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���� <br /> DE�D RECORD NO. 96 <br /> _ 32841-KHEAU6U371NECO.GRANDISLAND,NEBR. <br /> STATE OF Nebraska ) <br /> )ss. �n thia l�th day of September, A. D. , 1950, bef ore me, the undersigned <br /> Hall �ounty ) Ar�4�ur C . Mayer a Notary Public, duly commissioned and qualified f or <br /> and residing in said coun�y, personally came Herbert F. Mayer ancl <br /> Linda Mayer, husband and Vrif e to me known to be the identical persona whose na,mes are affixed �o <br /> �he f or�going instrument as grantors and acknowledged the same to be their voluntary act and deed. <br />' Witness my hand and Notarial Sea1 the day and year last above wri�ten. <br /> (SEAL) Arthur C. Ma,y,er <br /> My Commission expirea th� �}th day of FEbruary, 195�• Notary Public. <br /> Filed f or record this 14� day of Sept�mb�r, 1950, at 2;30 o� clock P.M. <br /> �c�%_����� <br /> REGISTER OF DEEDS � <br /> o-o-o-o-a-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o--o-o-o-o-o-a-o-o-o-o-o-o-a-o-a-o-a-o-o-a-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o- <br /> QUIT CLAIM DEED <br /> THIS INDENTURE, Made this 3rd day of Jan�iary, in the year one thousand nine hundred and fifty, <br /> between D. I. Painter and Grace Painter, Husband and V1ife, each in his and her own right and as <br /> husband and wife, of the first par�, and Phil V.Pa;i.mter an�: Margu�ri:tea�����na�rt�����n� t r�a ��� <br /> ��'ZTNESSETH, �hat the said party of ,the first part, in conaideration of e sum f a d 1�O�Y�� <br /> to us duly paid, the reeeipt whereof is hereby acknowledged remised, released, and quit-claimed, <br /> and by these presents do we f or oura�lv�s heirs, executors and administrators, remiae, release <br /> a,nd f orever qui�-c1.a3.m and convey unto the said party of the second part, and to hia heirs and <br /> assigns f orever, all our right, t�.t1e, int�rest, eatate our cla�m and demand, both at law and in <br /> equity, of, in and �o a11 <br /> A PART OF THE NORTHEAST QUARTER OF THE NORTHEAST aUARTER (NE� NE�) OF SECTION THIRTY-THREE <br /> (33) , IN TOWNSHIP ELEVEN (11) , NORTH RANGE NINE (9) WEST OF THE 6th P.M. ,. MORE PARTICULARLY <br /> DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS, TO��°TIT; COMMENCSNG AT T�iE NORTHEAST CORNER OF THE NORTHEAST QUARTERs_____ <br /> (NE�); '...:. OF SAID SECTION, THENCE RUNNZNG zi�TEST PARALLEL WITH THE NORTH SECTION LINE OF SAID <br /> SECTIUiV A DISTANCE OF THREE HUNDRED SEVENTY THREE ���3 ; Ft) THENCE RUNNING SOUTH PARALLEL <br /> WTTH THE EAI�T LTNE OF SAID SECTION A UISTANCE OF TWO HUNDRED THIRTY THREE AND SEVEN �N�A� :. <br /> �233•7) FEET, THENCE RUNNING EAST PARALLEL WITH THENORTH SECTION LINE. A DISTANCE OF THREE <br /> HUNDRED SEVENTY THREE FEET (373 Ft) FEET AND THENCE RUNNING NORTH A DISTANCE OF TWO HUND�= <br /> �Il THIRTY THREE AND SEVEN TENTHS _�2����FEET TO T�E P���TO�FBF�C��N���i�� OF ETTHER OF SAID <br /> I� F3EING THE INTENTION OF ALL PARTIES t� , THAT IN •1•HE A <br /> ��Cr�„AN'T�E� .•.THE .�ATTzF� F�F. S��iPL� '�ITS..,�: �'p._THF HEAL. E�TATE H�REIN D�S.CRIBED, SHALL VEST IN THE SUR- <br /> ��V� G G�.A L:._ ' ' _ `_ ' <br /> oge�her wi� al.l and -s3.n ular the � herec�itaments- thereunto belonging. <br /> � Pa�n��r��������rT�����Da��e above deseribed premiaes unto the said Phi1 �'. Painter �.rid Mar�uer��.e W. <br /> /ass gns; so a ne er we the said grantors, nor any person in our name and behalf, shall or <br /> will her�after claim or demand any right or title to the said premises or any part thereof, but ' <br /> - '�hey and every one of them shall b�r these presents be excluded and forever barred. <br /> � IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the said parti�s of the first part have hereunto set their hands and <br /> seals the day and year above written. <br /> Signed, sealed and delivered in presence of D. I. Painter <br /> L1oyd ti'�. Kelly Grace L. Pain�er <br /> STATE OF NEBRASKA ) <br /> )SS. On this 3rd day of January, A. D. , 1950, before m�, the underaigned <br /> HALL County ) L1oyd W. Kelly a Notary Public, duly commissioned and qualif ied f or <br /> and residing in said county, personally came D. I. Painter and Grace <br /> Pa�.nter to me known to be the iden'�ical persons whose names affixed to tne foregoing instrument <br /> as gran�ors and acknowledged �he �ame to be �heir voluntary aet and deed. <br /> Witness my hand and Notaria]. Seal the day and year last above written. <br /> Lloyd W. Kelly <br /> (SEAL) Notary Public. <br /> My commiss3.on expires the 27th day of Oetober, 19.�1 <br /> Filed for record this 1� day of September, 1950, at 3:15 o� clock P.M. <br /> �G����� ��"-��,.z� <br /> ` REGISTER OF DEEDS � <br /> o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-a-o-a-a-o-o-o-o_o-o-o-o-o--o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-a-o-o-o-o-c-o-o-o-o-o <br /> TREASUREH' S TAX DEED, ETC. <br /> KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: � ` <br /> That wherPas, at a private sale of real estate for the nonpayment of taxes, made in the <br /> Co,znty of Hall on the 20th day of May, 19�-�, the fol_loVring described real estate situated in said <br /> county: . <br /> Lot One (1) Block Fifteen (15) and Lot Six (6) Block Nine (9) , in T�lest Park Addition to <br /> the City of Grand Island, Hall Coun�y, Nebraska, <br /> was sold to County of Ha11, Nebr�,ska, for the delinquent taxes of the years 19�F3 throuoh 19�+6, <br /> inclusive; on the 20th day of May, 194�, all right, title, and interest in and to the aforementioned <br /> properties was assigned, conveyed and sold to John Lilienthal and Anna Lilienthal and, s��'nereas, the <br /> same not havin� been redeemed from such sale, and it appearing tnat the holders of the certificates <br /> of purchase of said real estate have complied with the laws of the State of Nebraska, necessary to <br /> entitle the sai�. John Lilienthal and Anna Li�ienthal to a deed of said real estate, Now, Therefore, <br /> I, county treasurer oi �he County of Hall, in consideration of the premises, and by virtue oP the <br /> statutes of the State of Nebras'_�a in such cases made and provided, do hereby grant and convey unto <br /> John Lilienthal and Anna Lilienthal, his ti,rife, a.s ,joint tenants and not as tenants in common, with <br /> right of gurvivorsh3.p, their heirs and assigns , forever, the said real estate hereinbefore described, <br /> sub3ect, however, ta any redemption provided by law. <br /> Zt being the intention of all parties hereto, that in tne event of the death of either -of said <br /> grantees, the entire fee simple title to the real esta_te described herein shall vest in the sur� <br /> viving grantee. <br />