BLttts and 8a�nora E. Butt� <br /> of Ha1.1 County, Stat� of Nebraska, do hereby eell and convey un�o the �harlie A. Butts and <br /> Saenora E. Butts, husband and wif� as �oin� '�enants, not tenants in common, the following desarib�ad <br /> I premises, situated in Hall County, S�a.te of N�b�aska, �o-t�i,t: <br /> Lot Eight (8) in Block Two {Z�, in L�nbert� � S�eond Add�tion to the City of arand Island, <br /> Fiall Cour�y, Nebraska, as surve�yed, platt�d, and reQOrd�d. <br /> IT HEING THE INTEI�TION OF ALL PARTIES HERETO, THAT IN THE EVENT �OF THE DEATH OF EITHER OF 3AID <br /> aRANTEES, THE EN`PIRE FEE SIMPLE TITLE TO 'THE REAL ESTATE DESCRIBED HEREIN SHALL VEST IN TI�E SUR- <br /> VIVING GRANTEE. � <br /> together with all appurtcnancea th�reunto belonging, and William J. Bacon and I�ie B. Baaon <br /> h�r�by eovenant �ha.t the said premise� are Free and clear from all liens and eneumbrances and <br /> they covenan'G to warrant and det'end the said premises again�t any acts of eaid parties of the <br /> f irs� part. And the said William J. Bacon and Mamie H. Baeon hereby relinquishe� all their <br /> right, title and in�erest� in and to the above described premi,se�. <br /> 8lgned �hi� 5�h day of 5ep�ember, i95o. � <br /> -� - - <br /> In the presence of Willi�m J. B�ao� <br /> H. D. alad� -- ---- - "`-- - .. Mar�ie �B. �Baoon <br /> Sta�e of Nebraska )$�� On thia 5th day of September A.D. , 1950, bePor�e me, the undersi�ned, <br /> �all County ) H. D. Glade, �. No'�ary Public, duly commissioned and qualified f or and <br /> residiag in said county, personally came William J. Baeon and Mamie B. Bacon, husband and wife, <br /> to me kr�own to be the identic�l peraona q'hose na.meg are aff ized to the foregoing conveyance as <br /> gran�ors and aeknowledged the ezecution of the same to be �heir voluntaxy act and deed. <br /> Wi�ness my hand and �lotarial Seal this day �.nd year last above xritten. <br /> (9EAL) H. D. f�lade <br /> ' My commission eacpires the 25 day of April, 1�52. Notary Publie ' <br /> Filed fcsr reoord this 20 day af September, 1950, a� 11:30 o�clock A.M. <br /> �d���✓ <br /> Regiater of Deeds � <br /> 0-0-0-�-0-0-�-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-�-0-0-0-0-�-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-�0-0-0-0-0- <br /> 4UIT CLAIM DEED ' <br /> �HIS INDE�iTURE, Made this 14th day oP September, in the year one thousand nine hundred and <br /> f ift�, between Grant W. �lson and Mildr�d L. Olson, eaah in his own right and as spouse oP the <br /> other, of the first part, and Joseph P. Dunn of the second p�rt, <br /> WITNESSETH, tha'� the sald part- of' the Pirst part, in �onsideration of the sum of One s�,c1d No/100 <br /> and other valuable consideration --- DOLLARS, to be duly paid, the recseip� whereoP is hereby <br /> a.ekrlowledged, remised, released, and quit-elaimed, and by these presents do Por themeel�ea, their <br /> heirs, e�ceQUtors and �nini�trators, remise, release and forever quit-elaim, and convey un�o the <br /> said part- of the eeeond part, and to ---- heirs and aesigna Porever, A1.1 their right, title, <br /> interea�, egtate their �l�.im and demand, bvth at law and ir� equity, oP, in and to all <br /> Lot Three (3), in Sloek Four, (4) , in Qrilbert' s Addition to the City oP Grand Ialand, <br /> Hall County, Nebr�ska; <br /> Together wi�h all and singular the hereditameMts there�znto belonging. <br /> TO HAVE AND T� HOLD the �.bove desari�ed premi�es unto the said aran�ee, Joseph P. Dunn, his <br /> heirs and assigna; eo that neither the said grantors, nor any person in �heir name and behalf, <br /> shall or will hereaf ter eslaim or demand any right or t�.tle to the as�id premise s or uny part <br /> ther�oP, bu�t they a,nd every one of �hem ahall by these presents be excaluded and forever barred. <br /> IN WITI�TESS WHEREOF, the said parties of the first par� have he�eunto set their ha,nds and <br /> geal th� day sa�d year above t�ritten. <br /> Signed, aealed a,nd dellvered in presenae oF �rant W. Olson <br /> Lloyd W. Kelly _ . _.._�. , , Mildred L. Ol�on <br /> STATE OF NEBRASRA ) <br /> }SS C�n thie 14th da.y of Sep�ember, A. D, , 1950, before me, the underaigned <br /> �L County ) Lloyd W. ICelly a Notary Public, d�ly eommiaeioned and qualified for and <br /> residin� in said cc>�.nty, peramnaily c�me Gr�t W. Olson and �Iildred L. <br /> �leon, each in his ot�rn right, and as spouse of the oth�r to me known to be the identiaal persons <br /> �rhose names a.f'fized to th� f ore�oing inetrument as �ran�ors and aaknowledged the same �o be '�heir <br /> volun�ary aat and deed. <br /> Witneas my hand and Notarial ge�l the day �nd year last above written. <br /> I <br /> (SEAL) Lloyd W. Kell� <br /> My �ommission �xpiFes the 27th day of Oc�ober, 1951 Notary Pub13c <br /> Filed for reQOrd this 20 day of 9eptember, 1950s at 11i�0 o'ebock A.M. <br /> . �lX.r�-� ��dZ-°-�G�'^� <br /> , REGI3TER OF DEEDS <br /> �-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-�-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-4-0-0-0--0--0-p-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-�-0-0-0-0-0- <br /> � <br />