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� <br /> ���'a� <br /> DEED RECORD NO. 96 <br />� 32841-'IHEAU6USTINEC0.6RANDISLAND,NEBR. _ � � <br /> SHERIFF� B DEED <br /> - <br /> KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: <br /> THAT, WHEREAS, in an action in �he Distriat Court of the Eleventh Judicial Dis�rict- of the <br /> State of Nebraska, within and for the County of Ha.Il wherein Hall County, Nebraska, ls plaint3ff <br /> and M. M. Vanderpool e� al. , are defendan�s, No. 23, Doe. l, Page 240-250, the plaintiff did on <br /> �he 30th day of Mara�, 1950, obtain a decree find�.ng �here to be due from the defendants for <br /> �enera.l and apecial improvement taxes upon a C�rtiflcate of Tax Sale and subsequent �axes, in <br /> Caus� of Aation, No. 7-8, the sum of �70.72, aacruing interest and cos�s of the guit, and, <br /> whereas, it was then and there further ordered in the said action tha� in default of the payment <br /> of the sum so found due from the said defendan�s that th� Sheriff of said Cour��y of Ha11 �hould <br /> cause the lande and tenements hereinafter described to be adver��Giaed and sold aecording to <br /> to pay th� same, and, whereas, default having been made therein, the said Sheriff of said County, <br /> under and by vir�ue of the $aid decree and the order of sale to him duly directed, did, on the <br /> �l�t day of Ma�, 19��, at the North Front Door of �he Court House in theCity oP Grand Island, <br /> in eaid County of Ha1,l, having firs� �iven due and legal notic� of the 'Gime and place of said <br /> �ale for not less than thirty days prior thereto in th� Grand I81and Daily Independent, a legal <br /> newspaper, printed and in general circulation in said CounCy of �all sell said premises at <br /> publie auetion to Webster P. Augustine for the sum of One Hundred Seventy Five and no/100 DOLLARS, <br /> (the total. accrued Qosts of $uit and sale being �70.72 ) , which sale was at'terwards on the 29�h <br /> day of June, 1950, examined and confirmed by the said Cour� and the said E. H. Stobbe as suoh <br /> Sheriff, ordered �o convey the eaid pr� in fee simple �o the eaid Webster P. Au�us�ine <br /> NOW, THEREFORE, T, the said Sheriff of the County of �all, as aforesaid, in conaideration <br /> of the premises and by virtue of the powers vested in me by law and the decree of eaid Court, <br /> do hereby give, grant, and convey to the said Webster P. Augustine, his heirs and assi�;ns, �he <br /> premises so aa aforeaaid sold, to-wit: <br /> Lot Seven (7) 3.n Block Six (6) , in Glads�one Place, an Addition to the City of Grand <br /> , Teland, Ha13 County, Nebraska., ae surv�yed, platted, and recorded. <br /> Lot Eight (8) in Bloek 51x (6), in Gladstone Place, an Addition to the City of Grand <br />, Island, Hall County, Nebraska, as surveyed, platted, and recorded <br /> with th� appurtenances. <br /> TO HAVE AND TO HOLD THE SAME unto the said Webater P. Auguatine and Hia heira a.nd assi�ns <br /> f orever. <br /> , IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF, I have as such Sheriff hereunto set my hand this 7th day of July, 1950. <br /> Exeeuted and d�livered �.n �he preeenee of . E. H. Stobbe <br /> . Sheriff of Ha11 County, Nebraska <br /> Therese A. Muehow <br /> STATE OF NEBRASKA ) � <br /> )sg. On this 7th day of July, 19.�0, befor� me, the undersi�;ned, M. E. Moses, <br /> County of Hall ) �aeraonally appeared the said E. H. Stobbe, as Sheriff of said Coun�y, <br /> to me personally known to be the �dentiaal person who signed the <br /> f oregoin� lnstrument as grantor, and a.cknowled.gEd the same to be his voluntary act and de�d, as <br /> auah Sheriff, f or the uses and purposes therein �et f arth. <br /> WITNESS my hand and official seal �he day and year above writ�en. <br /> � (SEAL) M. E. Moses <br /> CLERK OF THE DISTRICT COURT <br /> Filed for reaord this 2 day of August, 1g�0, at 2:00 o�elock P.M. <br /> ������ <br /> REGI3TER OF DEED3 � <br /> o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-a-a-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-a-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-�-o-o-o <br /> CEMETERY WARRANTY DEED <br /> No. 132 <br /> THTS DEED made this 27 day of July A. D. 195Q, by the Doniphan Cedar View Cemetery Aasoaiation, <br /> as grantor, to Mrs. A. E. Watson of Hall aountq, State of Nebraska, as grantee. WITNESS: That <br /> the eaid �rantor, f or and in c onsideration of the sum of Tw�lve and 50/100 Dollars in hand paid� <br /> doea hereby aell and convey unto the said gran�ee the f ollowing real estate, situa�ed in Hall <br /> County, in the State of Nebraska, to wit: <br /> > <br /> Bou.tYiwest � Lot No. 295, in Block No 7�, in the Donipahn Cedar View Cemetery, <br /> �o �th� reQOrded plat thereof, to have and �o hold unto the said gran�ee, his heirs and <br /> asei�ns, f or the purpoee of human burial and f or no other purpoae, and sub�ec� to such rules and <br /> regula�ions as the sa,id Doniphan Cedar View Cemetery Asgoeiation has adopted. <br /> In �estimony whereof, the said Don�phan Cedar View Cemetery Aasoaia�ion, does by its <br /> Presid�nt and Seeretary exeau�e and deliver this deed. <br /> Signed thie 27th day of Ju1y A. D. 1950. <br /> Wi'�neas: Verne Crawt'ord <br /> Presid�nt <br /> W. S. Picken� <br /> Attes�ed by <br /> A. H. Meaeraueli <br /> Secretary <br /> STATE OF NEBRASKA ) t <br /> )SS. On �his 27th day of July A. D. 19�0, bef ore me W. S. Pickens, a <br /> County of Hall ) �z���ry publia 3n and f or sald county personally came Verna Crawf ord <br /> , <br /> as Preaident of the Do��.Phan Cedar Vi�w Cemetery Association, to me, <br /> we11 known ��fl be suah and the identiQal p�rson who signed the f oregoing deed as President, and <br /> i - <br /> ; <br /> . _ <br />