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>: .. f, . �;,,:_ .. ... . . . .. _. ._ . <br /> �� � ���� <br /> DEED RECORD NO. 96 <br /> 32641�XEAUGUSTINEC0.6RANDIS�AND,NEBR. <br /> Lot Three ( ) in Block Nine in Lambert� dd o C <br /> 3 �9) s A iti n �• �hs ity �1' Grani lela.nd, <br /> Hall County, Nebraeka; as surv�yed, plat�ed, and rec�rded. <br /> Lot Two (2) in Block Three (3) in Lambert� s Second Addi�ion �o the Ci�y ot' Grand <br />� Island, Ha11 CouMty, Nebraska, aa surveyed, platted, and recorded <br /> Lo� Five (5) in Bloek Three (3) in Lambert' s tiecond Addition �o the City oP Grand <br /> Taland, Hall County, Nebraska, as surveyed, platted, and recorded. <br />� . . . <br /> with the appurtenance�. <br /> IT BEII�G THE INTENTION OF ALL PARTIES HERETO, THAT IN �HE EVENT OF THE DEATH OF �I�HER OF SAID <br />;; , GRANTEES, THE ENTIRE FEE SIMPLE TITLE T� THE REAL ESTATE DESCRIBED HEREIN SHALL VES� TN THE <br />� StJRVIVINa GRANTEE. <br /> TO HAVE AND TO HOLD THE SAME unto the eaid John Ross and or Ruth Ross, as JOINT TENANTS T�IITH <br /> SURVIVORBHIP AND NOT AS 2ENANTS SN COMM�N, and their heire and assigns Porever. <br /> IN TESTIMONY WHERE�F, I have as such Sherii"f hereunto set my hand �hi$ 20�h day of March, <br /> 195 0. <br /> Executed and delivered in the preaence of E. H. 5tobbe <br /> Shez`1ff of Hall ourityi Nebraska <br /> Therese A. Muahow <br /> STATE OF NEBRASKA ) <br /> )S�. On this 20th day ot' March, 1950, be�ore me, M. E. Mosea personally <br /> County of -Hall ) •the sald E, H. Stobbe as eheriff of eaid Coun�y �o me, per8onally <br /> known to be the ,identiQal peraon who aign�d the foregoing instrYUnent as <br />, grantor, and acknawledged the same to be his voluntaxy acs'� and deed, aa sueh aheriff, tor the <br /> uaes and purposea therein se� forth. <br /> WITNESS my hand and offieial seal the day and year above written. <br /> � (SEAL) M. E. Mose� <br /> CLERK OF THE DISTRICT efRJRT <br /> Filed for re�ord thi� 2� day of July, 1950, at 4:00 o�clock P.M. � <br /> � <br /> ��� <br /> - REQT TS ER OF EED DS � <br /> 0-0-0-4-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0- <br /> SHERTFF� S DEED � � <br /> KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENT3: ' <br /> THAT, WHEREAS, in an aation in the District Court of the Eleventh Judialal Distriet of the Sta�e <br /> of' �V'ebraska, within a.nd for the County of Hall wherein The County of Hall, Sta�e of Nebraska, i� <br /> plaintiff and Charles Mettenbrink and Mettenbrink first real ltrue name unknown, hia wife, <br /> et al. , are dePendants, No. l4, Doc. 1, ge 1�1-151, the plair�tift' did on� the lOth day of <br /> Novemb�r 19�9, obtaln a dearee finding there to be due from the defendants for general and special <br /> improvement ��es upon a Certificate of �� Sale and aubsequen� taxes, in Cause of Action No. 6-�, <br /> the sum of �180.34, accruing interest and cos�s of the suit, and, whereas, it wae th�n and there <br /> Purther ord�red in the said aation that in default of the pa.yment of �he eum so found due from <br /> �h� said dePendan�a tha� the Sheriff of said �ot�nty of Hall ahould aause the lands and tenementa <br /> hereinafter deseribed to be advertia�d and sold according to law to pay the aame, and, wh�reae, <br /> clefault having been made therein, the said �heriff of aaid County, under and by virtue of the said <br /> decrea and the order oP gale �o him duly directed, did, on the 25th day of January, 1950, a� '�he <br /> Nor�h Front Door of the Cour� Houee in th� City of Grand Island, in eaid County of Hall, having <br /> firs� given due and legal notice ot' �the tim� and plaae of said sale for not less than thirty days <br /> prior thereto in Th� E�rand Island Daily Independent, a legal newspaper, printed and in general <br /> airculation in said Coun�y of Ha11, se11 said premise$ at public auction to John J. Rose and/or <br /> Ruth Roea, a� JOIN� TENlANTS WITH SURVIVOR3�iIP AND NOT AS TENANTS IN COMMON; for the aum oP One <br /> Hundred and Twelv� and no/100 Dollara, (the total aeerued Qosts of suit and sale being �180.3�), <br /> which sale was afterwards on the l7th day of Februazy, 1950, examined and conflrmed by the said <br /> Court and the �ald E. H. 9�obbe as euch 9herit'f, order�d to convey �he �aid premises in fee <br /> aimple to the said JoY�n J. Rosa and/or Ruth RoBs <br /> NOW, �HEREFORE, I, the eaid SheriPf of the County of Ha,7.1, as aPoresaid, in aonaideration of <br /> the premi�es and by virtue of the powers vea�ed in me by law and the decree of said Court, do <br /> hereby �ive, grant, and convey to the aaid John J. Ross and /or Ruth Rose, thelr heira and aesign�, <br /> the premises so as af oresaid sold, to-wit. <br /> Lot Thirteen (13) Hloak Three (3) in Lambert� a Seaond Addi�ion to theCity of (�rand Ialand� <br /> Hall County, NebraBka, as aurveyed, platted, and recsorded. <br /> Lo� Four�een (l�) Hlock Three (3) in Lamber�' s Seaond Addition to the City of Grand Ieland, <br /> Hall County, Nebraska, �.s surveyed, pla�ted, and Y'6COx'd�d. <br /> with �he appurtenances. <br /> IT HETNG THE INTENTION �F ALL PARTIE� HERETO, THAT IN THE EVENT OF THE DEATH OF EITHER OF SAID <br /> GRANTEES, THE ENTIRE FEE SIMPLE �TTLE TO THE REAL ESTATE DESf�RIBED HEREIN SF3ALL VEST IN THE � <br /> SURVIVING GRANTEE. <br /> TO HAVE AND TO HOLD THE SAME ur�to the �aid John J. Ros� and/or Ruth Roas ag JOTNT' TENA�NTB � <br /> WTTH SURVIVORSHIP AND NOT AS TENANTS IN COMMON, and he�.rs and assi�na forever. <br /> . <br /> IN TE�TTMONY WHEREOF I hav� as suah Sheriff hereunto set m hand this 20th da of Marah <br /> . - , Y Y , <br /> 19�0. <br /> Execu�ed and delivered in the presenee of �'. H. Stobbe <br /> Sheriff ot' Hall County, Idebraska <br /> Therese A. Niuch.ow � <br /> :3TA�E OF NEBRASKA ) <br /> )SS. Or� thie 2�th day of March, 1q�0, bef ore me, M. E. Moee$ peraonally <br /> Coun�y oP Hall ) appeared the said E. H. Stobbe as aheriPf of �aid County to me, per- <br /> sonall�r known to be the identioal pereon who eign�d the f oregoin� instru- <br /> ment as grantor, and ackrzc>wled.ged �he same to be his voluntary aet and deed, ae auch sherit'f, for <br /> �he useg and purposes '�herein a�� forth. <br />