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i <br /> ���� <br /> DEED R�COR.D NO. 96 <br /> 32841�7NCAU6US71NECO.GRIINDIBLAND,NEBR. � <br /> yQUIT CLAIM DEED <br /> THI� INDENTURE, Made this l8th day of May, in �hs year one thousand nine hundred and f if�y, between <br /> D on 4. Kens3nger and M. Josephine Kenainger, eaeh in his and her own right and as husband and w3.fe, <br /> oF t he County of Ha11 and State of Nebraska, parties of the f irst part, and Alta M. Breau and Ralph <br /> �. Johnson, as JOTNT TENANTS, and no� as tenants in eommon, of the CQUnty of Hall and S�ate of <br /> Nebraska, parties of the second part, <br /> WTTI�SSETH, �ha� �he said partie9 of th� firs'� par�, in aonsid.eration of �he gum o�' OI�E HUNDRED <br /> and NO/100 (�100.00) DOLLAR.S, to them duly paid, the reQeip� whereof i� hereby acknowledged have <br /> remised, releaeed, and quit-claimed, a,nd by th�se pr�gents do for themaelves and their heirs, <br /> executors and administra�or�, remise, release and forever quit-ala3m and convey unto the sa�.d <br /> par�Gies oP the second part, and to their heirs and assigng forever, all their ri�ht, ti�1e, interes'�, <br /> eata�e claim and demand, both at law and in equ3�y, of, in and to all the f ollowing desaribed <br /> pr�mises, situated in Hall Coun�y and 3�ate of Nebraska, �o--wi�: <br /> Lo� Six (6) , in Bloek Twelve (12) , in Ha�gs & Hill� s Addition �o �he C1�y of arand Island, <br />; Nebraska, aa survey�d, pla�ted and recsorded. <br /> TT BEING �'HE INTENT'ION OF ALL PARTIES HERETO, THAT IN THE EVENT OF TAE DEATH OF EITHER OF SAID <br /> GRANTEES, THE ENTIRE TTTLE HEREBY COI�VEYED AND DESCRIHED HEREIN SHALL VEST TN THE SURVIVTNa (�RANTEE. <br /> Together wi�h a12 and singular the heredi'�aments thereunto beiong3n�. <br /> TO HAVE AND '�0 HOLD the above desoribed premises unto the gaid Alta M. Breau and Ra, W. <br /> J ohnson, as JOINT mENANTS, and not as tenants in common, and to the3r heir� and asaigns; so tha� <br /> neither they the said grantors, nor any person in their name and behalf, shall vr wj,ll hereafter <br /> . <br /> claim. or demand any righ� or ti�le to the said premises or ar�,y part thereof, bu� they and every <br /> one of '�hem shall by the se pre sen�a be exelude�. and f orever bar,red. <br /> TN WTTNESS WHEAEOF', the said parties of the first part have hereunto se� their hands and seals <br /> �he d.ay and year above written. <br /> ( .� T. R. STAMP3) � <br /> (Caneelled ) <br /> Signed, sEaled and delivered in presence of D on 0. Kensir�ger <br /> Bayard H. Pain� Jr. M. Josephine Kens�.nger <br /> STATE OF T�EBRASKA ) <br /> }SS. On �hia l$�h day oP May, A. D. � 1950i bePore me, .the underaigned, <br /> Hall Coun�y ) Hayard H. Paine, Jr. , a Notary Public, duly cammisslon�d and qualifi�d <br /> for and res3.din� in said county, persona2ly eame �. Josephin� Kensing�r, <br /> in her own right and a� wife of Don 0. Kensinger, to me known to be '�he identiaal peraon whose <br /> name lB aPfixed �o the f oregoing ingtrument as gran�or and she acknowled�ed the �ame to be he� <br /> voluntary aat and d.eed. <br /> Witnesa rqy hand and Notarlal Seal the day and year laet above wri�ten. <br /> Ba,yard H. Pair���'i�r. <br /> (SEAL) �To�ary Publics <br /> My Commission expires the 22nd day of Deaember, 1q5�. <br /> ���ta�e of Nebraska a <br /> )s� On this 13th day of July, A. D. , 1954, before me, the underaigned, <br /> Ha11 County ) Bayard H. Paine Jr. , a Notary Public, duly commisaioned and quslified <br /> for and r�siding in said Qo�n�y, personally eame Don 0. Kens�.nger, in <br /> his own right and as husband af M. Kens�.nger, to me �nown to be the identical person <br /> whose name is affix�d to the foregoing 3.n8�r�.ment as �rantor and he ackr�owledged the same to be <br /> hie voluntary ac� and deed. <br /> I�� Witne ss my hand and Se�]. the day and year last above written. <br /> Bayard H. Paine Jr. <br /> (SEAL) N'ot ary Pt,1b11 a. <br /> i My Commiasion expire� the 22nd day of December, I.g51. <br /> FilEd for record '�his 2� day of July, 1950, at 11:55 o�elock A.M. . <br /> II� ���i:�'o-�,. <br /> REQT�TER OF DEED3� <br /> �--0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-.0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-d-0-0-0-0-�-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-�0--0-0-0-4- <br /> SHERIF�'' S DEED <br /> KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTSt <br /> THAT, WHEREAS, in an ae�ion in the Dis'GriQt Court of �he Elevent� Judieial Diatriat of the �tate <br /> of Nebraska, withln and for the County of Hall �iiherein The Coun�y of Ha11, 3tate ot' Nebraska,, <br /> is pla�.ntiff' and Rufus M. Geer, et a�.s et al. , are de�'endants, No. 1,�, Doc. l, Page 152-162, the <br /> plaintiff did on the 29th day of November, 1949 obtain a decree findin�; there to be due from '�he <br /> d�fendants for general. and spec�.al improvement �a�ces upon a Certificate of Tax 8ale and subsequent <br /> ta�ces, in Cause of Action No. 5-7-10, t�e $um of �314.48, aeeruing intereat and Qosts of the s�it, <br /> and, whereas, it was �hen and there further ordered in the aaid aetion �hat in det'ault of �h�a <br /> paymEr�t of the sum so found due fr�om the aaid defendants that '�he Sh�riff of said County of Hall <br /> should cauae the lands and tenements hereinaP�er deseribed to be advertieed and eald according �o <br /> law to pay the sasne, and, wheraas, default hav3n� been made there�.n, �he sald Sher3ff of said <br /> County, und�r and by virtue of �he sa3.d dearee and th� order of sale to him duly direated, did, ; <br /> on the 8th day of February, 1950, at the Alorth Front Door oP the Court House in the City of C�rarid <br /> I�1a.nd, in said County oF Hall, having fir�� given due and 3�gal notice 'oF the tlme and place o� <br /> said sale for not l�ss tha.n thir�y days prior �hereto in The t�rand Island Daily Independent a <br /> legal newspaper, pr3.nted and in �;eneral airaula�ion in said County of Aall, se11 said premie�� <br /> at public auc�ion to John Roas and or Ruth Ross, a9 J OINT TENANTS WSTH SURV�VOHBHZP AND N0� AS <br /> TENAPJTS IN COMMON; for the aum of 4ne Hundred and Two and no/100 Dollars, (the total acarued costa <br /> of suit and sale being ��29.'�0) , sale was afterwards on the 14th day of Marah, 1q�0, <br /> examined and confirm�d by the said Court and th� said E. H. Stobbe as .suah Sheriff, ordered to <br /> convey the eaid premises in fee simple to the aaid John Ross and or Ruth Ro�s <br /> N�W, THEREFORE, I, the said Sheriff of the County of Ha1.l, as aforesald, in considerat�Lon of <br /> the premises and by virtue of the powera v�sted in me by law and the decree of said Court do <br /> hereby give, grant, and convey to the said John Ross and or Ruth Roas, their heirs and as$��rta, <br /> � the so as aforesaid sold, to wit: <br />