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� _---- _ <br /> , . . <br /> �� <br /> � )��� <br /> D��D RECORD NO. 96 <br /> iI � 32641�MEAUGUSTINECO.GRANDISLAND,NEBR. � - <br />�� ....,.. . <br /> NOVri, THEREFORE, I, the said E. H. Stobbe, as Sheriff of �a11 County,- Nebraska, in pureuance <br /> of the order of said Court, as aforesaid, in considera'�ion of the prem', and by virtue of the <br />� powers i.n me vested by law, do hereby give, grant, and convey unto �Ghe said R. E. Spelts and <br /> i assigng, the pr�mise5 sold as aforesa�.d, to-wl�Gt � <br /> The Northerly 80 fee'� of the f ollowing described tract of ground: Fractional Lot � <br /> in frac�ional Bloek �9, in Russell Wheeler� a Addition and of its comple�n�nt �o-wit; <br /> Frae�ional Lo� �, in Fractional Block �, in Gilbert� � Addition, bo�h being additions to <br /> the City of Grand Island, Ha1.1 Coun�y, Nebraska, being a rectangular tract of ground <br /> having a nor�herly frontage of �2.8 feet on 12�h S'�reet in said City and a, depth of <br /> 80 fee�; <br /> with all and the appurt�nancea �hereunto belonging, to ha,ve and to hvld unto Him the <br /> said R. E, gp��.�s and hie heirg and assigns forever. <br /> TN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have, ae such Sheriff oP Hall County, Nebraska, hereunto aet my hand <br /> this l�th day of July A. D. , 1950 <br /> ( . I. R. STAPRPS) <br /> (Cancelled ) <br /> Eseeuted and Delivered in Presence of <br /> �herese A. Muchow E. H. Stobbe <br /> Sheriff of Hall County <br /> THE STATE OF NEBAASKA, ) <br /> )SS. Qn thia 14th d�y of July, A. D. , 19�0, bef ore me M. E. Moses <br /> Ha11 County ) Clerk of Distrlct Cour� duly elected and qualified for said <br /> County, appeaxed E. H. Stobbe, �heriff of said County, <br /> to me known to be the identical pergon desaribed in and who executed the foregoing instrument <br /> as grantor, and acknowledged sald instrument to be his voluntary aet and deed ae suah Sherlff. <br /> ZN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereu nto set my hand and Officia.l seal at Grand Island, Nebraska�,� <br /> in said C ounty , the day and year last above written. <br /> (5EAL) M. E. Moses <br /> lerk of the Dis�riet Court <br /> Fil�d for record this 8 day of August, 1950, at 1:30 0�elock P.M. <br /> �� ��� <br /> REGISTER OF DEEDS <br /> 0-0-0-0-0-0-d-0-0-d-C�-0--0-0-0-0--0-0-��- '�-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0� <br /> uHERIFFS DEED <br /> KNOW ALL MEN BY THE SE PRE SENT3� <br /> THAT, WHEREAS, in an aetlon in the D3.s�rict Court of the Eleventh Judicia,l Distriet of Nebraska, <br /> within and for Hall County, Nebraska, wherein C ounty of Hal1, was plaintiff, and Fred Willadsen, <br /> e� al. , were defendants, No. 10260, Doc 36, Page 2�1, it waa considered, ad�ud.�ed and decreed <br /> by said Cour�, �ha.t the county of Ha1.1 had a lien on �he following d�aaribed premises f or unpaid <br /> taxes, and that in defaul� of the payment of said unpaid taxes, with interest and costs within <br /> twen�y days allowed by law, �he premises should be foreclosed and sold, and <br /> WHEREAS �he defendan�s in saic�,((Ac�ion having made default in the payment of the a,mounts so f ound <br /> due, Herbert H. Hann, Sheriff of said County, urrler and by virtue of the Order of said Court to <br /> me directed, did vn the 18�h day of Dec�mber, I9�5, at the Nor�h Front Door of the Court House • <br /> in th� City of Grand Island in the County of Hall, �he same being the place wher�in the District <br /> _ �aurt was last held in said County, having first given due and legal notice of the time and plaad <br /> of said sale, for not. less than thirty days pr3.or thereto, in a legal newepaper prin�ed and in <br /> General Circulat�.on in said County of �all, sell said premises at Public Auction to SIMON G, <br /> PEDROSA, f or the sum of Forty-seven and 00/100 DOLLARS, he being �he highest bidder therefor, <br /> f or the sums set for�h in the report made to said court of the sale; and, <br /> WHEREAS, THE OWNERS 0�' SAID PREMISE3 fail�d to redeem said premiaes within two years allowed <br /> by 1aw, and said sale was �hereupon confirmed by the Court on �he 19th day of December, 19�7, ��8 <br /> ?, the said Herbert H. Hann, a5 Sheriff of said County, was ordered to ex�cute a deed to said <br /> premises to said SIMON G. PEDROSA. <br /> NOW, THEREFORE, I the said Herbert H. Hann, ae sheriff of Hall County, Nebraska, in pursuanee of <br /> the Order of said Court, as aforesaid, in considera�ion of the premiaes, and by virtus of the <br /> powers vested in me by law and the decree of said Court, do hereby give, grant, and convey to <br /> �he said SIMON G. PEDRO�A THE �remis�s sold as aforesaid �o-witt <br /> CAUSE OF ACTION NUMBER 5 n <br /> F' <br /> Lot Six (6) , Block Eleven (ll) in John W. Lambert� s Addition �o the City of Grand +� <br /> Tsland, Hall County, Nebra�ka. <br /> Al1 �.n the City of Grand Island, Ha11 County, Nebraska, with all and singular the appurt�nance� <br /> '�hereunto belong3ng, to and to hold unto the 5aid Simon G. Pedrosa, to his heirs and assigns <br /> f orever. <br /> IN WI��VESS WHEREOF, I as such Sheriff of Ha11 County, Nebraska, hereun�o set my hand this <br /> 26th day of DeQember, 19�7. <br /> Herber� H. Hann <br /> SHERIFF OF HALL COUNTY <br /> Executed and delivered 9.n Presence of : <br /> Therese A. Muchow <br /> 5�'ATE OF NEBRASKA. ) <br /> - )SS On th�,: 26th day of Decemb�r, 1947, before me Max E. Moses, Clerk of the <br /> COUNTY OF HALL ) District Court, duly appointed and qualified for said coun�y, persona.11y <br /> appeared Herbert H. Hann, Sheriff of said coun�y, to me known to be the <br /> iden�iaal person deseribed in and who executed the �'oregoing inst"rument as grantor, and acknow- <br /> ledged said instrument as grantor, and acknowledged instrument to be his voluntary act ' <br />