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��� <br /> DEED RECORD NO. 96 <br /> 32841-TXE/.UGUSTiNEC0.6RAND15LAND.NEBR. � <br /> �.WARRANTY DEED---Corporation <br /> THIS INDEN'�URE, Made thls 2�th da.y of July A.D. , 1950 bs'Cween NITZEL AND COMPANY, A CORPORATTON <br /> a eorporation or�anized and exis�in� under and by virtue of the laws oP �he Sta�e oY NEBRASKA party <br /> of the first par'�, and HAR4LD S. GR�SSMAN AND ARLENE (�R03SMAN, HIB wife, as ,�ain'� tenants and nat <br /> as tenan�Cs in common, wi�Gh ri�hts of surnivorship of the County of Hall, and Sta.te of Nebraska, <br /> parties of the �ecand par�, WITNESSETH. That the sa3d party of the Pirst part for and in eonsider- <br /> ation oP the sum of ONE DOLLAR AND 4THER VALUABLE CONSIDERATIOPIB - - - DOLLARS in hand pald, <br /> receipt whereof is hereby a.eknowl�cl�;ed, has sold and by these presents does grant, convey and emn- <br /> f3rm unto th� said partl,es of the second par�, the following deacribed premises, situated in Ha11 <br /> County, and Stat� vf Nebraska, to-wit: <br /> All of Lot twelve (12) in Fraational Block nine (9) in Ashton Plaae, arand Island, <br /> Ha�l Gounty, Nebraska <br /> I� being the intention of all parties hereto, that in the event of the death o�' either oP said <br /> �ran�ees, the entire f ee �imple title to �he real estate descr�.bed hereln shall vest in the sur-- <br /> " vivin� gran�ee. <br /> TU HAVE AND TO HOLD the above deseribed, together with all �he Tenementa, Heredi�aments <br /> and Appurtenance8 thereun�o belon�;in� unto the said HAROLD S. GROSSMAN AND ARLENE aROSSMAAI, his wi�e, <br /> as �oint tenants and not as tenante in common, with rights of survivorahlp <br /> And the said NITZEL AND COMPANY, A CORP�RATION Por itselP or ita sueceasors, doea hereby <br /> covenant and a,�;ree to and the said parties oP �he ascond part and heira and assigne, that at <br /> the time of the exeaution and del3.very of thes� preaenta it is lawfully seized of sald premises; <br /> that it has good right and lawPul authorlty �o convey the same; that they are Pree from eneumbranae <br /> does hereby covenant to wa,rrant and defend the aaid premises against �he law�'ul alaima of all per- <br /> sons whomsoever. <br /> IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the �aid NITZEL AND COMPANY, A CORPORATION has hereunto caused its <br /> corporate seal �o be affixed and �hese presents to b� a�.�ned by _its PRESIDEIVT the d.a.y and qear <br /> Pirat above written. <br /> Signed, �ealed and d�livered �.n presence of ( .1 I.R. Stamps ) (CORP)Nitzel and Company <br /> Howard S. Hinman ( Cancelled ) (SEAL)Hy J. H. N1�Ze1 <br /> 5TATE OF NEBRASKA ) <br /> ) s�. On this 2�th da.y oP July 1950 befor� me, the undersigned, a Notary Publie <br /> Hall County ) in and for gaid County, personally eame J. H. Ni�Zel, Presiden� oP the <br /> NITZEL AND COI++IPANY, A CORPORATION to m� peraonally knor�n to be the Presi- <br /> dent and �he person whose name is af�ixed to the above eonveyance, and acknowled�;ed the <br /> execution '�hereoP to be his voluntary act and deed as such oYficer and the voluntary act and deed <br /> of the sa�d NITZEL AND C�MPANY, A CORPORATION, and tha.t the Corporate seal ot the said NITZEL AND <br /> COMPANY, A CORPORATION was thereto afPixed by i�s authority. <br /> Witness my han d and Notar3al Seal a� arand Island, Nebr. in sa9.d county the day and year last <br /> above wri�t�en. <br /> ���'� Howard S. Hinman <br /> My Commiasion expires �he 19 day of Dec. 1955. o ary u a. <br /> F31ed for record this 2� day of July, , 1950 at 3:�-5 o �aloek P.M. <br /> � <br /> eg s er"��ee� <br /> 0-0-0--0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-�-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-� <br /> CEMETERY WARRANTY DEED � <br /> Know All Men by These Presents: � <br /> That the. Tru��ees of SHELTON TOWNSHIP CEMETERY� in the County of Buffalo and S�ate oP Nebra$ka, <br /> for and in consideration of the sum oP Eleven and 00 DOLLARS in hand paid, do hereby t}rant, Bargain, <br /> Sell, Convey and Confirm unto F. C. Aekerman of the County of But'falo and State of Nebraska the <br /> follQxing described Real Estate for- Cemetery purposeg, sub��at to By-laws o�' said Shelton Townahip <br /> Cemetery, to-wlt : <br /> South East 1/4 367 <br /> in the South-Eas� quar�er oP the South-East qua,r'�er of the South-West quarter oP 9eetion No. 81x (6) , <br /> in Tawnship No. Nine (9), NortY� of Ran�e No. Twelve (12) , Weat, si�uated in Hall Countyr, and State <br /> oP Nebraska, and denominated THE SHELTON TOWNSHIP CEMETERY; and it is provided that at any time sai d <br /> Real Estate ahall be used Por other than Cemetery purposes, it ahall revert back to th� Trusteee oY <br /> SHELT�N T�WNSHIP CEMETERY, aforesaid. <br /> And 'the said Trustess af BHELT�N TOWNSHIP CEMETERY do hereby covengnt with the said F. C. F1aok <br /> ahd hi8 heirs and a�signs, that the said Truatees of SHELTON TOWNSHIP CEMETERY have good rig�i ,f and— <br /> lawPul authority to sell the same, and do hereby covenant to warran� and defend the titl� to said <br /> pr emises again�t the lawful clalms of all persons whomaoever. <br /> Sl�n�d this S day oP July A.D. 1950. <br /> Witnesses : �CORP) Shelton Township Cemetery <br /> W M Dra�e (SEAL) By R. D. MeMurra <br /> resi ent oard oY rusteea <br /> Attest F. C. Flaak <br /> eeretary <br /> NOTARY ACKNOWLEDGEMEIJT <br /> STATE OF Nebraska ) - <br /> ) es. 4n this 2��` day of July, A.D. , i95o, before me, the undersigned a Notary <br /> BufFalo County ) Public, du2y commissioned and qualified for and reaiding in said county, <br /> p�rsonally came R D McMurray & F. C. Flack by F. C. Flaek. Secy. to me <br /> known to be the identical peraons whose nazne they affixed to the fore�oin�; instru�nent as grantors <br /> an d acknowledged the same to be '�heir voluntary act �.nd de�d. <br /> Witn�ss my hand and Notarial Seal the day and year last above written. <br /> (g�,,) L. T. Oaborn <br /> COMMISSIOAt EXPIRES JULY 1�+, 1955 � otar�r ub c <br /> Filed for reeord this 29 day of Juiy A. D. 1950 at �:30 0 �clook A.M. � ��� � <br />