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1 <br /> �� "j'�-' <br /> DEED RECORD NO. 96 <br /> 92841-�}N6AU6U8TINEC0.6R�NOISLAND.NEBR. �, <br /> QUIT CLAIM DEED <br /> KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PAESENTS: <br /> That, the Q�.ty of Grand Zsland, a municlpal corporatlan vf �he County of Hall, and Sta�e of Nebraska, <br /> Por the consideration of the sum of One Thousand Ten Dollars (�1010.00� does hereby Quit C1.aim and <br /> convey unto Howard 8. Hinmaxi of �he County of Hall and State of Nebraska, all its right, ti�Ze and <br /> interest oP wha.tsoever nature, in and �o the fallowin� described real �stat�, situated in the County <br /> af Hall and 3tate oP Nebraska, �o-wit: . <br /> Lot Twenty-three �Z3) , B1ock Sixteen (16),. Ashton Place, an Addi'�ion to �he City oP arand <br /> Island, Hall Coun�y, Nebraska. <br /> _ The arantor, the Ci�Gy of Grand Island, shall not be required to furnish an Abatraot of Tit1e. <br /> IN WZTNESS WHEREUF, �Ghe Grantor, the City oP arand Island, in Ha11 Cour�ty, Nebraska, has caused <br /> these presents '�o be si�ned by its Presid�n� of the City Caunc3l and atte$ted to by �Ch� City �lerk <br /> and haa caused the offic�.al seal of said City to be hereunto affixed '�his the 30th day of June <br /> A.D. , i95o. <br /> CITY OF aRAND ISLAI�TD <br />, Marie Blain � BYs� 0. W. Johnson <br /> �i'if.�riess - ( CORP� . . res en o e y oune <br /> (SEAL) <br /> Max'3.e Blain ATTEST s F'. S. White <br /> �tness . 3� er <br /> STATE �g NEBRASKA ) <br /> ) as. ' �n this 15 day of July A.D. , 1950, bePore m� the undersigned, a I�otary <br /> COUNTY OF HALL ) Public, duly cammiBSion�d Por and residing in said caunty, personally <br /> ' came 0. W. Johnson, President of the City Council oY th� Ci�y of arand <br /> Island, Nebraska, and Floyd S. White, City Clerk of said City to me peraonally known �o b� such <br /> iden�ical persons and such qualigied and act�.n�; officera of said City and they severally acknow3- <br /> edged �he execution of said instrument to be their voluntary act and d�ed and the official act and <br /> d�ed on the par'� of said City of 4rand Island. <br /> Witness my hand and notarial seal at C4rand Island, in said County the day and year Pir$t above <br /> writ�en. <br /> (SEAL) M�.x Seovlll <br /> My cornmiss3.on expires May 5-1956 No��ary�u��ia <br /> ORDINANCE N0.__2�_�� <br /> AN ORDINANCE authorizin� and direct�.n� the sale of certain real ea�ate belonging to the City <br /> of arand Island, Nebraska; providin� the rnanner in which the same ehall be sold and the terma of <br /> sald sale;providing for the giving o� no�ice of the saZe vf said real esta,te and the terms th�r�of; <br /> and, providing for �he ri�ht to file a remons�rance ar�ainst the sale thereof signed by legal <br /> electora of the City of arand Island, Nebraska, equal in nwnber to thirty per cent (30�) of the <br /> el�ctors ot' said Ci�y, voting at the last re€;ular municipal elec�ion he3d in aaid Ci�y. <br /> BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITI' COUNCIL OF THE CI3'Y OF aRAND I3LAND, NEBRASKA; <br /> SECTION 1. The �al� and conveyance oP real estate hereinafter d�scribed is hereby directed and <br /> au�horized to Howard S. Hinman of' the City oF arand Island, Nebraska. <br /> The property direeted and authorized to be conveyed ia desorlbed as follows: <br /> Lot Twenty-three (23), Block Sixteen (l6) , Ashton Place, an Addition to the City of Grand <br /> Island, Hall County, Nebraska. <br /> SECTION 2. The manner and '�erma of �aid sale af said r�al e�tate are a� follo�ra; The pur- <br /> ehg8er, Howard 8. Hininan, agrees to pay One Thousand Ten Dollars (�1010.00) for the within described <br />�, real esta'�e and has paid to the City Clerk of the City of Grand Tsland the sum oP Fifty-five Dollara <br /> (�55.00) as a dQwn payment therefore, and the baZance oP N1ne Hundred Fifty-f3ve Dal7.ars (�9�5.00) <br /> wi11 be paid in fu11 upon the exeoution and dellvery oP a Quit Claim �eed by the City to the said <br />, purchaser. The City sha11 not be. requlred �o furniBh an Abstrac'� of Title. <br /> SECTSON 3. As provided by law, notic� of such sale and the terms thereoP shall be publlshec� <br /> far three consecu�ive weeks ln the Grand Island Dai2y Indep�ndent, a new�paper published f.n and of <br /> �eneral cireula�ion in the C�.ty of Grand I�land, Nebraska, immediately aPter the passage and pub- <br /> lica�ion of this ordinance; and the City Clerk is h�reby directed and inetructed ta prepar� and � <br /> publieh said notice. <br /> SECTION �. Author�.ty is hereby ,�;;ranted �o �he electora of 'Ghe City of Grand Islar�d, Nebraska, <br /> t� Plle a remonstrance a�ainst the sale o�' said reaZ estat� and if a remonstrance against said sal� <br /> signed by le�;a1 eleetors of aaid City equal in number to th3.r�y per c�nt (30�� oP the elec�ors of <br /> sa3.d City votin� at the Zast regular election held in said City be fiied with the Council of said <br /> Ci'Gy wlthin thirty days after the passa�e and publication of this Ordinance, said proper�y sha11 <br /> not- then, nor within one year thereaf�er be sold. <br /> SECTION 5. The sale of said real estat� ia hereby directed, authorized and confirmed, and if <br /> no remonstrance be filed a.�a3nst such sale, the President of the C3ty Council and C3t3r Clerk shall <br /> make, execute, and deliver to tne said Howard S. Hinman, a Quit Claim Deed �'or said property and <br /> the execution of said deed ie hereby authoriz�d without further aetion on behalf oP the Ci�y Council. • <br /> SECTION 6. This ordinance aha11 be in Porce and 'Cake effect from and after its passage, ���::;:� ' <br /> approval and publ�,cation, as provlded by law. <br /> PA38ED AND APPROVED thi5 25th day of May , 1950• <br /> ATTEST: H.L.Foreman <br /> Flo d S. Whit�. . res en o t e ty ounc <br /> ,�'�e�k ` <br /> Filed Yvr record this 2 day of Au�uat 1950, at 11:15 o ��lack A.M. <br /> � � �� � <br /> 0=0-0-0-�-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0--0-0-0-0-0--�� �0��-af O��e��0-0--p �� � '������� <br /> '� <br />