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_ <br /> �F�� � ! <br /> DEED R.ECOI�.D NO. 96 � <br /> 92E41�7XlAU6USTINECO.GRANDISL�ND.NLBR. � � <br /> Given under my nand and official seal this 15 day of Sept, A. D. , 1950. <br /> ( TREASURER� S) � . Pea,rl D. Wi11�s <br /> ( SEAL) Hall oun <br /> y Tresurer <br /> SiATE OF NEBRASKA ) <br /> ) SS. On this 15tn c�ay of September, A. D. , 1950, before me a Notary Public <br /> HALL COUNTY ) in and f.or county, personally appeared the above-named Pearl D. <br /> �,tTillis, treasurer of said county, personally known to me to be the <br /> treasurer of said county, at t'rie date of t:�e execution of the foregoing conveyar.ce, and to be the <br /> identical person whose name is affixed to, and who executed sa�.d conveyance as treasurer of said <br /> county, and acknot�rledged the execution of the same to be his volunt�ry act �_nd deed a.s treasurer <br /> of' said county, for tile ��ur7�oses there3.n expressed. <br /> Witness my hand and o�'ficial seal the day and year last above written. <br /> (SEAL) James I. S_h_a�m_b_e�r , <br /> Notary Public <br /> My commission e�p�-res Sept 3, 1954. <br /> AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION <br /> Notice of Application for Tax Deed . <br /> T0: EMILY DENNON, also l�nown as EP�ITLY ��t. DENNON GRIFFIN, and all persons having any in�erest in <br /> and to Lot One (1) , Llock Fifteen (15) and Lot Six (6) , Block Nine (9) in ?•�Test Park Addition to the <br /> City of G-rand Zsland, Hall County, Nebraska, real and true names unknown. <br /> You are hereby notified tnat the County of Hall purchased Lot One (I) , 3lock F�.fteen (15) , and <br /> Lo� Six (6) , Block '�?ine (9) , in d�lest Park Addition to the City of Grand Tsland, Hall County, <br /> Nebraska, on May 20, 1��-�, a.t nr�.vate tax saZe and was i�sued tax sale certificate No. 1335, which <br /> includes a11 taxes and lnterest on the said Lot Six (6) , Block Nine (9) , West Park Addition to the <br /> City of Grand Island, Hall County, Nebraska, for the years 1943 through 19�6, inclusive, and tax <br /> sale certifica�e T�1o. 13-27, which includes all taxes and interest on Lot One (1) , Block Fifteen (15) , <br /> West Park Addition to trie City of CFrand Island, Hall County, Nebraska, for the years zg�+3 through <br /> Zg46, inclusive. ��de purchased assignments of�he said tax sale ce-rtificates from the County of � <br /> Ha11 on May 20, 19�-�. The said Lots are assessed and taxed in the r.ame of Emily Dennon and are <br /> recor�ed in the n�me of Emily Dennon 3.n the off'�.ce of the Register of Deeds. Diligent inquiry has <br /> been made and the said Emily Dennon has not been found in Hall County, Nebraska. `^?e hav� been in <br /> posse�sion of the Lots for the past six years. <br /> Your time of redemption will expire when the tax deec�s are issued. We will apply fo3r the said <br /> tax deeds on the 15t�i c�ay cf �eptember, 19�0. . <br /> Dated �his 2�-th dav of r�Iay, 1950. <br /> JOHN LTLIENTHAL, <br /> ANNA LILIENTHAL, <br /> By James I. Shamberg, <br /> The�.r attorney. 26-2-9 <br /> THE STATE OF NEBRASKA ) <br /> ) ss. F. H. Vandegr3ft, being first duly sworn on his oath, deposes and <br /> HALL COUNTY ) 5ays that he is the General T�Ianager of The Grand Tsland Independent <br /> Publishing Company, of Granr� IsZand, a corporation, publisher of The <br /> Grand Island Daily Independent, a riewsna.per printed and published a,t Grand Island, in Hall County, <br /> Nebraska, and of general circulation in Hall County, Nebraska, and as such officer has char e of <br /> g <br /> the reeords and files of said company, and affiant knows of nis own personal knowledge that said <br /> newsp�per has a bona fide circulation of more than 500 copies of each issue, has been published at <br /> Grand Tsland, Nebraska for more than 2 weeks su c ss3.v <br /> , c e eI rior to the firs <br /> 5 t ub i <br /> Y P I cation of th <br /> p e <br /> annexed printed notice, and is a legal newapaper under tne status of the State of Nebraska; that the <br /> annexed rinted not�.ce ti��as ubZished in s id n ws <br /> P a e a er for Thr w ks t <br /> I� p p ee es he ublieation b <br /> , p eing on <br /> Friday the 26th day of I�Iay, 1950, an� subsequent publications being on Friday the 2nd day of June, <br /> 1950 9th day of June, 1950 <br /> � F. H. Vande rift <br /> g <br /> Subscribed in my z�resence and sworn to before me this lOth day of June, z95o� <br />� (S�AL) Mar�;uerite E. Me�Yer <br /> My commission expires May 10, �95�+. Notary�ublic <br /> Fees, ?�14. 56 . <br /> PJOTICE OF APPLICATION FOR TAX DEED <br /> T0: EMILY DENI�TON, also known as EMTLY W. DEIVNON GR2FFIN, and all persons having any interest in <br /> and to Lot One (1) , Block Fifteen ti5) and Lot Six (6) , Block Nine t9) in Wes� Park Addition to the <br /> City of Grand Island, Hal1 County, Nebraska, real and true names unknown. <br /> You are hereby notified that the County of Hall �urchased Lot On� (1) , E1ock Fif�een ( i5) , and <br /> Lot Six (6) , Block Nine (9 ), in West Park Addition to the City of Grand Island, H�,11 Co�3ty, <br /> Nebraska, on May 20, 19��, at private tax sale and was issued tax sale certificate No. j5, which <br /> includes all taxes and intere�t on the said Lot Six (6) , Bloek Nine ( 9), ?nlest Park Addition to the <br /> City of Grand Island, Ha11 County, Nebraska, for the years 1943 through 1946, inclusive, and tax <br /> sale certificate ��10. 1327, which includes all tax�s and interest on Lot One (1) , Block Fifteen (15) , <br /> West Park Addition to the City of Grand Island, Ha11 County, Nebraska, for the years 19�3 through <br /> 19�+6, inclusive. r�le purchased assignments of the said tax sale certificates from the County of <br /> Hall on May 20, 194£�. The said Lots are assessed and ta,xed in the name of Emily Dennon and are <br /> record�d in the name of Emily Dennon in the offi ce of the Register of Deeds. Diligen� inquiry has <br /> been m�de and the said Emi1y Dennon nas not been found in Ha11 Coun-ty, Nebraska. Ynle have been in <br /> possession of the saic� Lots for the past six years. <br /> Your time of redemption w�ll expire when the tax deeds are 3.ssued. We will apply for the said <br /> tax deeds on the l�tn day of September, 1Q50. <br /> Dated this 2�-th day of T•Zay, 195a. JOHN LILTEIVTHAL <br /> AN'iJA LILIENTHAL <br /> By James I. Shamberg. <br /> T eir Attorney <br />