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���� <br /> DE�D R�CORD NO. 96 <br /> � <br /> 92841�IHlAUGUSTINEC0.6R11NOISL11N0,NEBR. . �' <br /> QUIT CLAIM DEED--Corporation <br /> THIS INDENTURE, Mad� �h3.s 2nd day of September, A. D, 1q50, between Grand Tsland Trus'� <br /> Company, a corporation organized and existing under and by virtue of the laws of the State of <br /> Nebraska par�y of the firs� part, and John H. Ball, and Ha11ie M. Bal1., husband and wifi'�, of <br /> the County of H�.lI. and State of Nebraska parties of the ��cond part <br /> WITNESSETH, tha� the sa�.d part of the first part, for and in consi.deratian of the sum of <br /> One �ollar and O�her Valuable Consideration DOI.LARS in hand paid, r�ce3.p� wher�of is her�by <br /> acknowledged, ha.s sold and by these presents does quit-claim, grant, convey and conf irm unto the <br />' sald parties of the s�eond part, the following descr9.bed premise�, si�uated in fia11 County, <br /> and State of Nebraska, to-wit: <br /> A11 of Lot Seven (7) , zn B�oe� �'ourteen (1�) , 3.n Kernoha,n and De�ker� s Addit3.on ta <br /> - <br /> I' the Ci,ty of Grand Island, Nebraska, <br />�i <br /> TO HAVE AND �'0 HOLD the said pr�mises above described, toge�her with all 'Ghe Tenementg, <br /> Hereditaments and gp�urtenances '�hereun�o belonging un�o th� said Gran�ees <br /> And the said Grantor for itself or its successors, does h�reby agr�e to �.nd with the said <br /> parties of the second part and the3.r h�irs and assigna, tha� neither it nor any person in i�s <br /> nam� and beh�,lf, shall or will h�reaf ter claim or demand any righ� or title to the said premisea <br /> or any part thereof, but they and every one of thEm shall by the se pre aent s be �xal.uded and <br /> f orever barred. <br /> ZN TESTIMONY ti�JHEREOF, th� said Grantor has caused these presents to be exeauted by ite <br /> president and its Corporate Seal to be affixed hereto �his 2nd day of Sep�ember 195� <br /> (CORP) GRAND ISLAND TRUST COMPANY <br /> Zrdi t ne s s (SEAL) <br /> • Bernice Stuart By_ 0. A. Be].tzer, President <br /> A�teSt Ca�hier, Secretary <br /> STATE OF NEBRASKA ) <br /> )SS On this 2nd. day of Septemb�r 19,�0, bef ore me the undersigned, a Notary <br /> Hall County ) Publ.ic in and f or said County, per9onally came 0. A. Bel�zer, Presiden'� <br /> of th� Grand Island Trust Company �o me personally known to be the <br /> President and the identical person whoge name is aff ixed to the above eonveyanc�►, and acknow- <br /> ledged t��e execution th�reof '�o be his voluntary act and deed as such officer and the voluntary <br /> act and deed of the said Grand Isl.and Trus� Company, and tha,t �h� Corporate seal of the said <br /> Grand Tsland Trust Company was thereto affixed by i�s au�hori'�y. <br /> Witness my hand and Notarial Sea1 at Grand Island, Nebraska in said coun�y �he day and <br /> year last above wri�ten. <br /> (SEAL) Bernice Stuart <br /> My commiesion expires the 22nd day �f Apri1 195,5 Notary Publ�:e <br /> Fi1ed for record �his '� day of Sep�smber, 19.�0 at 1:1,� o� clock P.M. <br /> GR�_____��� <br /> OF DEEDS <br /> 0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-Q-0-0-0-0-0-�-0--0- :=-0-0-�-Q-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0� <br /> � UdARRANTY DEED--Corporation <br /> THIS IN�JEVTURE, Made this 2nd day of SEPTEM3ER A.D. , 1950 between NITZEL AND COMPANY, A <br /> CORPORATION a corpor�,tion or�anized and existins� under and by virtue of �he laws of �he State of <br /> NEBRASKA party of the first part, and LeROY J. WILLTAMS AND ABBIE DEAN WILLIAMS, Y�usband ar�d wife, <br /> as �oint tenants, and not as tenants in common with full ri�ht for survivorship of the County of <br /> Hall, and State of Nebraska, parties of the 5econd part, WIT�VE5SETH. That the said party of the <br /> f�.rst part for and in consideration of the sum of ONE DOLLAR AND QTHER VALUABLE CONSIDERATIONS <br /> DOLLARS in hand paid, receipt whereof is hereby acknowled�ed, has sold and by these presents does <br /> �rrant, convey and confirm unto the said parties of the second part, the followinr� deseribed pr�mises, <br /> i situated in Hal1 Caunty, and State of Nebraska, to-wit: <br /> All of Lot One Hundred One (101) , �n WEST LAWN, an Addition to the City of aRAND TSLAND, <br /> Ha11 County, Nebraska <br /> . <br /> TO HAVE AND TO HOLD �he premises above described, to�*ether with all the Tenementg, Hereditam�nts <br /> and Appurtenances thereunto belon�in� unto the said LEROY J. WILLZAMS AND ABBIE DEAN WILLIAMS, hus- <br /> band and wife <br /> And �he said NZTZEL AND COMPANY, A CORPORATION for i�self or its successors, does hereby <br /> covenant and a�r�e to and with the said parties of the second part and heirs and assi�ns, that at <br /> the time of �he execution and delivery of these presents it is law�'ully seized of said premises; <br /> that it has �ood riaht and lawful authority to convey the same; tha'� they ar� �ree from encumbrance <br /> does hereby covenant to �warrant and defend the said premises asrainst the lawful claims of all persons <br /> whomsoever. <br /> �� <br /> TN ?-�ITNESS ?�'tiE��'OF, the said NITZEL AND COMPA_NY, A CORPORATIO�T has hereunto caused its <br /> corporate seal to be affixed and tnese presents to be si�ned by its PRESIDENT the day and year firs� <br /> above written. ° <br /> Sis�ned, sealed and delivered in presence of ( . .R. amps) ( CORP) Nitz�l and Company <br /> Howard S. Hinmari ( Cancelled ) ( SEAL) By J. H. Nitzel <br /> President <br /> STATE OF NEBRASKA ) � � `�:����� <br /> ) ss. On thi� 2nd day of September 1950 before me, the undersir�ned, a Notary <br /> HALL Coun'ty ) Public in and far said County, personally came J. H. Nitzel, President <br /> of the NITZEL AND COMPANY, A CORPORATION to me personally known to be <br /> the President and the iden'�ica1. person whose name is affixed to the above conveyanee, and acknowl- <br /> ed�ed the execution thereof to be his voluntary act �.nd deed as such offic�r and the vo2untary act �� ` <br /> and deed of the said NTTZEL AND COMPANY, A CORPORATION, and that the Corporate seal of the said <br /> NITZEL AND COMPANY, A CORPORATION was thereto affixed by its autnority. <br /> Witness my hand and No�arial S al at Grand Island, Neb in said county the day and year last <br /> �bo e ��r�itten. �SEAL) Howard S.Hinman <br /> y �omm ssion expires the 19 day of Dec 1955. , �. Y,�,, ' � <br /> Filed for recor d �his � day of September, 1}50 at 9 o � elock A.M. ��¢�_ � �. � <br /> ex �ister of eeds ��. � ' <br />