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���� <br /> � � <br /> DEED R�CORD NO. 96 <br /> � 92641�}XHAU6UfTINECO.GRANDIBLAND,NEBR. , <br /> SHERIFF'S DEED ON FORECLUSURE OF MORTGAGE <br /> KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PAE5ENTS: <br /> Tha'� Wherea.s, in an aetion in �he District Court of the Eleventh Judicial D3.strict of hiebraska, 't�r <br /> with3.n and for Ha11 County, where9.n Delmar D. �ilcox, doing business undEr the firm name of Wilco�t <br /> Eleatric Gompany, is Plaintiff, and S�ratton Cons'Cruction Company, a corporation, and o�hera ar� <br /> Def endant a, it was by said Gourt at �he J anuary Term �Ghereaf, A. D. , 1950, ta-wlt, on t he 9th <br /> day of Marah A. D. , 1950, aonsidered, ad��.dged, and deereed tha,t in default of the paym�nt '�o <br /> the Clerk of the Dis'�rict Court o�' th� cos�s of sald action, and �o th� Nebragka Loan and Trust <br /> Company, a eorporation, of the sum of �8,8��.5� with interest thereon at 9� from said ate plu� <br /> �60.80 f or insurance and �9.00 e�Enses of abstracting, after payment of taxe$ acerued wi�hin <br /> twenty days f rom the date of such �udgment and dECree-, that the equity of redemption of each and <br /> a11 of said def endants in and to the lands and �enements hereinaf ter deseribed be f or�elvsed <br /> `and f orever barred, and that �he Sheriff of said Hall County cause 'Ghe lands and tenements here- <br /> inafter descrl�ed to be advertiaed, and sold according to 1aw; and whereas the said defendants <br /> having made default therein E. H. Stobb�, as SheriFf of sald County, under and by vir�t�ze of th� <br /> order of said Court to him direeted, did, on �he 6th day of June A. D. , 1g,�0, at the north fron� <br /> door of �he Court House in the city of Grand Tsland, in said County of Hall, (the �ame the <br /> plae� wherein �he D3strict Court was last held in said County) , having first �iven due and le�a� <br /> notice of the time and place of said sale, for not le�s than thir�y days prior there�o, in the <br /> Grand Island Dai1y Ind�pendent, a legal new'spaper printed and in general a3.raula�ion �.n said <br /> County of Hall, se11 the said premises at public auc�ion to Spelta Lwnber Company (they bein� <br />� <br /> the high�s'� a�.d best bidder �herefor) for �he sum of Ten Thousand Five Hundred �'if�y & �Io/l00 <br /> C A D <br /> D�LLARS, which sale was afterwarda at the January Term of said ourt, . . , 1950, examir�ed <br /> a,nd confirmed, and the said E. H. Stobbe, as Sheriff of said County, was ordered to execute af�� <br /> deed of said premises to the said Spelts Lumber Company <br /> I . <br /> . . <br /> ��; <br /> NOW LHEREFORE, I, the said E. H. Stobb�, a� aheriff of Ha11 Coun�y, Nebraska, in purstzance <br /> of the order of saidCourt, as aforesaid, in considerat3.on of the pr�mises, and by virtue of the <br /> nt nd conv a �he d t . <br /> owers i� me ve�ted b law do hereb ive ra a e un� sai 5 e2 s Lumber Co a <br /> P Y , Y � � g � Y P mP �Y <br /> and as�igna, the premises sold as aforesaid, to-w3.t . � <br /> A 1 Lo T e n B oc 'Three Meves F�rst Additian �o the C t of ar <br /> 1 o f t h i r t e ]: ]. k ( } i a n d <br /> ( 3) , 3 , y <br /> Tsland, Hall County, Nebraska <br /> with a3.1 and singular the appurtenances thereun�o belonging, to have and ta hold unto them the <br /> �aid Spelts Lumber Company and the�r heirs, $uccessors and assigns forever. <br /> IN WTTNESS WHEREOF, T have, as such Sheriff of Ha11 County, Nebraska, her�unto set my hand <br /> this 26th day of June A. D. 19,�0. <br /> . ( 12,10 T. R. STAMPS) <br /> Executed and Delivered �.n Presence oP �Cancelled ) E. H. �tobbe <br /> Sheriff of Ha11 County. <br /> There�e A. ffiuchow <br /> THE STATE OF NEBRASKA, ) <br /> )SS. On this 26th day of June, A. D. , 19�0, bef ore me M. E. Moses, <br /> Hal1 County ) C1erk of the �is�rict Court duly elected and qualified for said <br /> . County, personally appeared E. H. Stobbe, Sheriff of said Coun��r, <br /> to me known to be the id�n�ical pereon descr'�bed in and who execu�ed the foregoing instrument ae <br /> grantor, and aeknowledged. said instrument �o be his voluntary act and deed as sueh 5heriff. <br /> IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and official seal at Grand Tsland, Nebra�ka, <br /> in said County, the day and year las� above wri�'Gen. <br /> (SEAL) M. E. Mosee <br /> lerk of the Distriet Cour� <br /> Filed for record this 8 day of August, 19�0, at 1:30 o� clock P.M. <br /> _ _ SC��u' V�°"`�^�' <br /> REGTSTER OF DEEDS � <br /> 0-0-�-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0--0-G- -0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-C�-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0 <br /> SHERIFF� S DEED �N FORECLOSURE OF M ORTGAGE <br /> KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: <br /> Th�.t Whereas, in an aetion �n the Distric� C ourt of �he Eleven�h Judic�,a1 District of Nebraska, <br /> within and for Hall �oun�y, wherein colu�bus Land, Loan and Huildin� Asaociation, of Columbus, <br /> Nebraska, a �orporation, is Plaintiff, and Robert W. Henson and Laverne HenaOn, husband and wife; <br />'' George T. Ayoub, and Agnes M. Ayoub, husband and w�.fe; The Ov�rland National Bank, a eorpora�ion <br />� of Grand Taland, Nebraska: Spelts Lumber Company, , a Co-Partnership of Grand Island, Nebraska, <br /> consisting of W. J. Spelts and R, E. Spelta, fir�'� and real names unknown, and Flo R. Spel�tg <br /> Co-Par�ners; and the United Statea of Ameriaa are Defendant, it was by said Court at �he January <br /> Term thereof, A, D. , 1950, to-w3.t, on the 9�h day of Niarch A. D. , 19�0, considered, ad�udged, <br /> and decreed that in default of' 'Che payment to the Clerk of the Distr�.ct Court of �he costs of <br /> �aid action, and to Columbus Land, Loan and Bu�lding Aasoaiation of Columbus, Nebraska, a corporation <br /> of the sum of ��037.31 with intereSt at � per cent per annum from said date within twen�y day� <br /> from the date of such �udgment and decree, that the equi�y of redemp�ion of each and all of said <br /> de�endants in and to the lands and �enements hereinaf'ter described be forealosed and f orever <br /> barred, and that the Sheriff of sa3d Hal1 Coun�y cause the lands and tenemen�Ga here3.nafter <br /> described to be adver�3sed, and sold a,ccording �o law; and whereas the said defendant having made <br /> defaul� therein E. H. StobbE, as Sheriff of �aid County under and by virtu� of the order of said <br /> Court to him directed, did, on �he 28th day of June A. �. , 19�0, a� the Nor�h Front Door of �he <br /> Cour�house in the City .of Grand Tsland, in said County of Hall, (the same being the place wherein - <br /> th� District Court was last held in said County), having firs� given due and legal notice of the <br /> �ime and place of sale, f or not less �han thirty days prior thereto, 3.n the arand Island <br /> Daily xndependent, a legal newspaper prin�ed and in general ciraulat�.on in said County Bf Hall <br /> sell the �aid premises at public auction to R. E. Spel�s (he being the high�st and beat bl.dder <br /> �h�refor) for �he sum of Four Thousand Two Hundred Twenty Fiv� and no/100 DOLLARS, which sa1� <br /> was afterwards at the January T�rm of said Court, A. D. , 19�Q, exam3.ned and confirmed, and the <br /> sald E. ?i Stobbe, as Sheriff of said County, was ordered ta execute a deed of said premises to <br /> the said �. E. �pelts. . , <br /> .:� <br />