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. ���� . i <br /> D�ED RECOI�.D NO. 96 !, <br /> 92841�iHC�U6U571XHC0.6RANDISLANO.HEBR. ' <br /> WITNESS my hand and official seal the day and year above written. <br /> ( SEAL) M. E• Moses <br /> L OF THE IS CT COUR <br /> Filed for recor d this l; day of September, 1950 a� 2:45 o 'clock P.M. <br /> . ���.'.IQ7L . <br /> Reu� s er of Deed�,�` <br /> � 0-0-��-0-0-��_n_C;_�?_�_n_;_n_0-,n-0-0-J-0-0-0_0-0-0-0-C�-0-C-�J-0-�-0-0-0-C-0-0-G-0-0-0-0-�;-0-0-0-0-0-0-0 <br /> WARRANTY DEED. (For Corporation) . <br /> THTS INDENTURE, P�Iade this 2�th day of June A. D. 1949, between CHTCAGO, BURLINGTON & QUTNCY RAILROAD <br /> COMPANY a corporation orManiz.ed and existin� under and by virtue of the laws of the St�.te of Illinois, <br /> party of the first t�art, and GEOR(�E AUGUST MSLLER or ROBERT BRYANT 1dILLER, or the survivor thereof, <br /> as ,joint tsnan�s of the County of Hall, and State of I�Tebraska, parties of the second part, WTTNESSETH, <br /> Th�.t the said party of t'r�e first part, for and in consideration of the sum of Twelve Hundred Forty- <br /> three ancl No/100 ( �12�-3.00)- - - - - DOLLARS, in hand paid, receipt ti,rhereo�' is hereby acknowled�ed, <br /> has sold and by these pre5ents does r�runt, convey anc: confirm unto the said parties of the second <br /> part, the follow3.n� described premises, situated in Ha11 County, and State of Nebraska, to-witt <br /> All of �hat part of Lots Five ( 5) and Six (6) , B1ock F3.fty {50, Ori�inal Town of t�rand Island, <br />�� 1.yin� Southerly of a line Ten (10) Feet narmally a.nd radia.11y distant Southerly of the centerline <br /> I of the most Southerly track of the Chicac�o, Burlin�ton & Quincy Railroad Company as it crosses in <br /> an Easterly and UTesterly direction, said Lots Fiv� (5) and Six (6) , containinm F�fty-six Hundred <br />� ' Fifty ( 5650) Square Feet, more or less. <br /> TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the premises above described, tomether with all the Tenemen�ts, Hereditaments <br /> and Appurtenances thereunto belonMin� unto the said �eorme Auaust Miller or Robert Bryant Miller, <br /> or the survivor �hereof, �.s ,joint tenants. And the said Chicac�o, Burlin�ton & Quincy Ra�.lroad <br /> Company for itself or its successors, does hereby covenant and a�ree to and with the said �artiQs <br /> of the second p�,rt and tneir heirs and ass�.�ns, that at the �ime of the execution and del3.very of <br /> these presents it is lawfull� seiZed of said premises; that it has �ood ri�ht and la,wful authority <br /> to convey the same; th�,t they are fr�ee from er�cumbrance and does hereby covenan'� to wa,rrant and <br /> defend �he said premises ao�ainst the lawwful claims o�' all persons whomsoever. <br /> IN a�TITNESS ti+THEREOF, said Chica�o, Burlin��on & Qu3.ncy Railroad Comp�,ny. has caused these presents <br /> to be simned b;� its Vice President and A�s' t. Secretary, and its corporate seal to be hereunto <br /> affixed, this 2�th da�T of June Zg49. <br /> IN PPESENCE OF ( l. 5 .�.. S amps) (CORP) CHICAC�O, BURLINGTON & QUTNCY RAILROAD COMPANY <br /> G. F. Graham. ( Cancelled ) (SEAL) By J. C. James Vice President. <br /> Attes : A. D. 24eLane Ass �t Secretary. <br /> STATE OF I1linois ) <br /> � ss. On this 2�th day of June A.D. , �.9�+9 before me, a Notary Publ3.c duly <br /> County af Cook ) conm�ssioned and qualified in and for said County, personally came the <br /> above named J. C. James, Vice President, and A. D. McLane, Assistant <br /> Secretary of Chica^�o, BurZ3.n�ton & Quincy Railroad Company who are personally known to me to be <br /> the iden'Gical persons whose names are affixed to the above Deed as Vice President and Ass � t <br /> Secretary of said corporation, and they acknowledmed the instrumen'� to be their voluntary act and <br />' <br /> deed, and the voluntary act ��,na deed of said cor�ora�3.on. <br /> ?r1ITNESS my hand and official seal, at Chica�o in saic� county, the date aforesaid. <br /> (S�L� Rudolph Harrer, Jr. <br /> � Notary Public. <br /> My Commission Expires Febru�.ry 2�, 1�50 <br /> APPROVED <br />,� As to F�'orm R.C.Tublea�e Law Dept. As To DESCription C.C'.Robne'�t •En�ineering Dep'G. <br />� As To Property xnterests J.W.Kil2ey Land Dept. . As To Audi� A.�.Lav3.d�e A�dit�ing..,__�� <br />� ��1ed for r e rcj� th�.s I day of Se_ptemb�r 19�0, at �:30 0'eloek P.M. ep Re�ister of Dee s/� <br /> -Q-0-0-G_�j-�J-��-0-0-0�-0=0-0-0-CT 0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-Q-0-0-0-G-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-G-0-0-0_0-0 <br />� �UIT CLAIM DEED <br /> TFiIS INDENTURE, Made this 12th day of September, in the year one thousand nine hundred and fifty, <br /> between Herbert F. Mayer and Linda Mayer, husband and wife of the �'irs'� part, and County of Ha11, <br /> State of Nebraska of the second part, <br /> WITNESSETH, that tne said parties of the first part, in eonsiderat�.on of the swn of One Do31ar <br /> to them duly paid, tne receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged have r�mised, released, and quit- <br /> elaimed, and by these presen�s do for �hemselves and their heirs, executors and administra�ors, _ <br /> remise, release and forever qu�t-claim and convey unto the sa3.d party of the se�ond. part, and .to <br /> i�s assigns f orEVer, all th�ir right, titl�, interest, estate, claim and demand, both at 1aw <br /> and in equity, of, in and �o all <br /> Lots 3 and �, Block 14�, in Bogg' s and Hil1' s Addition to �he City of Grand Tsland Ha11 <br /> County, Nebraska <br /> Tog�'ther with all and singular the h�r�d�.tamentg �hereun�o belong3ng. � <br /> TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the above described premi�es unto the said County of Hall, Sta�e of <br /> Nebraska and assigns; so that neither they the said Herbert F. Mayer and Linda Mayer, husband <br /> and wife, nor any persc�n in their and behalf, shall or will hereaf��r elaim or demand any <br /> right or titze to the said premises or any part thereof, but they and every one of them shall by <br /> these presents be excluded and f orever barr�d. <br /> IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the said par�ies of tne first pa.rt have hereunto se'� their hand and �eals <br /> the day and year above written. <br /> Herbert F. Mayer� <br /> Signed, aealed and delivered in presence of ----- <br /> _--_� Linda Mayer <br /> Arthur C, Mayer � <br /> i <br />