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i � <br /> � � y � i <br /> ����'_ � � � � � �� <br /> �� � � DEED R�COI�:D NO. 96 <br /> 8264�-*NlAU611671NECO.GRAMDISLANO,NEBR. <br /> ° WARR,A�ITY DEED <br /> RA10W ALL MEN BY THE SE PRESENTS: � <br /> '�HAT We, W. A. Stoll�y and Mab�l Stolley, each in h�s and her ow�r� ri�ht as husband and wlfe, <br /> of Casa eoun�y, and Sta�e oF Michlgan in conaideration of the �um of One Dollar and other suffic3.ent <br /> � �onsiderations DOLLARS, in hand paid by Robert A. 3QOt�G Jr, and Doro�hea E. Scott (husband and <br /> wif e) of Hall County, and S�ate of Nebraska do hereby grant, bargain, s�ll, convey, and cor�.firm <br /> - unto the said Robert A. a,nd Doro�hea E. Seott the f ollowing deseribed pr�mise8, situated in the <br /> County of Ha11 and State of N�braska, to-witt <br /> Lot 33 (thirty three� , �.n Block `�Du , in Park View Subdivieion of a part of the we�t <br /> half oP the northwest quarter of Seet�.on 28, and �he eas� half vf the northeas� <br /> quarter of Sea�ion 29, both in Township ll North, Range 9 Weat of �he 6�h P.M. , �e <br /> surveyed, platted, and recorded, <br /> sub�eet, however, ta �Ghe followin� condl.tions and restria�ion�, ea,ch and all of which sha3.1 be and <br /> remain in full force and eFfect, ag cover�ants runnin� wi�h the land, un�i1 the first day of May, <br /> 19,53, namely: That sa3.d premises are �old for residential purposes only; that no building ahall <br /> b� moved onto �aid pr� without the written consen�G of the Lots 3.n the block where �,� la <br /> j proposed to remove such building; th�t any building er�cted or placed on said premises ahall be <br />'� 3� f�et or more from the atreet on which said premises front�; tha.� no resid�nae �ha11 be erected <br /> on sald premises a� a cost of lese than �2�q0.0�, tha� $aid premises eha.11 not be sold, rented, <br /> or leased, �o any person or persans other than pe�sona of the white or Caucasion ra�e; ��iat no <br /> sw3ne aha12 be k�pt or maintained on said premises; said premiee� are also eonveyed sub�eat '�o an <br /> easemen�G of seven fe�t over the rear of sa,id pr�mise� which is dedieated for public u�3.lity � <br /> p�.rpo�ee, and res�Grict�.ve agreemen�s reeorded Septemb�r 4, 1��0, Book "T" , Pa�e 187, OfPice of <br /> Ha11 County Register of Deeds. <br /> Together with a11 �he �enements, hereditaments, and appttrtenaneea to �he same belon�ing, and <br /> a11 of th� eatatE, right, ti�le, interest, claim and demand whatsoever, of �aid grantor, of, in and <br /> to �he sam�, or any part thereof. �'It being the intention of aIl parties hereto, tha� in the <br /> event oP the de�,th of �lther of the said �rantees the en�ire Fee simple Titl� to the described <br /> real estate herein sha11 vest in �he grantee". <br /> TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the above deacribed premises, with the appta,.rt�nances, un�a the said <br /> Robert A. and Doroth�a E. Scott and to their heirs and assi�ns forever. And w� hereby cov�nant <br /> wi'�h the said Rober� A. and Dorothea E. Scott tha'� w� hold said premis�� by good and perfeet <br /> title; that we have good right and lawful au�hority to �ell and Qonvey aamt; that �hey are fr�E <br /> and clear of a11 liens and incumbrance� what�oever. And we covenan� to warrant and defend the <br /> said pr�misea against the lawful claims of alI persons whomaoever. <br /> Signed this 27�h day of February A.D. , 195fl <br /> In presence of � � .S5 �• �• �TAM�'S� W. A. 3�olley <br /> (Cancelled ) <br /> Lewia W. James � Mabel �tolley <br /> Iva P. Kir�g <br /> STATE OF' Michigan ) � <br /> )ss. On this 27th day of February A. D, 19�Q, bef ore me a No�ary Fublic, in <br /> Gounty of Cass ) and for said County, per�ona].1y came the above named W. A. S�olley and <br /> Mabel Stolley who are persor�a.11y kno�,m �o me to be �he ident3cal per�or�s <br /> whose names are affixed to �he above instrument as grantors, and they have acknowledged said in- <br /> strument to be their voluntary a,ct and deed. <br /> WITNESS my hand and Notarial Seal the date laet afore$aid. <br /> (SEAL) Lewis W � <br /> , J�,m $ <br />�� <br /> Notary Publia, Cass Co. , Miahi�an <br /> My Commission E�:pires Ju1y l5, 1g,�2 <br /> Fi1ed for record this 31 day of Ju1.y, 19,5�, at l:l� o'cloek P.M. <br /> ����� <br /> REGI3TER OF DE�D3 � <br /> 0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0--0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-Q-0-0-0-C�-0-0-0-0-0-0--0-0-0-0- -Q- - - <br /> 0 0-0-0-0 O-�-Q 0 <br /> SHERIFF� S DEED <br /> KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PAESENTS: <br /> THAT, WHEREAS, in an action in the Dlstriat Court of the Eleventh Judicial Dietriet of the <br /> S�ate of Nebraska, within and f or �he County of Ha11 wh�C�ein The County of Hall, S�ate of Nebraska, <br /> is plaintiff and E. B. Cowles, first real �rue name unknown et al. , are defendants, No. 17, Doc 1, <br /> Page 17�-184, �he plaintiff did on �Ghe 20'Gh day oP December 1g49, obtain a decree findin� ther� <br /> to be due from the def�ndants f or general and apecial improvemen� �axes upon a C�rtifieate of Tax <br /> Sale and sub�equent taxes, in Cause of Acstion No. l, �h� �um of �394.15, aecruing intereet and <br /> costs of the suit, and, whereas, it was then and there further ordered in the said action that in <br /> default of th� payment of the sum eo found due from th� said dQfendants that �he Sheriff ot' sa3d <br /> QOunty oF Hall ahould ca.use the lands and tenement� hereinaft�r deecribed to be advertised and <br /> sold aecording to law to pay �he same, and, wher�a�, dePaul� havin� been made ther�in, �he said <br /> Sherlff of said County, under and �by virtue of th� said decre� and the order oF eal� to hlm duly <br /> dir�eted, did, on the 22nd day of March, 195�, at the Nor�h Front Door of the Court House in th� <br /> C�ty of Grand Island, in said County� �oP Ha11, having flrst given due and legal no�ice of the tirc <br /> and plaee of said sa1,e f or not le as than th�ty daya prior thereto in The Grand Island Daily <br /> Independent, a IEgaI newspap�r, prir�ted a,nd .in general e3reu].ation in said County of Hall, sell <br /> said premises at publ.ic auction to Ma.x J. and Ruth Cornel�.us, as JOINT TENANTS WITH �S'URVIVORSHIP <br /> A�JD N�T AS TENANTS IN COMMON; for �he sum ofi:Two Hundr�d and FiP�een and no/1�0 DOLI,�RS, (the <br /> total aecr�ed cos�s of suit and sa1.e bein� ��09.89) , wh3ah �ale was af�erwarde on �he l�th day of <br /> April, 195a, examined �nd conf irmed by the Baid Gourt and the said E. H. Stobbe as such 5h�rit'f, <br /> ordered to eonvey the saic� premises in f ee simple to the said Max J. and Ruth �orneliue <br /> NOW, THEREFORE, I, the said Sheriff of the Count�r of Hall, a� aforesaid, in cvnsidera'tion of <br />, the and by v3.r�ue of the powers vested in m� by law and the decree of said Gourt, do <br /> hereby give, grar�t, and convey �o the said Max J. and Ruth Corneliva and thei,r heirs and asaigna, <br />