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� . <br /> ��� � <br /> _ . � <br /> D�ED RE�COI�.D I�O. 96 � <br /> 92941�M8�YCUSTINECO.GBANOISLAND,NEBR, - <br /> SECTION 5. The sale of aaid real. estate is hereby directed, authorized and confirmed; and iP <br /> no remonstrance be filed a�ainst such sale, the President o� the Council and City Clerk shall. make, <br /> execute and deliver to David �7. Rinp� and Irene K. Rin�;, husband and wiPe, a Quit Claim D�ed for <br /> said property and the execution of said deed �s hereby au�horized without further action on b�half <br /> of the Ci�y Council. <br /> SECTION 6. This ordinance shall be in force and take effect fram and aPter ita passa�e, approval <br /> and publication as provided by law. � <br /> PASSED AND APPR�VED this 21s'� day o� June, 1950. <br /> ATTEST: O.W.Johnson � <br /> Floyd S. Whit� President of t e City oun�il <br /> ity C erk <br /> F�.led for record this 12 day of Au�ust 1950, at 11:00 0 � clock A.M. <br /> �,� G���.✓ <br /> Re� ster of Deeds /� <br /> o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o_o-o-o-o-c-o_o-o_o-o-o-o-o-o-o-c-o-o-o_o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o_o_o-o-o-o-o-o-o_o <br /> QUIT CLAIM DEED � . <br /> THI� INDENTURE, Made this 5th day of Au�ust, in the year one thousand nine hundred an d PiPty, � <br /> betw�en Carl C. Wilson and Eva J. Wilson, husband and wife, each in hia or her own ri�ht and as <br /> spouse of the other, o�' the first par'�,and �eRay C.Pedei�son and� Loret-ta {��Ped�rsox�, husband and wif e, <br /> as Joint Tenants, and not as tenants in common, oP tn� secotid part, YrITivESSETH, '�hat the said <br /> parties of the fi.rat part, in canaid�ratlon of the sum of ONE and N0�1�0 (�1.00) .- - - - DOLLARS, <br /> to them duly pa3.d, the receipt whereof is hereby acknowled�ed have remised, released, and qu3.t- <br /> claimed, and by these presents do for themselves and their heira, executora and administrators, <br /> r�mise, release and forever quit-elaim and convey unto the said parties of the second part, and to <br /> �heir and assi�ns forever, all '�heir ri�rht, title, interest, ESta,'�@ claim and demand, both at <br /> law and in equ3.ty, of, in and to all of the followin� describ�d property, situated in the County oF <br /> Ha11 and 8tate of Nebraska, to-wit : <br /> A rectan�ular tract of land in Lot Ten (1C?) , in Block Two (2), in Better Homes <br /> to the City of C+rand Zsland, � Nebraska, whieh tract oP land is thre� and six-�enths (3.6) <br /> inches wide `and one hundred forty-ei�ht (14�) �'eet long and ia more particularTy described <br /> as follows�: � Startin� at a point �ix and ei�hty-five one-hunclredths (6.�5) feet South of <br /> the Northwest corner of sa3.d Lot Ten (14), in Block Two (2) , in Better I�omeB Subdivision <br /> to the City of C+rand Island, Nebraska, thence Ea.s� on a line para11e1 with the Nor�h line <br /> of said Lot T�n f'or a distance of one hundred Porty-ei�ht (1�-�) feet to the East boundary <br /> of said Lot Ten, thence Sou�h alon� the East boundary of said Lot Ten for a dis�ance of <br /> three and six-tenths (3.6) inchee, thence West alon� a line par€zllel with the North <br /> boundary line of said Lot Ten for a distance of one hundred forty-ei�ht (1��) feet to <br /> the West bounda.ry line of sa3.d Lot Ten, th�nce North alon�; the West boundary line of <br /> said Lot Ten for a distanee of three and six-tenths (3.6) inches to the place of � <br /> ber�innin�. <br /> IT BEINa THE INTENTION OF ALL PARTIES HERETO, THAT IN THE EVENT OF THE DEATH OF EITHER OF SAID <br /> GRANTEES, THE ENTIRE TITLE HEREBY CONVEYED AND DESCRIBED HEREZN SHALL VEST IN THE SURVIVTNG aRANTEE. <br /> To�ether with a11 and sinPular the hereditaments thereunto belon�in�. <br /> TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the above describ�d �premises unto the said L"e,�oy C.Red�rson and Loretta.YG. <br /> Peclerson huslaand and wife, as Joint Tenants, and not as tena.nts in common, an� ta �heir heirs and <br /> a�si�ns; so that neither they the sald �'rantors, nor any per9on in �heir name and behalf, ehall <br /> or will hereaPter claim or demand any ri�ht or title to the sa3.d premises or any part �Ghereof, but <br /> they and every one of them shall by these presen�s be excluded and Porever barred. <br /> IN 'GTITNESS WHEREOF, the said parties of the first part have h�reunto 5et their hands and seala <br /> the day and year above written. <br /> Si�;ned, sealed and delivered in presence of Carl C. Wilson <br /> Katherine M• Elster Eva . Wi son <br /> �TATE OF NEBRASKA ) <br /> ) ss. On this 5th day of Au�ust, A. L. , 1950, bePore me, the undersi�ned Katherine <br /> Dou�las County ) M. Elster a Notaxy Public, duly commig�ioned and qualified for and residinr� <br /> in said county, personally came Carl C. W�.l.son and Eva J. W3.lson, husband <br /> and wife, each in his or her own ri�ht and as snouse of the other, to me known to be the identical <br /> persons whose names affixed to the �ore�oin� instrument as �rantors and they severally acknowled�;ed <br /> the same to be their voluntary act and deed. <br /> Witness my hand and Notarial Seal the day anti year last above written. <br /> (SEAL) Katherine M. Elster <br /> My Commission expires the 7th day of June, 1953 No�ary u c. <br /> Filed for record th�.s 12 day of Au�ust, 1950 at 11: 55 0 � clock A.M. <br /> �� <br /> e�is er of De eds� <br /> o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o_o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o_o-o-o-o-o-o-o_o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-a-o-o_a-�_o-o-o-o-o <br /> QUIT CLAIM DEED <br /> THIS INDENTURE, Made tnis 29th day of July, in the year one thousand nine hundred and Pifty, between <br /> Roy Cunnin�ham and Helen Cunninr�ham, Husband and wife o� the first part, and Robert .Carmin of the <br /> second part, WITNES3ETH, that the said par�ies of the first part, in consideration of the sum of <br /> One and no/100 DOLLARS, to them duly paid, the receipt whereof i� hereby acknowl,ed�ed they h�.ve <br /> remised, released, and qu�.t-claimed, and by these present� do for themselves and their heirs, <br /> executors and administrators, remise, release and forever quit-clsim and convey unto the said party <br /> of the second part, and to his heirs and assi�ns florever, a11 their ri�;ht, title, interest, estate <br /> elaim and demand, both at law and in equity, of, in and to all _ <br /> The Sou�Gh (5) twenty five (25) feet of Lots seven (7) and Eir�ht (�) 3.n Block Five (5) <br /> in the Villar�e of Doniphan, Hall County, State of Nsbraska, as surveyed, platted and <br /> recor ded. <br />