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r )�`�' <br /> � DEED RECORD NO. 96 <br /> 32841-7N6AUOUSTINECO.GRANDISLAND.NEBR. � <br /> STATE OF NEBRASKA ) <br /> ) ss. On this 19th day of Au�ust, A.D. 1950, before me, the undersir�ned <br /> Hall County ) A. J. Luebs a Tdotary Publ3.c, duly commissioned and qualified for and <br /> res3.din� in said county, bersonally came Simon G. Pedrosa,, widower, <br /> sometimes known as Simon G. Pedroza to me known to be the identical person whose name is af'�ixed <br /> to the for��oin� instrument as �rantor and acknowled�ed the same to be his �voluntary act and deed. <br /> Wi�ness my hand and Notarial Seal the day and yea,r last above written. <br /> (�E�,) A. J. Luebs <br /> o ary ub ic. ' <br /> My Commission expires the �th day of July, Z95Z . <br /> F'iled for record th3.s 24 day of Aurrust, 1950 at 3 0 'clock P.M. � �� <br /> Re�is �r of eeds,,/ <br /> 0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-(�-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-G-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-�-0-0-0-0-0-0-0=Q <br /> QUIT CLAIM DEED <br /> L1 <br /> THSB INDENTURE, Made this 26th day of August, in the year one thousand nine hundred and Fifty, <br /> b�tween Tnez Ma.e Latta, single of' the first part, and Janet Stearns of the second part, <br /> WITNESSETH, that the sa�.d party of �he fir5t par�, in consideration of the sum of One Dollar and <br /> other good and �uffic3.ent cons3dsration DOLLARS, to her duly pa3.d, the reeeipt whereof is hereby <br /> acknowledged remised, released, and quit-claimed, and by these presen�s does for herself, her <br /> he�rs, execu�Gors and admin3.s'�rators, remise, release and forever quit-c7.aim and convey un�o the <br /> said party of the second part, and to her heirs and assi�ns f orever, a11 her ri.ght, title, interes�, <br /> estate claim and demand, both at 1aw and in equity, of, in and to all <br /> Lots Thirty one (3l) , Thirty-two (32) , Th3.rty—three (33) and Thirty-f our (3�) of <br /> Block "C" in Parkv3.ew Subdivision, located in the North-east Quarter (NE�) of See�ion .,:' <br /> Twenty-n�.n� (29� and th� Nor�hwest Quarter (NW�) of Section Twenty-eigh�G (28) , all <br /> in Townghip Eleven (11) , North, Range Nine (g} , West of the 6th P.M. , as eurveyeds <br /> platted and recorded. <br /> Together with all and singular the hereditaments thereunto belonging. <br /> TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the above described premises -unto the said Janet Stearns and ta h�r heirs <br /> and a5signs; so that neither the said gran�or, nor any person in her name and behalf, shall or <br /> wi11 herea.fter claim or demand any right or �itle �o the said premisea or any part thereof, bu� <br /> they and every one o� �hem shall by the_se pres�nts be excluded and f orever barred. <br /> IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the said party of the f irst part has hereunto se� her hand and seal the <br /> �ay and year above written. <br /> Signed, sealed an� delivered in presence of Tnez Mae Lat'�a <br /> STATE OF NEBRASKA ) <br /> )SS On thi� 26th day of August, A. D. 19�0, bef or� me, the undersigned . <br /> Ha11 County ) A. J. Luebs a Notary Public, duly commisaioned and qualified f or. and <br /> residing in said coun�Gy, personally came Inez Mae Latta, single, to me <br /> known to be the identical person whose name is affixed �o the foregoing instrumen� as gran'Gor <br /> and acknowled�ed �he same �o be her voluntary aet and d��d. <br /> Witness my hand and Notarial Sea1 the day and year laat abov� written. . <br /> (SEAL) A. J. Luebs <br /> No�ary Fublie. <br /> My Commission expirea the 6th day of July, 195� <br /> Filed for record this 26 day of August, 19�0, at 11:.�0 o� clock A.M. � ��I�� <br /> r� 6 <br /> � <br /> REGISTER OF DEEDS <br /> 0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-U-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0--�-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0--0--0 <br /> WARRANTY DEED--Corporation <br /> THIS INDENTURE, M�.de this �th day of Augus'� A. D. , 1950 be�ween The Island Su'�ply Company <br /> a corporation organ3.zed and existing under and by vir'�ue o� the laws of the State of Nebraska <br /> par�y of the first part, and Chicago, Burlington & �uiney hailroad Company, a corporation of the <br /> County of Cook, and S�ate of Illino�.s, party of the second part, <br /> WITNESSE'�H, Tha'G �he said party of the firs� part for and in conaidera'��.on of �he sum of <br /> One Do11ar ($1.00) and other valuable conslderation in hand paid, receipt whereof is hereby <br /> acknowledged, has sold and by these presen�s doea grant, convey and confirm un�o the said party - <br /> of the gecond par�, the following described premises, situated in Hall Coun'�y, and Sta�e of <br /> Nebraska, to-wit; <br /> Al1 of �hat part of B1ock 10, Sou�h Park Addition to Grand Island, and Vacated ', <br /> Washington Street lying wes�wardly �hereof, which 11�g southeasterly of a line 12.� ft. <br /> radially distant southeasterly of the cen�er line of' the main track of th� C.B.&Q. <br /> R.R. Co. and nor�hwes'�erly of a lin� 12.5 ft. radially dis�ant south�asterly of the <br /> center of a proposed track �he center line of which would cross the easterly <br /> line of af oresaid Block 10, 135 ft. northwesterly of the sou�heasterly corner of said � <br /> block and which wou3d cross �he southerly line oP �aid block �47.7 ft. southwe�t�rly �� <br /> of said southeasterly aorner and which ex�ends be�ween said easterly 1ir�e and sald . . <br /> southerly line along a curved line, conasa,ve south�asterly with a i:adius of 573•7 ft. , <br /> containing 23,970 sq. ft. , more or 1ess. <br />