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1 )�� <br /> DEED RECOR.D NO. 96 ��� <br /> 32841�THEAUGUSTINECO.GRANDISLAND,NEBR. <br /> �WARR.ANTY DEEA--Corporation <br /> THIS INDENTURE, Made this 2�th day of AUQU�T A•D. , 1950 between NITZEL AND COMPANY, A CORPORATION <br /> a corporation oraanized and existinr� under and by virtue of the laws of the State of NEBRASKA party <br /> I of the first part, and JIM T. CASEY AND RACALLE CASEY, HUSBAND & WIFE, As Joint -Tenants, and not as <br /> tenants in common wi�h full for survivorship of the County of Ha11, and State of Nebraska, <br /> paxties of the second par�, WITNESSETH. That the said party of the first par'� for and in consideration <br /> o� the sum of ONE DOLLAR AND OTHER VALUABLE CONSIDERATION - - - - - DOLLARS .in hand paid, receipt <br />, whereof is hereby acknowleds�ed, has sold and by these presents does �rant, convey and confirm unto <br /> the said parties of the second part, the followina described premises, situated in Hall County, and <br />, State of Nebraska, to-wit : <br /> All oP Lot One Hundred Two (102 ) in West Lawn, an Addition to the City of t�rand Island, <br /> as surveyed, platted and reeorded, Hall County, Nebraska <br /> TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the premises a.bove described, to�ether with all the Tenementa, Hereditaments <br /> and Appurtenances thereunto belon�in� unto the said JIM T. CASEY AND RACALLE CASEY, HUSBAND AND WIFE <br /> And the said NITZEL APJD COMPANY, A CORPORATION for itself or its successors, does hereby <br /> covenant and as�ree ta and wi'Gh the said parties of the second part and heirs and assi�ns, that at <br /> the time of the execution and delivery of these bresents it is lawfully seized of said premises; <br /> that it has r�oad ri�ht and lawful authority to convey the same; that they a,re free from encumbrance <br /> does hereby covenant to warrant and deferld the said premises a�ainst the lawful claims of all persons <br /> whomsoever. <br /> IN WITNESS ��i�EOF, the said NITZEL AND COMPANY, A CORPORATION has hereunto caused its corpora�e <br /> seal �o be affixed and these presents to be si�ned by its PRESIDENT the day and year firs� above <br /> written. <br /> Sianed, sealed and delivered in presence of ( . • . amps) ( CORP) NITZEL AND COMPANY <br /> Howard S. Hinman ( Cancelled ) (SEAL) By J. H. NitZel <br /> resident <br /> STATE OF NEBRASKA ) <br /> ) ss. On this 25th day of Au�ust 1950 before me, the undersi�ned, a Notary Public <br /> HALL County ) in and for said County, personally came J. H. NITZEL, President of �he <br /> NITZEL AND COMPANY, A CORPORATION to me personally known to be the President <br /> and the identical person whose name is affixed to tn.e above conveyance, and acknowled�ed the execution <br /> th�reof to be his voluntary act and deed as such officer and the voluntary act and deed of the said <br /> NITZEL AND COMPANY, A CORPORATION, and that the Corporate seal of the said NITZII, AND COMPANY, A <br /> CORPORATION was thereto affixed by its authority. <br /> Witness my hand and Notarial Seal at arand Island, Nebr in said county the day and year last <br /> above written. <br /> (SEAL) Howard S. Hinman <br /> My Commission expires the 19 day of Dec, �955 Notary Public. <br /> Filed for recor d this � day of September, 195o at 9 o � clock A.M. <br /> Re�* .ster of Dee�ds /✓ <br /> 0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-�J-0-0-0-0-0-0-0_0-C-0-0-0-�-0-0-0_0-Q-0-0-0-0-�-�-0-0-0-0-0-0-�-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0 <br /> SHERIFF'S DEED <br /> KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: <br /> THAT, ��HEREAS, in an action in the Distriet Court of the Eleventh Judicial District of the <br /> State of Nebraska, within and for the County of Hall wherein The County of Hall, State of Nebraska., <br /> is plaintiff an� Ethel Ed�ar Hartwell, and Hart�rell, real and true name unknown, his wife, <br /> e'� al. , are def endants, No. 22, Doc. 1, Pa�e ���39, the plaintiff did on the 3rd day of May 1950, <br /> obtain a decree findin� there to be due from the def endants for aen�ral and special improvement <br /> taxes upon a Certificate of Tax Sale and subsequent taxes, in Cause of Action No. 1, the sum of <br /> �100.61, accruin� interest and costs of the suit, and, whereas, it was then and there further <br />' ordered in the said action that in default of the payment of the sum so found due from the said <br />, def endanta that the Sheriff of said County of Ha11 should cau9e the lands and tenements hereinafter <br /> described to be advertised and sold accordinm to law to��t�""s', and, whereas, default havins� <br /> been made therein, the said Sheriff of sai�uPi"�y'"";under and by v3.rtue of the said decree and the - <br /> order of sale to him duly directed, did, on the 6th day of July, 1950, at the North Front Door of <br /> the Court House in the City of 3-rand Island, in said County of Hall, havinr� first aiven due and <br /> le�al notice of the time and place of said sale for not less than thirty days prior thereto in The <br /> C�rand Tsland Daily Independent, a le�al newspaper, printed and in �eneral circulation in said County <br /> of Hal1, sell. said at public auction to John F. And Pauline Dorszynski, as JOINT TENANTS <br /> ��TITH SURVIVORSHIP AND NOT AS TENANTS IN COMMON; for the sum of Three hundred and fifteen, and <br /> no/100 - - -- - - - Dollars, ( the total accrued costs of suit and sale bein� �107. 56� , which sale <br /> � was afterwards on the 2n d day of Au�rust, 1950, examined and confirmed by the said Court and the said <br /> E. H. Stobbe as such Sheriff, ordered to aonvey the said premises in fee simple to the said John F. <br /> and Pauline Dorszynski <br /> NOW, THEREFORE, I, the said Sheriff of the County of Hall, as aforesaid, in consideration of <br /> the �remises and by virtue of the powers vested in me by law and the decree of said Court, do hereby <br /> aiv�, �rant, and convey to the said John F. and Pau line Dorszynski their heirs and asai�ns, the <br /> premises so as aforesaid sold, to-wit: L'ot One (1) in B1.ock Nin�y-one {91) , in Wheeler & Bennett ' s <br /> Fourth Addition to the City of �rand Island, Hall County, Nebraska, as surveyed, pla�ted, and <br /> recor ded. <br /> with the appurtenances. <br />'' IT BEING THE INTENTION OF ALL PARTIES HERETO, THAT IN THE EVENT OF THE DEATH OF EITHER OF SAID <br />� GRANTEE9, THE ENTIRE FEE STMPLE TITLE TQ THE REAL ESTATE DESCRIBED HEREIN SHALL VEST IN THE SUR- <br /> VIVING GRANTEE. <br /> T� HAVE AND TO HOLD THE SAME unto �he said John F. and Pauline Dorazynski, as JOINT TENANTS <br /> WITH BURV2VORSHIP AND NOT AS TENANTS IN COMMON, and their heirs and assiMns forever. <br />