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n , <br /> l )`-�� <br /> DEED RECORD NO. 96 <br /> 32B41-'1'NE AUGUSTINE C0.GR11NU ISLAND,NEBR. , � <br /> WARRANTY DEED <br /> KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: <br /> THAT THE FEDERAL LAND BANK OF OMAHA, a Corporation, of Omaha, Nebra�ka, in conaideration of <br /> One Thousand S3.x Hundred and no/100 Dollare (�1,600.00) does hereby grant, convey and warrant <br /> unto B. J. Cunningham of Grand Island, State of Nebraska, the fvllowing described real- estate <br /> a3.tu�ed in �he County of Ha11, S�ate of Nebraska, eub�ect to any exiatin� highways, eas�ments <br /> and�eservationa in �he United States and State patents, to-wit: <br /> Southeast q,uarter of Section 19, in Townsh�.p 11, Nor�h, Range 12, West of the 6th <br /> Prin�.ipa1 Meridian; e�eepting and regervin� an undivided one-half intere8� in �all <br /> 031, ga�, and min�ral rights in and under the above-described property f or a <br /> period of ZO years from the 2nd day of June, 19�2, a,nd as long thereaf'ter as oi1, <br /> gas, or other minerals con�inue to be produced the refrom or said property is being <br /> so developed or operated, <br /> t ogether with a11 the tenementa, hereditaments and api�u.rtenances to th� same belonging, and a11 <br /> the estate, title, claim or demand whatsoever of the aaid THE FEDEAAL LAND BANK OF OMAHA,. of, in, <br /> or to the same or any part thereof, <br /> And �he gaid THE FEDER.AL LAND BANK OF OMAHA hereby covenants with the said B. J. Cunningham, <br /> his heire and assigna, that it ia 1�.wfuzly aeized of said premises, tha,t i� has good right and <br /> lawful authorl�y �o $ell and convey the same, and tha.t it does hereby covenant to w�rrant and <br /> def�nd the �it1e to said premises against the lawful claims of a11 persons whomeoever. <br /> In Witness Whereof, THE FEDERAL LAND BANK OF OMAHA has caused these presents to be exeauted <br /> by its Vic� President and its aorporate seal to be af'fixed h�reto this 17th day of Maxah, 1947. <br /> (CORP) THE FEDEAAL LAND BANK OF OMAHA, <br /> ( SEAL) <br /> By Le o E. Manion Yiee Pre sident <br /> Attest Wa.yne E. Smith _Seeretary <br /> STATE OF NEBRASKA ) <br /> )S8. On thls 17th day of March, 1g�7, before me, Gl� Reineke, a Notary <br /> COUNTY OF DOUGLAS ) Public in and f or pouglas County, Nebraska, personally appeared Leo <br /> E. Manion, to me personally known to be the identiaal person who <br /> �xecuted the f oregoin� instrument, who being by me duly sworn, did sa.y tha.t he is Vice Pr�siderlt <br /> of The F'ederal Land Hank of Omaha; �hat the seal affixed to said in8trument ia the corpora�e seal <br /> of The Federal Land Bank of Omaha; �hat said inatrum�nt wa.s sign�d and sealed in behalf of The <br /> Federal Land Sank of Omaha by authority oP its Board of Direators; and the said Leo E. Manion <br /> acknowledged the said in$trument to 1ae the fre�e and voluntary act and deed of said Corporation <br /> by i� �xeeuted. <br /> IN WITNESS V�REOF, I have hereunto set �y hand and affixed my notarial seal the day and <br /> year last above written. <br /> (SEAL) Gladys_ Reinek� <br /> Notary Public in and f or pouglas County, <br /> Nebraska <br /> My Commiseion Expires OCTOBER 8, 1949, <br /> Fi1ed for record this 14 day of �ugust, 1950, a� 1:30 o� cloek P.M. <br /> ��,..� �.� <br /> REaISTER OF DEEDS � <br /> 0-�-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-Q-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0--0-0-0 <br /> �WARRANTY DEED Vesting Entire Ti�1e in Survivor <br /> KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS, That Anna Fletcher, a widow, Mar3.e E. Wolf, a widow, <br /> Bernhardt Koehler, a sin�le man, Albert Koehler and Helen Koehler, husband and wife, Arnhold 0. <br /> Koehler and Irene A. Koehler, husband and wife, Robert Koehler and f�eorn�ie Koehler, husband and <br /> wife, and Amanda D. Schmidt a.nd Richard H. Schmidt, wife and husband, in consideration of ONE <br /> THOUSAND TWO HUNDRED FIFTY and N0�100 ( �1,250.00) DOLLARS in hand paid, do hereby �rant, bar�;ain, <br /> sell, convey and confirm unto Edwin W. Ho�le and Alice T. Hople, as JOINT TENANTS, and not as <br /> tenants in common, the followin�; described real estate, situated in the Caunty oP Ha11 and State <br /> of Nebraska, to-wit t <br /> Lots Three (3) and Four �4) , in Block Two (2) , in South Grand Island, an Addition to the <br /> City of Grand Island, Nebraska, as suz'veyed, platted and recorded, <br /> to�ether wi'Gh all the tenements, hereditaments and appurtenances to the same belon�inr�, an d all the <br /> esta�e, title, dower, ri�ht of home5tead, claim or demand what�oever of the said �rantors, oY, in <br /> or to the same, or any part thereof; sub�ect �o any and all assessments a�ainst these said two lo�s <br /> from a water 3� distriet now bein�; created by the City of Grand Island, Nebraska, on Oak Street, <br /> be'tween Biam��`�,nd Oklahoma Avenue in said City and State. -- <br /> �T BEINt� THE INTENTION OF ALL PAR.TIE3 HFRETO, THAT IN THE EVENT OF �"HE DEATH OF EITHER OF <br /> SAID GRANTEES, THE ENTIRE FEE SIMPLE TITLE TO THE REAL ESTATE DESCRTBED HEREIN SHALL VEST IN THE <br /> 5URV�VING aRANTEE. <br /> TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the above deserib�d premises, with the appurtenances, unto the sa�.d <br /> �rantees as JOINT TENANTS, and no'� as tenanta in common, and to their assi�;ns, or to the heirs and <br /> ass�.�ns of the surv�vor of them, forever, and �hey the �rantors named herein for� themselves and <br /> their heirs, executors, and administrators, do covenant with the �rantees named herein and with <br /> their assi�ns and with the heirs and assi�ns of the survivor of them, that they are lawfully -1- <br /> seized of said premises; that they are free from encumbrance except as stated herein, and that <br /> they the said �rantors �;vod ri�ht and lawful authority to sell the same, and that they w�.11 <br /> and their heirs, executore and administrators sha.11 warrant and def�nd the same unto �he granteea <br />