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{:��"��� , <br /> DEED RECORD NO. 96 -- ` <br /> 92841�NEAUGUSTINECO.GRANDISLAND,NEBR. �� <br /> �Corporation Warranty Deed--Vestin� Entire Title in Survivor <br /> KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS, Tha� REUBEIV L. ANDERSON, SNC. a corporation or�anized and existin� <br /> under and by vir'Gue of the laws of the S�ate of M3nnesota, for and in consideration of the sum o�' <br /> One Dollar and Other Valuable Considerations- - -DOLLARS in hand paid does hereby �rant, bar�ain, <br /> .sell axid convey unto H.F'. McMAHAN and IiLA MeMAHAN (Husband and Wife) as JOINT TENANTS, and no'G as <br /> tenants in common; the followin�; described real estate, situated in the County of HALL and State <br /> of NEBRASRA, to-w3.t: _ <br /> Tha,t axt of Lot Nine (9) of the County Subdivision of the Sou�h Half oP the Southeas'� <br /> Quarter (S�SE�) of See�ion slxteen (l6) in Township Eleven (11) , North, Ran�e Nine (9) West <br /> of the 6th P,M. , more particularly described as follows, to-w�.t: Commencin� at a point on <br /> the easterly boundary line of said Lot Nine (9) , which point is forty ( 40) feet northerly <br /> from the southeasterl'y corner of said lot, runnin� thence westerl�r, arallel with the <br /> sau�herly boundary line of said lot, for a di.stance oP sixty-six (66� Peet, runnin� thence <br /> nor'�herly par�.11el with �he easterly boundary line of said lot for a distance of sixty <br /> three (63� feet, runnin� thence easterly parallel witn the southerly boundary line of <br /> said 1ot for a di�tanee of sixty six (66� feet to the easterly boundary line of said lo�G, <br /> runnin� thence southerely alon� and upon the easterly boundary line of said 1ot for a <br /> distance of sixty three (63) feet to the place of be�inninr�. <br /> IT BEINC� THE INTENTION OF ALL PARTIES HERETO, THAT IN THE EVENT OF THE DEATH OF EITHER OF SAID <br /> aRANTEES, THE ENTIRE FEE SIMPLE TITLE TO THE REAL ESTATE DESCRIBED HEREIN SHALL VEST IN THE SUR- <br /> VIVING GRANTEE. <br /> TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the above described premises, with the aforesaid appurtenanceg, unto the <br /> said �rantees as JOTNT TENANTS, and not as tenants in common, and to their assi�ns, or to the heirs <br /> and assi�ns o� the survivor of them, forever, and the s�rantor herein, Por itself and its successors <br /> does eovenant the �rantees named herein and with their assi�ns and with the heirs and assi�n5 <br /> of�he survivor of them that it is lawfully seized of said premises; that they are free from encum- <br /> brance and that said �ran'�or has �ood title to and �ood ri�ht and lawPul authority to convey the <br /> same and it does hereby covenant to warrant and Porever defend said premises unto the �rantees <br /> named here�.n and unto their assi�ns and unto the neirs and assi�ns of the survivor of them, forever, <br /> a�a,inst the lawful claims of a11 persons whomsoever, excludin� the exceptions named herein. <br /> iN WITNESS WHEREOF the said �rantor has caused this instrument to be executed by ita president <br /> and its corporate seal to be affixed hereto. <br /> . S�.�ned this l�th day of Au�ust A.D. i95o <br /> In the Presence of ( 10. 5 I. R. STAMPS�EUBEN L. ANDERSON, INC. � <br /> ' Donna M. Dunlo �C�O�; (Cancelled A Corporation <br /> Qeor�e A. Sc idt By R.L.Anderson President <br /> . Attest D. C.Enada 1 Secretary <br /> STATE OF Minnesota ) <br /> � ) ss. On this Z�th day oP Au�. 1950 before me, the undersi�ned, a Notary Publlc <br /> Ramsey ) in and for said County, personally came R. L. Anderson, President of the <br /> Reuben L. Anderson, Ina. to me personally known to be the President a,nd <br /> the person whose name is aPfixed to the above conveyance, and acknowled�ed the execution <br /> thereof to be his voluntary act and deed as such officer and the voluntaxy act and deed of the said <br /> Reuben L. Anderson, Inc. , and that the Corporate seal of the said Reuben L. Anderaon, Ine. was <br /> thereto affixed by i'Gs author3.ty. <br /> Witness my hand and Notarial Seal -at St. Paul in said county the day and year last above <br /> wri�ten. <br /> Bernice Hanson <br /> Notaxy u ic. <br /> � ��F�� Notary Public, Ramsey County, Minn. <br /> My Commission Expires June �, 1957• <br /> Filed for record this 23 day of Au�ust 1950, at 1:45 0 �elock P.M. �x�-� �� <br /> Rer�is ter of Deeds � <br /> 0-0-0_0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0_Q-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0_0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0 <br /> QUIT CLAIM DEED <br /> THIS INDENTURE, Made this 19th day of Au�ust, in the year one thousand nine hundred and fifty, <br /> between Simon �. Pedrosa, widower, sometimes known as Simon G. Pedroza of the firs�G part, and <br /> A�ustin R. Pedroza of the second part, WITNESSETH, that the said party of the first part, in con- <br /> si.dera�ion of the sum of One & No/100 - - - DOLLARS, and o�her �ood ans sufficient consideratior <br /> to him duly paid, the receipt whereof is hereby acknowled�r�d remised, released, and qu1.t-cZaimed, <br /> and by these presents does for himself, his heirs, executor� and administrators, remise, release <br /> and forever quit-claim and convey unto the said party of �he second part, and to his heira and <br /> assi�rns forever, all h3.s ri�ht, title, interest, �state claim and demand, both at law and in equity, <br /> of, in and to all <br /> Lot Six (6) , Block Eleven (11) , in John W. Lambert 's Addition to the City of (�rand Ialand, <br /> Nebraska. <br /> Tor�ether with a11 and s3n�ular the hereditaments thereunto belonmin�. <br /> . . <br /> TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the abave described premises unto '�he said A�ustin R. his heirs <br /> and s <br /> a sir�ns; so tha� neither the said �rrantor, nor any person in his name and behalf, shall or will <br /> hereafter elaim or demand any ri�ht or title to the said premises or any part thereof, but they and <br /> every one oP them sha11 by these presents be excluded and forever barred. <br /> IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the said party of' the firs� part has hereunto set his hand and seal the <br /> day and year above written. <br /> Si�ned, sealed and del3vered in presence of S3mon f#. Pedroza <br /> A. J. Luebs <br />