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- - - - � <br /> I <br /> i d' )[ �+�� <br /> DEED RECORD NO. 96 <br /> II32841-7XEAUGUSTINECO.GRANOISLAND,NEBR. <br /> STATE OF WYOMIN�, } <br /> } ss. On this 2nd day of Au^�ust, 1950, before the undersi�ned, a notary public, <br /> SHERIDAN COUNTY. ) duly commissioned and qualified for and residin� in said county, peraonally <br /> came Herman Rief and Minnie Rief, husband and wife, to me knot�rn to be the <br /> identical. persons whose names are affixed to the fore�oinr� instrument as n�rantors, and severally <br /> acknowled�-ed the same to be their voluntar act and deed. <br /> Y <br /> GTITNESS my hand and notarial seal the day and year last above written. <br /> (5�,� Herbert E. Zullicr <br />� Notary Public. <br /> My cammission e�ires June �-1952 <br /> STATE OF CALIFORNIA, ) <br /> CITY AND COUNTY OF ) ss. On this 2�th day of July, 1950, before the undersi�ned, a notary <br /> LOS AN�ELES. ) public, duly commissioned and qualified for and residin� in said <br /> county, personally came Fred Rief and Rosa Rief, husband and wife, <br /> to me known �o be the 3.c�entical persons whose names are affixed to the fore�oin� instrument as <br /> �rrantors, and severally acknowled�ed �he same to be their voluntary act and deed. <br /> WITNESS my hand and notarial seal the day and year last �bove written. <br /> (SEAL) S. A. Stodder Jr. <br /> My commission expires My Commiss�on Expires Nov. 16, 1953 otary u c. <br /> STATE OF MISSOURI, ) _3_ <br /> ) ss. On this 12 day of Aua�ust, 19�0, before the undersi�ned, a notary <br /> CITY OF ST. LOUI5. ) public, duly commissioned and qualified for and residina� in said <br /> county, personally came Yolanda Rauert, a sinr�le woman, to me known <br /> to be the identical person whose name is affixed to the fore�o�ns� instrument as o�rantor, and ac- <br /> knowled�ed the same to be ner voluntary act and deed. <br /> WITNESS my hand and seal. the day and year last above wri�ten. <br /> ( SEAL) T. M. Wehkin�r <br /> No ary ubl e. <br /> My commission expires 11-1�-50. <br /> STATF OF MISSOURI, ) <br /> ) ss. On this 12 day of Au�ust, i95o, before the unclersi�ned, a nota.ry public, <br /> CITY QF ST. LOUIS ) duly commissioned and qualifiec3 for and residin� in said county, persona,lly <br /> came Luella Rauert Shofstall (formerly Luella Rauert) and Richard <br /> Shofstal,l, wife a.nd husband, to me knawn to be �he identical persons whose names are affix�d to the <br /> fore�oin� instrument as �rantors, and severally acknawledr�ed the same to be their voluntary act and <br /> deed. <br /> ti�1ITNESS my hand and notarial seal the day and year 1.ast above written. <br /> � SEAL�) T. M. Wehkin� . <br /> otary ublic. <br /> My commission e�ires 11-1�-50. <br /> STATE OF NEBAASKA, ) <br /> COUNTY OF HALL. ) ss. On tnis 31 day of Au�ust, 1950, before the undersi�ned, a notary <br /> public, duly comm�ssioned and qualified for and residin� in said county, <br /> personally came ^�eor�e Rief and Anna Rief, husband and wiPe, to me known to be the identical per�ons <br /> whose names are affixed to the fore�oinm instrument as s�rantors, and severally acknowledr�ed same to <br />' be their voluntary act and deed. <br /> ?�1TTNESS my hand and no�arial seal the day and year last above written. <br /> ��E�'� Wm Suhr <br /> My commis5ion expires . Notary ubl c. <br /> 1�y Commission Expires Feb. 17, 1951 <br /> Filed for record �his 12 day of September 1950, at 10:20 o 'clock A.M. <br /> � <br /> Rer� ster of Deed�✓ <br /> 0-0-�-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-.0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-�-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-::�-0-0-�-��-0-��-0-0-0-0-0-0 <br /> QUIT-CLAIM DEED <br /> ti^IHEREAS, in the last will and testament of Juer�en Rief, deceased, there was c�evised to Geor�e <br /> Rief, et als, the northeast quarter of the northwest quarter of Section Three (3) in Township Ten <br /> ' (10) North of Ran�e Nine ( 9) ?��Jest of 6th P.M. , in �°lashin�ton Township, Hall� County, Nebraska, to- <br /> �ether ti,rith other lands, that said description is erroneoug, that said Juer�en Rief never owned <br /> said land, and all of the undersi�ned hereby disclaim any ri�ht, title, or interest in said land, <br /> and <br /> WHEREAS, it was the intention of said Juerr�en Rief to devise to said C�eor�e Rief, et als, the <br /> northwest quarter of the northeast quart�r of Sect�.on 3, Township 10, North of Ran�e 9 West of 6th <br /> P.M. , in Washino�ton Township, Hal1 County, ?�ebrask�,, with other land, to constitute the farm now <br /> occupied by the said C3-eor�e Rief, the title to which was in the name of Juer�en Rief at the time of <br /> his death, <br />� NOW, THEREPORE, in consideration of One Dollar (�1. 00) and to correct the description of said <br /> 1and, the undersir�ned by these presents do for themselves and their heirs, executors and administra- <br /> tors, remise, release and forever quitclaim and convey unto the said C}eor�e Rief, without power in <br /> him to, in any manner, se1.l, alienate or incumber the same, the northwest quarter of the northeast <br /> quarter of Section Three (3) �n Township Ten (10) North of Ran�e Nine (9) West of 6th P.M. , in <br /> 1�Jashin,�ton Township, in Hall County, st�,te of Nebraska, and the remains, after the death of' sa,�.d <br /> GeorMe Rief, son of Juermen Rief, deceased, to the children of said �eorMe Rief livinm at the time <br /> of his death, sh<�.re anc� share alike, and provided further that said real estate shall not be sub- <br /> ,�ect to execution, attachment or levy for any debts of said ueorMe Rief. <br /> I� To�ether wi�h all and sin�*ular the hereditaments thereunto belonr�in�. <br /> TO HAVE A�1D TO HOLD the above described premises unto the said Georme Rief, et als, as above <br /> s t f r <br /> ,.. <br /> e o th s o that h <br /> , �8i � er the said �rantors, nor any person in their names and behalf, shall or <br /> will hereafter c1.aim or d man � - <br /> e d an ri ht r <br /> IC and v e y o ��tle to the said premises or any part '�hereof, but they <br /> I . <br /> e e y one of them shall by these presents be excludeci and forever barred. <br /> i - - - __ <br />