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�' �-�`�� � <br /> DE�D RECQI�.D NO. 96 <br /> 82641�TNCAU6U6TIN8CO.GRIINGIBL�ND.NEBR, <br /> IN TESTIMONY VdHEREOF, I have as such Sheriff hereuntQ set my hand th�.s 5th day of September, <br /> 1950. � <br /> EXecuted an�. delivered in the presence of E. H. Stobbe I <br /> Therese A. AZuchow S er f g of Hal County, Ne raska. � <br /> STATE OF NEBRASKA ) <br /> ) s5. On this 5th day of September, 1950, before me, M. E. Moses personally ' <br /> County of Hall � appeared the sa�d E. H. Stobbe, as sheriff of said County to me, personally <br /> known to be the identical person who sianed the forec�o3.nsr instrument as <br /> arantor, and acknowled�ed tr.e same to be hig voluntary ae't and deed, as such sheriff, for the uses <br /> and nurposes therein set fortn. <br /> YrTITN::SS my hand_ and official geal the day and year above written. <br /> �S�� M. E. Moses <br /> ER OF E D S C OUR <br /> Filed for record this 11 day of Sept ember, i95o, at � : 50 0 ' clock P.M. ���� G� /) <br /> d���/ <br /> Re�ister oP Deedf��+ <br /> �-�-0-�-�i-�i-�:-'�.�';.�n�U�(1�Q-�-�'��-v-0-n-�-�-�-�-�U_�-�-�-�-�-�-�-�--0-'�-�-O-Q-�-�-Q��-�-�i�-�-7-v-�'��-�+1��� <br /> WARRANTY DEED <br /> KNO��T ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: That Ella Hehnke and John Hehnke, wife and husband, and ,Geor�e Rief <br /> and Anna Rief, husband �,nd t�aife, a11 of Hall County, state of Nebraska; Herman Rief and Minnie Rief, <br /> husband and w�fe, of Sheridan County, state of Wyomina; Fred RieP and Rosa Rief, husband and wife, <br /> of Los An�eles County, state of California; Yolanda Rauert, a sin�le woman, of St.Louis, Missouri; <br /> Luella Rauert Shofstall and Richard Shofstall, tTife and husband, of Jackson County, state of <br /> Missouri; for and in consideration of One Dollar, in hand paid, do hereby s�rant, bar�ain, sell, <br /> convey and confirm unto Ella �. Hehnke, Trustee, of the County of Hall and state of Nebraska, the <br /> followin� described real estat� situated in Hall County and state of Nebraska, to-wit : <br /> Lot Six (6) in Block Sixteen (16) in South C�rand Island, an addition to the c3.ty of Grand <br /> Island, <br /> Lots Six ( 6) and Seven (7 ) and the southeast quarter of the southwest quarter of Section <br /> Ten (10 ) in Township Ten (10) , Ran�-e Nine (� ) td�dest of 6th P.M. , in Hall County, less ris�ht- <br /> of-wa to Hal1 Count , Nebraska. <br /> Y Y <br /> Sa�d mrantee to have �'ull power and authority to sell and convey the above described premises <br /> as such trustee• <br /> TO HAVE AI�TD TO HOLD the nremises above described, too�ether with a11 the Tenements, Heredita- <br /> ments and appurtenances thereunto belon�inr�, un�o the said Ella S. Hehnke, Trustee, and to her <br /> successors and ass�.�ns forever. <br /> And we do hp.reby covenant ��ith said �rantee and with her successors and assi�ns, th at we are <br /> w i s i i s s• th th r n m <br /> la fu11 se zed of a � rem e at e are f ee from e cu branc ' that w h v ' � <br /> y p , Y e, e a e �ood ri. ht and <br /> lawfu� author�.ty to sell the same; and we do hereby covenant to warrant and defend the title to <br /> said premises aaainst the la.ti�rful claims of all persons whomsoever. <br /> And the said �rantors hereby relinquish all their ri�ht, title, and interest in and to th� <br /> above deseribed premises. <br />� Si�ned this ?�. day of Au�ust, i95o. <br />' Ella Hehnke <br /> Ella Hehnke <br /> John Hehnke <br /> o n e n e <br /> Herman Rief <br /> erman e - <br /> Minnie Rief <br /> M nnie R ef <br /> Geor�e Rief <br /> c�-eor�e ef <br /> Anna Rief <br /> Anna Rief <br /> Fred Rief <br /> Fred Rie <br /> Rosa Rief <br /> Rosa Rief <br /> YoZanda Rauert <br /> � Yolanda Rauer� <br /> � Luella Rauert Shofstall <br /> (Luella Rauert Shofs�al <br /> (formerly Lue11a Rauert) <br /> Richard ShoPstall <br /> Richar ofatal <br /> -2-STATE OF NFBR.ASKA, ) <br /> ) ss. On tnis 31 day of Au�ust, 1950, before the undersi�ned, a notary public, <br /> HALL COUNTY. ) duly commissioned and qualified �'or and residin� in said county, personally <br /> came E11a Hehnke and John Hehnke, wife ar�d husband, to me known to be the <br /> identical persons whose names are aff3.xed to the fore�oina� instrument as �rantors, and severally <br /> acknowled�ed the same �o be their volunta.ry act and deed. <br /> WITNESS my hand and not�.rial seal the day and year last above written. <br /> ( SEAL) Wm Suhr <br /> My commission expires M.Y Commission Expires Feb. 17, 195� Notary Public. <br />