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�� r� <br /> DEED RECORD NO. 96 <br />� 8264i�HEAUGU87IMEC0.6RANa1SLAND.NEBR. <br /> Lot Six (6) in B1ock Seven (7) in �he Village of Doniphan, Hall County, Nebrasha, <br /> as sur�reyed, plat'�ed and recorded. <br /> South Twenty-Pive feet (52�� ) of Lots Seven and Eight (7&8) in Block Five (5) in <br /> the Village of Doniphar�, Hall Coun�y, Nebraska, as surveyed, pla�ted,and recorded. <br /> with the appurt�nances. <br /> TO HAVE AND TO HOLD THE SAME un�o the said Roy Cunningham and his heirs and asgigna forever, <br /> IN TE3TIMOATY �REOF, I have as such SherifP hereunto set my hand thie 26th day of June, <br /> 1950. � <br /> ExeQUted and d�liv�red in th� presence of E. H. 8tobbe <br /> Sheriff of Hall County, Nebraaka. <br /> There se A. Muchcaw ' <br /> STATE OF NEBRASKA ) <br /> )55. On this 26th day of June, 1950, b�i'or�a m�, the undersigned, M. E. <br /> County of Hal1 ` ) Mo$es, peraonally appear�d the eaid E. H. S�obbe, as SherifP ot' <br /> said County, to me personally known to be the identical person who <br /> signed the f oregoing instrument as grantor, and acknowled�ed the aame to b e his volunta,ry aat <br /> and deed, as suah Sheriff, for �he usea and purposes therein act forth. <br /> WIT�IESS my hand and official eeal the day and year above written. <br /> . (SEAL) M. E. Moses <br /> CLERK OF THE DTS'TRICT COUR.T <br /> F11ed for record th�.s � day of August, 1950, at �:30 a'clock P.M. <br /> s� ' <br />� c�=���.,��.� ����_ �/ <br />�� � 0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-�J-0-0-0-0-O��C���B'��0��� -�0- s - �0-0 <br /> �QUIT CLAIM DEED--Corporation <br /> ���� <br /> THIS INDENTURE, Made this 22nd day of July 1950, A.D.-, b�tween C�rand Island Land Company a <br /> corporation or�anlzed axld existin�; under and by virtue of th� laws of the 3tate oP Nebraska par�y <br /> of the first part, and Willlam H. Ehrs�,m and Marian E. �r�am as JOINT TENANTS and not as tenants <br /> ln common oY the County of Hall and State of Nebraska, parties of the s�cond part. WITNESSETH, <br /> that the said party of the first part�, Por and in conaid�ration of the sum oP OIVE & No/100 DOLIvARB <br /> in hand paid, rec�ipt whereof is hereby aa'kriowledged, has sold and by theae presente does quit- <br /> elaim, �;rant, convey and confir�t unto �he said partIES of the second part, the following described <br /> premises, sltuated in Grand Island Hall County, and State of Nebraska, to-wit: <br /> A11 of Lots One (1) and Three (3) oP Block twenty thre� (23) in the College Addition to West Lawn <br /> IT BEINa THE INTENTION OF ALL PARTIES HERETO THAT IN THE EVENT C7F THE DEATH OF EITHER OF SAID <br /> aRANTEEB THAT THE TITLE OF SATD REAL E�TATE WHICH IS HEREBY CONVEYED SHALL VEST IN THE SURVIVINa <br /> (�RANTEE . . <br /> TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the gaid premis�a above described, to�ether with a11 the Tenements, Heredita- <br /> ments and Appurtenances thereunto belon�ing unto the said William H. Ehrsam and Marian E. Ehrsam as <br /> J�TNT TENAIJTS. <br /> And the sa1.d (�rand Island L d Co an fvr it lf or its successora do s hereb t <br /> an m s e e a �e o and <br /> , Y <br /> P Y �'r' <br /> with the said parties of the seeond part and their heirs and assigns, that neither it nor any peraon <br /> in its name and behalf, sha11 or will hereaPter claim or demand any right or ti�le to the eaid <br /> premises or any par� thereof, but they and every one of them shall by thes� presents be excluded <br /> and forever barred. <br /> IN TESTIMONY WHEREDF, �he said Grand I�land Land Company has caused these presents to be <br /> executed by its presiden� and its Corporate Seal to be affixed here�o this 22nd day of July 1950. <br /> Witness ( . .R. � amp�) (CORP) (�rand Island La,nd Company <br /> Bayard H. Paine Jr. ( Cancelled ) (SEAL) by Bayard H. Paine , Pres�.den� <br /> 3TATE OF Nebraska � <br /> ) ss. On this 22nd da,y of Ju].y 1950, before me the undersigned, a Notary Publia <br /> Hall County ) in and for said County, personally came BAYARD H. PAINE, President of the <br /> Grand Ialand Land Company to me personally known to be the President and <br /> the identical pErson whose name ia afflxed to the abone conveyance, an d aaknowledged the executlon <br /> � thereof to be his voluntary aet and deed as such officer and the voluntary act and deed of the said <br /> Grand Island Land Company, and that the Corporate seal of the said arand Island Land Company wa$ <br /> thereto affix�d by lte authority. <br /> Wi�nesa my ha,nd and Notarial Sea1 at GFR.AND ISLAND, NEBR. , in said county the day and year <br /> last above writ�en. (SEAL) <br /> Ba ard H. Paine Jr. <br /> My commisslon expires the 22nd day of December, 1951 o ary �u�I�a. <br /> Filed Por record this �j day oP Augus'�, 195o at 11 o �clock A.M. �, <br /> Reg �ter oP Deed <br /> v-o-o_o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o_o-o_o_o-o-o-o-o-o-o_o-o-o-o_o-o_o-o_o-o_o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o_o_o-o_o-o_� <br /> . . .. ;; <br />