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� �( � <br /> DE�D RECOT�D NO. 96 <br /> � <br /> � <br /> 92841�IIIEAU6UbTINEC0.6RANDISL�ND.NEBR, ���� <br /> 3ECTION 3. As provided by law, notice of such sale and the terms thereof ahall b� p�zblished ' <br /> Por three conaecutive we�ks in the Grand Island Daily Independent, a newspaper published in and of <br /> general cireulation in the City of Grand Ial.and, Nebraska, immediately after the passage and pub- <br /> 11ca�ion oP this ordlnan�e; and the City Cler� is hereby dlrected and in$truated 'Go prepare and <br /> publi$h said notice. • <br /> $ECTTO�T 4. Authority is hereby granted to the electors of the City o� arand Island, N�braska, <br /> to file a remonstrance �gainst the sale of the within described real eatate; and iP a remonstranae <br /> against the sale signed by le�al eleetors of �aid City equal in number to thirty per cent (30�) oP <br /> the electors , of the City o� Grand Island, voting at the last regular election held in Said City be <br /> filed with the City Couneil within thlrty days after the passage and pubiieation of this ordinance, <br /> eueh property s�a11 not then, nor within one year th�reafter b� sold. <br /> - <br /> I SECTION 5. The sale of said real estate is hereby directed, authorized and confi-rmed; ar�d if <br /> no rernonatrance be filed againet suah sale, the President of the Counail and C#.ty �lerk shall m�ke, <br /> executs and deliver to MS10 W. Sopher and Warren R. SApher, a Quit Claim Deed P�r sa3.d property an8 <br /> the execu�ion of aaid deed is hereby authorized �lthout further action o� behalY of th� City GouA�il <br /> �ECTI�N 6. This ordina.nce shall be in force and take �fYeet from and �fter its passage, approval <br /> and publication as provided by <br /> Passed by a ma�orlty vote oP all of the membera of the City Gouncll thig the 16th day oP August, <br /> �9��' �. W. Johnson <br /> ATTESTa ����'� real ent of e y Couna <br /> Flo d 3. White f SEAL) � <br /> y er � <br /> Filed for record this 19 da.y ot' September 1950, at 9:30 o 'cloek A.M. � <br /> �-� ���� <br /> eg ster of Deeds„/ <br /> 0-0-0_0-0_0-0-0-0-0-.0-Q-0_O-C�-0-0_0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-C3-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0�='�? <br /> +CORPORATION WARRANTY DEED---Vestin� Entirs Title in Survivor <br /> K�TOW ALL MEN HY THESE PRE�ENTB, That arand Island 3afe I3eposit Company, a eorporation vrganized a,nd <br /> ex3stSng under and by virtue of the laws of the 3tate oY Nebraska,, for and in eonsider�.tion of the <br /> sum of One Do11ar and Other Valuable Conaideration - DOLLARS in hand paid does her�by grant, bar�ai�, <br /> sell and convey unto William S. Proudf3t and Beryl J. ProudPit, husband and w�fe, as J�SNT TENANT3, <br /> and not as tenants in common; �he t'o1lQwing described real estate, si�uated in the County oP Hall <br /> and State of Nebraska, to-wit: <br /> Lvt Twenty (20) in Block Eleven (11) in Ashton P1ace, an Addition to the City oP (�rand <br /> I�land, Nebraska, <br /> IT HEING THE INTENTTON OF ALL PARTIES HERET�, THAT I�1 THE EVEN2 OF THE DEATH OF EITHER OF SAID <br /> GRANTEE3, THE ENTIRE FEE SIMFLE TITLE TO THE REAL ESTATE DESCRIBED HEREIIJ SHALL VEST IN THE StIR- <br /> VIVZNG GRANTEE. <br /> T� HAVE AND TO HOLD the a.bove deseribed premises, with the aforesaid appurtenanees, unto the <br /> said grantees as JOSNT TENANTS, and not as tenants 3.n common, and to their assigna, or to the heirs <br /> and aesigns of the survSvor of them, forever, and the �rantor herein, Por i�self and its sucQessors <br /> does covenant v�ith the grantees n�med herein and with their assigns and with �he heirs and assigns <br /> of the survivor oP them that it ia la�rPuliy seized oP said premises; that they are free from enevtm- <br /> brance x x and that said gra.ntor ha8 good �itle to a.nd good right and lawPul authority to eonvsy <br /> the same and it does hereby co�enant �a warrant and f'orever defend said premises un�o the granteea <br /> named herein and unto their as�igns and unto the heira and asaigns of the survlvor of them, forever, <br /> a�ainst the lawful claims of a11 perBOns whomaoe'�er, exeluding the exceptions named hereirt. <br /> TN WITNE�S WHEREOF thE said grantor has cau+�ed th3s instrument to be executed by its preaSder�t <br /> and i�s corporat� seal to be affixed hereto. <br /> I Signed this 16th day of September A. D. 19�j0 <br /> In the Presence of ( . . . amps) (COAP) QRAND I�LAND SAFE DEPOSIT COI�PANY <br /> Berniae Stuart (Caneelled ) (SEAL) A Corporation <br /> By 0. A. Heltz�r President <br /> , Attes 3ecretary <br /> STATE OF NEBRASKA ) <br /> ) ss. �n this 16th day of September 1950, before me, �he underaigned, a �totary <br /> Ha11 County ) Public in a.nd for said County, personally came 0. A. Be1��er, Presider�t of <br /> the Grand Island Safe Depos3.t Company to m� personally known to be the <br /> President and the person whose name is affixed to the above eonv�yanee, and acknowledged <br /> the executlon thereof �o be his voiuh�ary act and deed as �uch oFPicer and the voluntary act and <br /> deed of the said Grand Island Safe Deposit Company, and that the Corpc�rate seal ot the said Grand <br /> I81and Safe Deposit Company wae thereto aPfl.xed by its authorlty. <br /> Witneee my hand and Notarial Seal a'� (�rand Ieland, ATebraska in said eounty th e day and year las� <br /> above written. <br /> (��') BerniQe S�uart <br /> My Commisslon expires the 22nd day ot' April 1955• oN�ary�iu '�''.�c: <br /> F11ed for recvrd this 19 d.ay of September 1950, at 9 o'clock A.M. /� <br /> �,. �/��. <br /> eg s er o se s <br /> o-o-o-o-ao-o_o.-o-o_a-o-o-o_o_o-o_o_o-o�o-o-o-o-o-o_o-o-o-o-o_o_o_o_o-o-o_o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o - <br /> , <br />