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i <br /> ���� <br /> DE�D RECORD NO. 96 <br />� 92841-'►NlAU6USTINECO.GRAN�ISLAND.NEYR. � . � - <br /> Ii� t�ITNESS �+1HrRE0F, the said parties of the first part have hereunto set their h�.nds and seals <br /> the day and year above �mitten. <br /> Au�ust 31-1950 El1a Hehnke <br /> Ella e nke <br /> John Hehnke <br /> ohn Hehnk�� <br /> I, Geor�e F. Rief <br /> j (�eor�e e�' <br />'i Anna Rief <br /> Anna Rief <br /> Herman Rief <br /> erman Rief <br />� Minnie Rief <br /> I nne _ e <br />� Fred Rief <br />� Fred R e <br /> Rosa Rief <br /> . Rosa Rief <br /> Yolanda Rauert <br /> Yolanda Rauert <br /> -2- Lue11a Rauert �hofstall <br /> Lue11a Rauert Shofstall <br /> (formerly Lue11.a Rauert) <br /> Richard Shofstall <br /> Ri chard Shof s ta,11 <br /> STATE OF NEBRASKA, ) <br /> ) ss. On this 31 day of Au�ust, 1950, be�'ore the undersi�n�d, a notary public, <br /> COUNTY OF HALL. ) duly commissioned and qualified for and residin� in said county, personally <br /> car�e �'lla Hehnke and John Hehnke, ?aife and husband, and (�eorme Rief and <br /> Ann�. RieF, husband and wife, to me known to be the identical ue.rsons whose narnes are affixed to the <br /> for�moin� instrument as mrantors, and severally acknowleds�ed �he same to be the3.r voluntar y act and <br /> deed. <br /> t�TITA?ESS my hand and notarial seal the day and year last above written. <br /> (SEAL) Gdm Suhr <br /> Pdy commission expires My Comm3.ssion Expires.Feb. 17, 1g51 o ary u c. <br /> STATE OF tiATYOMING, ) <br /> ) ss. On this 2nd day of Au^;ust, �.950, before the undersi�ned, a notary <br /> COTJNTY OF SHERIDAN. ) public, c�uly commissioned and qualified for and residin� in said county, <br /> personally came Herman Rief and Minnie Rie�', husb�.nd and wife, to me <br /> :x.nown to be the identical persons Tahose names are affixed to the foreaoin� instrument as �rantors, <br />'� and severally acknattiTledmed the same to be their volunt�ry act and deed. <br /> I� G�IITNESS m hand �nd notarial seal the da and <br /> y y year last above wr�.tten. <br /> I (SEAL� R. H. Zulli,� <br /> Notary Pu lic. <br /> My commission expires JAnuary 2, 1�5� <br />� STATE OF CALIFORNIA, ) <br />� CITY AND COUNTY OF ) ss. On this 2�tn day of July, �950, before the undersirnned, � notary <br /> i LOS ANGELFS. ) public, duly commissioned and aualified for and residin� in said <br /> county, pe-rsonally came Fred Rief and Rosa Rief, husband and wife, to <br />� me known to be the identical persons whose names are �.ffixed to the fore�oina� instrument as �rantors, <br /> and severally a:cknowled�ed the same to be the3.r voluntary act and deed. <br />� WITNESS m hand an�� notarial seal the da and <br /> y y year last above written. <br /> ( SEAL} S. A. Stodder Jr. <br />� My commission expires T'1y Commission Expires Nov. Z6, 1953 Notary Public. <br /> . <br /> -�-STATE OF MISSOURI, ) <br /> ) ss. On this 12 day of Au�ust, 1950, before the undersi�ned, a notary public, <br /> CITY 0�' ST. LOUIS. ) duly commissioned and qualified for and residin� in said county, personally <br /> came Yolanda Rauert, a sinale woman, to me known to be the �.dentical per- <br /> son whose name is �,ffixed to the fore�oin� ins�rument as �rantor, and acknowled�ed the same �o be her <br /> voluntary act �.nd deed. <br /> '�IITNESS my hand and nota.rial 5e�.1 the day and year last above written. <br /> ( SEAI,) T. M. '��ehk�n� � <br /> My commission ex�ires 11/1��50. o ary u Z c. <br /> STATE OF I�7ISSOURI, ) <br /> ) ss. On th� 12 day of Aumust, 7.950, before the undersi�ned, a notary public, <br /> CITY OF ST. LOUIS. ) duly commis5ioned and qualified for �nd residin� in said county, personally <br /> came Luella Ra.ueru Shofsta11, formerly Luella Rauert, and R�chard Shofstall, <br /> wife and husband, to me kr.own to be the identical persons°�Those names are affixed to the f'oremoina <br /> instrument as mrantors, and severally acknowled�ed the same to be �heir voluntary act and deed. <br /> WTTTdESS my hand and notarial seal the day and year Iast above ti•aritten. <br /> (��,�,) T. M. Wehkin� <br /> Notary Public. <br /> My commission ex?�ires I1-1�-50. - <br /> Filed for record 12 day of September �.9�0, at 10:20 o ' c�ock A.M. <br /> ���� <br /> e� s er o �, e e o 0-0 <br /> �-U-�-0-0-0-'�-0-0-:`-'J-0-'�-'�-'��-O-�-0-0-0-0-0-0-J-^v-0-'J-�-`i-J-O-C?-''�-0-0-`�`�-0-U-0-0-'7-0-0-0-'ti�_ <br />