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.. � 1��� <br />� DEED RECORD NO. 96 <br /> 32641-7'NEAUGUS71NEC0.6RANUISLAND,NEBR. � . � � ' '�' <br /> STATE OF Nebraska ) • <br /> ) sa. On this d�,y of June 195o before me, the undersi�ned, a Notary Publie <br /> Hall County ) 1n and for said County, personally came L. E. Ray, President of the The <br /> Island Rea1�y Company to me personally known to be the President and the <br /> identical person whose name is affixed to the above conveyance, and acknowled�ed the execution <br /> thereof '�o be hi� voluntary aet and de�d as such oPficer and the voluntary act and deed of the said <br /> The Island Realty Company, and that the Corporate seal of the said The Island Realt�y Company was <br /> 'Ghere'Go afPixed by its authority. � <br /> Wi�nes� my hand and Notarial Seal at Grand Island, Nebr. in said county the day and yeax last <br /> above wri.tten. <br /> (SEAL) Vera E. Newma,n <br /> otary ub ic. <br /> My Commission expires the �jth day of July 1953• <br /> Filed For record this 11 day of Au�ust, 1950 at 10 o �clock A.M. <br /> egister o eeds�` <br /> 0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0_0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-�-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0 <br /> QUIT CLAIM DEED, ETC. <br /> KNOW ALL MEN HY THESE PRESENTS: <br /> That, the City of Grand Island, a. munieipal eorporation, of the County of Hall, and State of Nebraaka, <br /> for the considera�ivn of the sum of One Do11ar (�3..00) doea hereby Quit Claim and convey unto David J. <br /> Rin� and Irene K. Rin�;, huaband and wife, as ,joint �enants and not ae tenants in common, of the <br /> County of Hall and �tate of� Nebraska, all its ri�ht, title and interest of whatsoever nature, in <br /> and to �h� followinp� deseribed real estate, situated in the County of Hall and State of Nebraska, <br /> t o-wi t: <br /> Lot Ninety-seven (97) in West Lawn, an Addition to �he City of Grand Island, Hall County, <br /> Nebraska. <br /> It being the intentivn of a11 parties her eto, that in the event oP the dea'�h of either oP said <br /> r�rantees, the entire fee simple ti�1e '�o the real estate described herein ahall vest in the sur-- <br /> viv3.n� �rantee. <br /> The Grantor, the City of Grand Island, shall no'� be requir�d to Purnish an Abstract of Title. <br /> IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Gran�or, the City of Grand Island, in Hall County, Nebraska, has caused <br /> these presenta to be sis�ned by its Preeident of the City Council and attested to by the City Clerk <br /> and has caused the oPficial seal oP said City to be hereunto apfixed thia the 26th day of July A.D. , <br /> 19go. <br /> ( CORP) CTTY OF GRAND ISLAND <br /> Mari� B1ain �s�� BY: 0. W. Johnson <br /> " i ness — rea ent oP e Counc <br /> Marie Bl�.in ATTEST: F. 8. Whit� <br /> - �''�i£n�se Y er <br /> STATE OF NEBRASKA ) <br /> ) ss. On this 26�h day oP July A.D. , 1950, before me the undsrsi�ned, a Notary <br /> �COUNTY OF HALL ) Publie, duly commissioned for and residin� in said county, personally <br /> came 0. W. Johnson, President of the City Council of the City of arand <br /> Island, Nebraska, and Floyd S. White, City Clerk of said City to me personally known to be such <br /> identical persons and such qualified and actin� officers of said City and they severally acknowl- <br /> ed�ed the execu�ion of said ins�rument to be their voluntary act and deed and the ofPicial ac� and <br /> deed on the part oP sald City of Grand Island. <br /> WITNESS my hand and notaxial seal at Grand Island, in said Coun'�y �he day and year firat above <br /> written. <br /> ( SEAL) Max Scovill ; <br /> My comm3.ssion expires the 5 day of May 1956 <br /> No ary Public <br /> ORDINANCE N0._ 2395 <br /> AN ORDINANCE authorizin� and directin� the sale of certain real estate belone;inp� �Co the City <br /> of Grand Tsland, Nebraska; providin�; the manner in which the same shall be sold and the terms of <br /> said sale; providin� for the �ivin�»��of notice of the aale oY such real estate; a,nd, providin� �'or <br /> the r1�ht to Pile a remonstrance a�^ainst the sale thereoP. <br /> BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF aRAND ISLAND, NEBRASKA: <br /> SECTTON_ 1. The aale of the real es�ate described as Lot Ninety-seven (97) in West Lawn, an <br /> Addition to the City of Grand Tsland, Ha11 County, Nebraska, to Davld J. Rin� and Irene K. Rin�, <br /> husband and wife, be and the sa,me is hereby directed, a.uthorized and confirmed. <br /> SECTION 2. The manner a.nd term� oF said sale of such real estate are as follows: Th� pur- <br /> chasers, have a.�reed to pay the sum of On� Do11ar (�1.00) for the within described real estate and <br /> the entire amount thereof wi11 be paid to the City of Grand Island upon delivery of a Quit Claim <br /> Deed for said premises to said purchasers and the City of Grand Island, shall not be required to <br /> furniah an Abstract of Title. <br /> 3ECTION 3. As provided by law, notice of sueh sale and the terms thereof shall be publiahed <br /> for three conaecutive weeks in the Grand Ialand Daily Tndependent, a new�paper published in and of <br /> �eneral circulation in the City of arand Island, N�braska, immed3.ately after the passage and pub- <br /> lication of '�his ordinance; and the City Clerk is hereby directed and inatructed to prepare and <br /> publish said notice. <br /> SECTION �+. Authority is hereby �ranted to the electors of the City of Grand I$land, Nebraaka, <br /> to file a remonstrance a�ainst the sale of the within described real eatate; and if a remonstrance <br /> _. <br /> a�ainst., the sale sin�ned b le� 1 1 <br /> y _a e ectors oP s id <br /> a City e ual in number to thirt er en <br /> q y P c t �3��) oP <br /> the elec'�ors of the City oP arand Island, votin� at the last re�ular election held in said City be <br /> filed with the Mayor and City Council within thirty days after the pasea�e and publication oi this <br /> ordinance, such property shall not th�n, nor wi�hin one y�ar thereaPter be so1d. <br />