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� <br /> ��'� <br /> DEED R�CORD NO. 96 <br /> 82641�TH8AU6UETINEC0.6RANDISLAND,NEBR. � <br /> acknowled�ed the execution of the said instrumen� to be his voluntary ac� and deed, by au�hority <br /> of said Association, f or the purpoge �herein e xpre�eed. <br /> Zn testimony whereof, I hav� hereunto aet my hand and official seal on the day last above <br /> written. <br /> (SEAL) �. S. Pickens <br /> My eommis�ion expir�a Aug l�', 19.�� Notary Publics <br /> Filed f or record �his 3 day of August 1950, at 8s30 o�cloek A.M. . <br /> �����'-� <br /> REGTSTER OF DEED� <br /> �-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0--0-0-0-0-O-Q-0-0-0-(�-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0--0-0-0-0-0-0-0-p <br /> "WARRANTY DEED--Corporat3on <br /> THIS INDENTURE, Made this 25th day of July A.D. , 1950 be'�ween DODC�E DEVELOPMENT C0. a <br /> eorporation or��ized and existin� under and by virtue of the law� of the State oP Nebraska party <br /> o� the Pirs� part, and GEORGE R. SIC�GTNB AND MARC�ARET A. SIGUTNS hls wife as �oint tenan�s and not <br /> as tenants �.n common with ri�^ht of survivorship of the County of Hall, and State oY Nebra$ka, parties <br /> oP the second part, WITNESSETH, That the said party o�' �he first part for and in eo,nsideration of the <br /> sum oP One dollar and other valuable considerat3,on---DOLLARS in hand paid, receipt whereof is herebp <br /> aeknowled�ed, has sold and by these presents does grant, convey and eonfirm un'Go the said partiea <br /> of the seeond part, the Yollowing described premises, situated in HaZl County, and State of Nebraska, <br /> tv w3.t: <br /> All of The East 66 f eet ot' Lot� (�) , in Bloak On� (1� , in " CLAUSBEN C�UNTRY VTEW <br /> ADDITIONt' to the City Qf Grand Zsland. . <br /> IT BEINa THE INTENTI�N OF ALL PARTTES HERETO, THAT IN THE EVENT OF DEATA OF EITHER OF SAID aRANTEEB, <br /> THE ENTIAE FEE SIMPLE TITLE TO THE REAI., ESTATE DE3CRIBED HERETN SHALL VEST I1V THE SURVTVTAT4 aRANTEE. <br /> TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the premises abov� describ�d, to�;ether with all the Tenements, Hereditaments <br /> and Appur�enances �hereunta belon�in�; unto �he said party vf the Pirst part <br /> And the said party of the �'irst par� for itself or its suecessora, doss hereby covenant and <br /> agree '�o an d with �he 5aid parties of the seeond part and heirB and assigns, that a'G th� time of <br /> the execution and dellvery of these presents it is 1aw�ully seized of said premises; that it haa <br /> �ood ri�h� and lawful authority to convey �he same; tha'� they are free from encumbrance does hereby <br /> . aovenant to warran� and defend the said prem�ses a�ainst the lawful elaims ot all persons whom�Qever. <br /> TN WTTNESS WHEREOF, �he said Dod�e Development Co. has hereunto caused i�s corporate �eal ta <br /> be affixed and these presen�s to be si�ned by its president �Ch� day and yeax Pirst above written. <br /> Si�ned, sealed and delivered in presenee of ( . • . amps) ( COAP) Development Co... <br /> Howard S. Hinman (Cancelled ) ( SEAL�By John Clausaen <br /> - resi en <br /> STATE OF Nebraska ) <br /> ) ss. On th�.s 25th day of July 1950 before me, '�he und�rsigned, a Notar <br /> Y <br /> Hall County ) Public in and �'or said County, persona,lly cam� John Claussen, President <br /> of the Dod�;e� Development Co. to me peraonally known to be the Presiden� <br /> and the identical person whose is aPPixed to the above conveganae, and acknowledged the <br /> execution th�reof�o be his� voluntary aet and deed as such offiesr and the volun�ary act and deed <br /> oP �he said Dod�e Development Co. , and that the Corporate seal oY the said Dodge Development Co. <br /> was there'�o af�ixed by its authority. <br /> W1tn�as my hand and No�ariai Seal at arand Island in 'said eounty the day and year last above <br /> wri��en. <br /> �s�� Howard 9. Hinman <br /> My Commission expires the 19th day of DeQ 1955. Natary u lic. <br /> Filed Yor record this �- day of Au�ust, 195� at 2:30 o �cloek P.M. � <br /> �-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0_0-0-0-0-0-0-0_0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0_0-0-0-CY���=`�'=�-0_�p_ �e s � <br /> c ���==�0-0 <br /> SHERIFF�S DEED <br /> KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: <br /> THAT, WHEREAS, in an action in th� Di�triet Court of the Eleventh Judi�ial Die�rict of the <br /> S�ate of Nebraska, within and f or the Coun�y of �all, wherein Ha11 Coun�y, Nebraska, is plaintiff <br /> and Charies L. Spellman and Spellman et al. , are defendants, IJo. 19, Doc. 3�. Pa�e <br /> 196-206, the plaintiff did on the 2 th day of February, 19�0, obtain a deeree finding th�re '�o <br /> be due from the defendants for genera]. and epecial improvement tax�e upon a CertifiQa�e of Tax <br /> Sale and subsequent taxes, 3.n Gause of Aatlon, No. 7-8, the sum of �798.60, aacruing in�erest <br /> and costs of th� suit, and, wher�as, i� was then and �here fur�her ordered in the sa3.d action <br /> that in d�fault of the payment of the sum so found due from �he sa,id defendants that �he SheriFf <br /> of said Coun�y of Hall �hould cause the land� and �enements hereinaf��r deseribed to be advertised <br /> and sold according to law to pay �he same, and, whereas, defaul� having been made therein, the <br /> said Sheriff �f' said County, under and by virtue of '�he said dearee and th� order of eale to him <br /> duly direated, d3.d, on the 27th day of April, 1950, a� �he North Front Door of the Court House <br /> in the City of Grand Island, in said Coun�y of Ha11, having f irst given due and legal notice o#' <br /> the time and place of said sale for not less �han �hirty days prior there�o in the Grand Zaland <br /> Daily Ind�pendent, a legal n�wspaper, prir�ted and in gen�ral circula'Gion in said� County oP Hall�, <br /> eell said p�emises at public auc�ion to Roy Gunningh�,m for the sum of Sixteen and no/100 Dollars, <br /> (�he to�a� acerued costs of euit and sale beirig �798.6�, ) , whieh sal� was afterwarda on the <br /> 26th day of May, 1950, -examined and confirmed by the said Court and the said E. H. Stobb� as suczh <br /> �heriff, ordered to convey the said premises in fee simple to the �aid Roy Cunningham <br /> NOW, THEREFORE, T, the said Sheriff of the County of Hall, as aforesaid, in consideratlon <br /> of the premisea and by virtue of �h� powers v�sted in me by law and �he decree of 8aid Cour't, do <br /> hereby give, grant, and convey to the said Roq Cunningham, his heirs and assigne, �he premiaes <br /> so as afore�eaid gold, to-�,rit; <br />