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- <br /> \ <br />����...��V Y fA � <br /> DE�D RECORD NO. 96 <br />� 92841-}XCAU6U8TINEC0.6RIIMOISL�ND.NEBR. � <br /> named herein and unto their assi�ns and unto the heirs and assi�ns of �he survivor of th�m, f'orever, <br /> a�;ainst the lawful elaims of all persons whomsoever, excluding the excep'�ions named herein. <br /> IN WITNESS WHEREOF, we have hereun�o set our hands this l�th day of July, A. D. , i95o. <br /> In presence <br /> Will�am E. L nch ( � � � ampg) ( Anna Fletcher <br /> NE �o s �nature o ( Caneelled ) � <br /> Anna F1.etcher. ' <br /> John L. Barton ( Marie E. Wolf. <br /> WITNESS to sis�nature of <br /> Mar�.e E. ��olf. <br /> John L. Ba.r�on ( Bernhardt Koehler <br /> WITNESS to sis�nature o <br /> Bernhardt Koehler. <br /> John L. Barton ( Albert Koehler <br /> TNESS to si�natures of � <br /> Albert �oehler and Helen ( <br /> Koehler. ( Helen Koehler <br /> Bayard H. Paine Jr. ( Arnhold 0. Koehler <br /> NE to s �natures o ( <br /> Arnhold 0. Koehler and ( <br /> Irene A. Koehler. ( Trene A. Koehler <br /> Rose A. Dra�e ( Robert Koehler <br /> NE S to si�na ures o ( <br /> Robert F�oehler and Geor�;ie ( <br /> Koehler. ( Geor�ie Koehler. <br /> Ba ar d H. Paine Jr. ( Amanda D. Sehmidt <br /> E S to si�na ur�s o ( � <br /> Amanda D. Schmi dt and ( <br /> -2- Richard H. Schmid�. ( Richard H. Schm3.dt <br /> ACKNOWLEDGEMENTB <br /> STATE OF NEBRASKA ) On th�.s 21st d.ay of July, A.D, , i95o, before me a Notary Publie, �.n and <br /> ) ss. for said County, personally came the above named Anna Fleteher, a widow, <br /> County o� Dou�las. ) who is personally known to me �o be the iden'Gical person whose name is <br /> affixed to th� above instrument as �;rantor, and 5he acknowled�ed said <br /> instrument to be her voluntary act and deed. <br /> WITNESS my hand and Notar�.al Seal the da,te last aForesaid.� <br /> �sEAL) William E. L�nah <br /> My Commission expires on the 29tr_ day of Au�ust, A.D. , Z953. Notary Publie. <br /> STATE OF NEBRASKA, ) On this l�-th day of July, A. D. , 1950, beforre me a Notary Pub11c, in and <br /> ) ss. for sa�.d County, personally came the above named Marie E. Wolf, a widow, <br /> County of Dou�las. ) who �s known to me to b� the �.dentical person whose name is <br /> aPfix�d to th� above instrument as �rantor, and she acknowledged sa�.d <br /> in�trument to be her voluntary act and deed. <br /> WITNESS my hand and Notarial Seal the date last a�'oresa3.d. <br /> ( SEAL) John L. Barton <br /> My Commiasion expires on �he th day of Oe�Gober A.D. 1 0. o ary ub ic. <br /> 5 , , 95 <br /> - - - - - - - - - - -. -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - _ - _ - _ _ _ <br /> STATE OF NEBRASKA, ) On this 1�Fth day of Ju1y, A. D. , 1950, bef'ore me a Notary Public in and <br /> � <br /> ) ss. for said County, personally came the above named Bernhardt Koehler, a <br /> County of Dou�las. ) sin�le man, who is personally known to me to be the identical person <br /> whose name is affixed to the abov� instrument as �;ran�or, and he <br /> acknowled�ed said ins�rument to be his volun�ary act and deed. <br /> WITNESS my hand and Notarial Seal the date last aforesaid. <br /> ( SEAL) John L. Harton <br /> M Commission e ir s on the h da of o <br /> y xp e 5t y Oct ber, A.D. , 1950. o ary Pu ic. <br /> STATE OF NEBRASKA, ) �n this 14th day of Ju1y, A.�. , i95o, before me a Nvtary Public, in and <br /> ) ss. �'or said County, personally came the above named Albert Koehler and Helen <br /> County of Dou?�1as. ) Koehler, husband and wif e, who are personally known to me to be the <br /> iden�Gica1 persons whose names are affixed to the above instrument as <br /> �rantors, and they severally acknowled�ed said instrument to be their voluntary act and deed. <br /> WITNESS my hand and Notarial Seal the date last aforesaid. <br />� (SEAL) John L. Barton <br /> My Commi�sion expires on the 5th day of Oc'�ober, A.D. , �9�p„ No ary ubl3.c. <br />-�- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - _ - _ - - _ _ _ _ _ .. _ _ <br /> STATE OF NEBA.ASKA, ) On this 15th day of July, A. D. , 195(7, before me a Nv�ary Public, in and <br /> ss. for said County, personally came the above named Arnhold 0. Koehler and <br /> County of Hall. � Irene A. Koehler, husband and wife, who are personally known to me �o be <br /> the identical persons whose names are affixed to the above instrument a.s <br /> �;rantors, and they severally acknowled�ed said instrum�nt to be their voluntary act and deed. <br /> WITNESS my hand and Notarial Seal the date last a�'oresaid. <br /> � S�� Bayar�. H. Paine Jr. <br /> My Commission expires on the 22nd day of �ecember, A.D. , 195�.. Notary ubl c. <br />