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fi� <br /> ����� <br /> DEED RECORD NO. 96 <br /> 92641-TXEAU6USTIXECO.GRANDISL�NU,NEBR. � <br /> TO HA"VE AND TO HQLD the above described, togethsr wi'�h all the Tenements, Heredita- <br /> m�nte and Appurtenances thereunto belonging �nto the said Chicago, Burlington & q,uiney Railroad <br /> Company . <br /> And the �aid The Teland Supply Company f or itself or ita guceessors, does hereby covenant <br /> and agre� to and wi'�h �he said party of the second part and its euecessors and assigns, that at <br /> the time of the execution and delivery of these pregents it is lawfully seized of said premises; <br /> that i� has good right and lawful authority to convey �he same; that �hey are free from �neum- <br />' b rance and does hereby covenant to warrant and defend the said premises againgt the Iawful alaims <br />�' of all persons whom�oever. <br /> IN �TTTNESS WHEREOF, the said The Ssland Supply Company haa hereunto caused its corporate <br /> seal to be affixed and thESe presents ta be signed by ita President the day and year f irst above <br /> wr3,tten. <br /> . Signed, seal�d and delivered in presence of <br /> Ray H. Vo��. (CORP) THE IBLAND SUPPLY COMPANY <br /> (SEAL) <br /> By Geor�e O�Brien <br />� � Pre$ident <br /> STATE OF Nebraeka } <br /> )ss. On this �th day of August 1950 bef ore me, the undersigned, a Notaxy <br /> Hall County ) Publie in and f or said County, personally came George 0'Hrien, <br /> President of the The Tsland Supply Co. to me personally known to be <br /> the President and the identical person whose is affixed to the above canveyanae, and acknow- <br /> l�dged the execu��,on thereof to be his voluntary act and deed as suah off ieer and the voluntary <br /> act and deed of the said The Tsland Supply Co - a corpvration, and that �he Corpo�,a�e seal of th� <br /> said The Island Supply Company was thereto affixed by itg authori�y. <br /> Witneas my hand and No�arial Seal a� Grand Island in said county the day and yea.r las� <br /> above writ�en. <br /> (SEAL) RaY H. Vo�s <br /> • Notary Public <br /> My Commission expireg �he 13 day of Sept. 1.953• <br /> Filed f or record thia 28 day of Augugt, 1950, a� 8:30 o� cloek A.M. <br /> C��.��°'v�.�✓ <br /> REGISTER OF DEEDS /1/ <br /> 0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0 <br /> WARRANTY DEED, (For Corpora�ion) . <br /> THIS INDENTURE, Made this 21st day of Augugt A. D. 19�0, between Chicago, Burlington & Quincy <br /> Railroad Company, a corporation organized and exis�Ging under and by vlrtue of the lawg of the <br /> S'�at� of 2111nois, party of the first part, and The Isla.nd Supply Company, a corporation of th� <br /> County of Ha11, and State of Nebraska, party of the gecond par�, <br /> WITNESSETH, That the $aid party of the first part, f or and in consideration of the sum of One <br /> Dollar (�1,00) and other valuable cansideration in hand paid, receipt whereof is hereby acknaw- <br /> l�dged, has sold and by theae presentg does grant, convey and confirm unto the �aid party of <br /> the second part , the f ollowing descr�.bed premises, situated in Ha11 County, and State of Nebraska, <br /> �o--wi t: <br /> All of a par'� of th� Northeast Quarter (NE�) of Section twenty-one (21) , townahip <br /> eleven (11) north, range nine (g) west, deseribed as f ollows: Beginning at a <br /> point in the easterly l�.ne of S�reet in Grand Island, Twelve and one-ha1F <br /> (12-1/2) feet distant, northerly at� angles from the main traek of the belt <br /> line; thenee northerly in the easterly line o�' Adame Street One hundred ten (110) <br /> fee'�; th�nee easterly at right angles to Adams Street to a point in the present <br /> right of way line '�welve and one-ha.1f (12-1/2) feet distant and at ri h� angles <br /> from the belt line; thence .eouth-westerly �welve and one-half (12-1/2� feet distant, <br /> northerly and parallel with the cen�er line of the r�.ilroad of the belt 1ine, to the <br /> p1ac� °of beginning, containing one-half acre, more or less. <br /> TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the pr�mises above deacribed, to�;ether with all the Tenementa, Hereditamen�s <br /> and Appurtenances thereunto belonging unto the said Th� Tsland Supply Company � <br /> And the said Chicago, Burlington & Quincy Railroad Company for i'�self or its successors, do <br /> hereby covenant and agree �o and wi'�h the sa,id party of the second part and its succeasors and <br /> asaigns, that at the time of the execution and delivery of these presents it is lawfully seized <br /> of' said premis�s; that it has good right and lawful authority to convey the sa.m�; that they are <br /> f ree from eneumbranc� and doea hereby covenant to warrant and defend the said premisea agains'� <br /> the lawful claims of all persons whomsoever. <br /> IN WITNESS WFIEREOF, said Chicago, Burlington & Q,uincy Railroad Company has eauaed th�se presents <br /> to be signed by i'�s Executive Vice President and Seeretary, and its corporate seal to be hereunto <br />' affix�d, this day of Augugt 1950 <br /> (CORP) CHICAGO, BUR.LINGTON & QUINCY RAILRO.AD COMPAI�IIY <br /> (SEAL) <br /> S�. PRESENCE OF By J. C. Jame� Execu�ive Vic� President. ' <br /> A. M. Slocik Attest Edith J. Alden Secretary <br /> STATE OF ILLINOTS ) <br /> SS On this 21st da of Au . A. D. 19�0 before me, a Nota,ry Public duly <br /> ) . Y g � <br /> C ounty of Cook ) commisaioned and qualified �.n and for said County, personally came the <br /> above named J. �. James, Executive Vice President, and Edith J. Alden, <br /> Secretary of Chicago, Burlington & Quiney Railroad Company who are �ers�an�„�.ly known to me �o be <br /> � <br /> ' �he �.dentical pergons whose names are affixed �o the �.bove Deed as Executive Vice Presid�nt and <br /> Secretary of said corporatlon, a.nd they acknowledged �he instrument to be their voluntary ac� <br /> and deed, and the voluntary act and deed of said corporation. <br />