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��� <br /> DE�D RECOI�.D NO. 96 <br /> 92841�'fHEAUGUl71NEC0.6RANDISLAND.NEBR. <br /> WTTNESS my hand and official aeal th� ci.ay and year abov� written. <br /> (SEAL) M. E. Mo�es <br /> • CLERK OF THE DISTRICT CUURT <br /> F3.led for record this 25 daY of July, 195�, at �t�0 o�clock P.M. <br /> � ��i���'�""''^� - <br /> REQISTER OF DEEDS /� <br /> -o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o--o-o-o-o-a-o-o-o-o-o�o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-a-o-o-ao-o-a-o-o <br /> ��UI� CLAII� DEED � <br /> THZS INDENTURE, M�,de this 18�h day oP July, in the year one thousand nine hur� �?�d Fifty, <br /> betwe�n Mary E, Howe (a Wldow) of the firat part, and Edwin C, Lilley and/or /���.1'�sy _of the <br /> seco�d p�.r�, �' r <br /> WTTNES3ETH, that �Ghe sald party oS' �he f irst part, in consideration of the sum oP One Dollar and <br /> other considerations DOLLAR.S, to her duly pa�.d, �he rece3pt whereof is hereby acknowledged and r�mi�aed, <br /> rel�as�d, and quit-claim, and by these presents does for herself her he3,rs, executora and adm3.n- <br /> istratorg, remise, release and forever qu�.t-cla�.m and cor�vey unto the sa3d party of the second <br /> part, and to his and assi�ns �'orever, all my r�.gh'�, '�itle, int�rest, estat� and claim and <br /> demand, both at law and in equ3ty, of, in and to alI to '�he f ollowing desaribed r�a1 estate <br /> The South-weat Quarter Of �he North-w�st Quar�er (SW� of 1VW�� Seation Fiv� (�) . <br /> Township Nine (9) , Range Elev�n (11) , Wes� of the Sl�th P,M, Hall Courity, N�braska. <br /> �oge�her with a1l and aingular the hereditaments thereunto belongi��. <br /> TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the abov� described remises unto �Gh� said Edwin C. L111e ��a. �. Lllley, <br /> P y -��i��r --i��re <br /> and ass�.gna; so �hat nei�hEr Mary E, Howe �he said First party, or any person �.n her name an <br /> behalf, shall or will h�reafter claim or demand any r�.ght or title to the said premis�s or any <br /> part thereof, but they and every one of thEm ehall by theae pr�sentg b� excluded a,nd forev�r <br /> barred. <br /> ZN WITNESS WfiEREOF, the sald party of the �'irst part has hereun�Go $et her ha,nd and eeal. on <br /> the day a�id yea.r above written. <br /> ( 2.75 I. R. STAMPSj <br /> (Cancelled <br /> Si�ned, �ealed and delivered in presence of Mary E. How� <br /> Kit Baker <br /> STATE OF Nebraska ) <br /> )as. On this 18'�h day of July, 19.�0, bef'ore me, the underai�;ned Kit Baker <br /> Hall Coun�y ) a Not�.ry Public, duly �ommiesioned�and qua:tif'9.�d for and residing ira <br /> said ounty, personally eame Mary E, How� �o m� known to be the identiaal <br /> persons who�e ie affixed �o the f oregoin� instrum�nt as �'rantor and aeknowledged the sam� <br /> to be her voluntary aet arid deed. � <br /> Witn�s� my hand and Notaria7. Sea1 the day and yea� Zast above written. <br /> (SEAL) Kit Baker <br /> My commission expires the ZOth day of May, �.95� Notary Publie. <br /> F�.led �'or record this 27 day oP July, 1950, a� 1:�0 o�clock P.M. <br /> �ol.,�,a, �� <br /> REGIBTER �F DEEDS <br /> 0-�-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0--0-0-0-0-0-0-Q-0-d-0-0-0-�1--Q-O-0-�-0-0-0-0-0-0-fl-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0- -0- <br /> QUIT CLAIM DEED. <br />'� RNOW ,ALL MEN BY THESE PREBENT�: � <br />� That, the City o�' arand Island, Ha1� County, Nebraska, a muniQipal corporation in s�.id County and <br /> S�ate, for the �um of ONE DOLLAR (�1.00) and other valuable cc�nsideration does hereby Qui'� Claim <br /> and convey unto NITZEL AND COMPANSC oP the County of Hall and Sta�e of Nebraska, all its rl.ghts, <br /> title and in�erest of wha��oever nature, in and to the followin�; de�eribed r�al est�,te, si�uated <br /> in the County of Hall and S'Cate of Nebraeka, '�o wit: <br /> Lot Twelve (12 ), Fractional B34ck Nine (9), Aah�on Plaae, ari Addi'�ion �o the Ci�y of <br /> arand Island, Nebraska. <br /> The Grantor, the City of arand Island, sha11 not be required to Purnieh an Abs�raat of Tit1�. <br /> In WITNESS WHEREOF, the C�rantor, the Ci�y oY Gr�.nd I�land in Hall County, Nebrask$, hae caused <br /> these presents �o be si,�;ned b� the Preeident af the City Council and att�$ted to by the City <br /> Clerk and has caused the ofPicial seal of said City to be hereunto afPixed this� 27th day of Ju1y,. <br /> A.D. , 1950. <br /> Maris Blain CTTY OF aRAND T3LAND <br /> iR�nes� `_' ( coRP3 8y �. w. aohnson . <br /> (SEAT�) reaident oY ity Counci . <br /> Marie Blain ATTEBT F. S. White - <br /> �tne�s � C1Ly erk. <br /> STATE OF NEBRASKA ) <br /> ) SS On �his 27th da,y of Ju1y, A.D. , 1954, bePore me the underaigned, a Notary � <br /> C�UriTTY OF HALL ) Public, c'i�lq commi$sioned for and residin� in said eounty, persanally came <br /> 0. W. Johnson, President of the City Council of the Ci�y of arand Island, <br /> N�braska, and Floyd 3. White, City Clerk of said City to me personally knQwn '�o be au�h identicai <br /> persons and suah qualified and actin� oPficers oP said City and they sever�,lly aaknowledged 'Che <br /> exeention oP said instrument to be '�heir volunt�ry act and deed and the oPficial aat and deed on <br /> �he part of said City of Grand Island. � <br /> Witness my hand and notarial seal at C�rand Island, in said County the day and �eax �'irst ' " <br /> above written. �g�� � , Max Seovill � <br /> My commiaslon expires May 5-1956• o az•y u 1 c <br /> F31ed far record this 27 day of July 195�, at 4t15 o �elaaok P.M. �� C�� � <br />�,.__ _ __ dG .��.°-f /�'u'�° <br />