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�`a �"� <br /> ��� <br /> DEED R�CORD NO. 96 <br /> 82641-7'NEAUGUSTINEC0.6RANDISL�ND.NEBR. � � � <br /> � WARRANTY DEED--Corporation <br /> �.. ,; . .. <br /> THIS I�TDENTURE, Made this 23rd d.a,y of JUNE A.D. , 1950 between DOD(�E DEVELOPMENT CO,. A CORPORA- <br /> TION a corporation or�anized and exie�in� under and by virtue of the laws of the Stat� of NEBRASKA <br /> party ot' �he fira'G part, and THE CI'1'l �F aRAND ISLAND of the County of HALL, and State of NEBRASKA, <br /> party oP the seeond part, WITNESSETH. That th� said party of the firat part for a'nd 3n conaideration <br /> of the sum of ONE DOLLAR A1�TD OTHER VALUABLE CONSIDERATTONS- - - - DOLLARS in hand paid, receipt <br /> �rhereof is hereby acknowledged, has avld and by these presents does gran�, convey and confirm unto <br /> the said party of the aeeond part, the followin� d�seribed premises, situated in Hall County, a�d <br /> 3tate of Nebraska, to wit: <br /> Al l o f <br /> Comm�nein� at the 3W corner of Lot ei�ht (8), Block �our (4) , C1auBSens Country Visw <br /> Addition� runnin� in a Easterly dirsction twenty-fiv� (25) Peet, thence in a Northerly <br /> direction thirty-Pine (35) feet, and �hence in a Westerly direction twen�y..five (25) <br /> feet, and in a Southerly direction thirty-Pive (35) Yee'G back �o the place of begin- <br /> ning being a rectan�gular tra�t of ground twenty-five feet East and West by thirty_ <br /> five feet North and 3ou'Gh in �he SW corner of said Lot eight (�), in Block four (4), <br /> in Claussene Country View Addition Por the purpos� oP building a Lift Station Por the <br /> sswer aystem for the Ci'Gy of Grand Island, <br /> ' TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the premises above described, together with all the Tenements, Hereditaments <br /> and Appur�enanees thereunto belonging unto the said aSTY OF aRAND ISLAND <br /> And the said DODGE DEVELOPMENT CO3 A CORPORATION for itself or its sucaesaora, does hereby <br /> covenant and agree to and with the said part of the secsond part and heirs and assigns, �hat at the <br /> time of the execution and delivery oP theae presente it is lawYully seized of said premiaea; tha'� <br /> it has �ood right and lawPul authority to convey the same; that they are fre� from enewnbranae doea <br /> hereby covenant to warrant and defend the said premlaea a�;ainst the law�ul claims of all persons <br /> whomsoever. � <br /> IN WITNE38 WHERE�F, the said D4D(�E DEVELOPMENT CO3 A C�RPORATION has hereunto caused ita <br /> corporate aeal to be aPfixed and these presents to be signed by its PRE3IDENT the da,y and y�ar first <br /> above writt�n. <br /> Si�ned, sealed and delivered in presenoe of (C�RP) DOD(3E DEVELOPMENT CO3 A QORPORATION <br /> E. B. F'rancl (SEAL) By _ John Claussen <br /> E9 <br /> STATE OF �1EBRASKA ) <br /> ) ss. On this 23rd day oP June 1950 b�fore me, the undersi�ned, a Notary Public <br /> Hall Countq ) in and Por said County, per$onally came JOHN CLAUSSEN, President oP the <br /> DOD(�E DEVELOPMENT CO3 A CORPORATI�N to me personally known to be the <br /> President and the identical peraon whose name is aPfixed �o the above conveyance, and aaknowledged <br /> th� exeeution thereof ta be his val�ntary aet and d�ed as suah officer and the voluntary aet and <br /> deed of the said DODaE DEVII,�PMENT CO3 A CORPORATTON, and �hat the Corporate seal of the said <br /> DODf�E DEVELOPMENT CO3 A.CORP4RATION was �hereto aPfixed by its au�hority. <br /> S�3tness r�y hand and No�arial Seal at arand Island, Nebr. in said county the day and year last <br /> above wri��en. <br /> ( SEAL) Francsl <br /> My Commisaion expires the day of 19 �•, B• <br /> My General Commission Expires Apr. 4, 1952 o ary u c. <br /> l�iled f'or record thls 2� day of Ju1y, 1950, at 9:30 0 �cl.ock A.M. �,�� �� <br /> eg ster o Deeds <br /> 0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-C}-0-0-0-�-�_0-0-0-0-0-0_0-0-0-0-0-0=0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0_0-� <br /> QUTT CLAIM DEED _ <br /> THIS INDENTURE, M�de this 15th day vf December, in the yBar one thousand nine hundred and Yorty- <br /> t�ro, between Jamea Cerney', unmarried, oP -the first part, and Joseph F. Chriatis party oF the second <br /> part, W�TNESSETH, that the said party of the �irst part, in oonsideration oP the sum of �1.00 One-- <br /> and--no i00--DOLLARS, '�o him duly .paid, the recelpt �rhereoP is hereby acknowledged has remised, <br /> released, and quit-ela.imed, and by these presents does Yor himself his heirs, execu'C�re and adminie- <br /> trators, remise, release and t'orever quit-claim and convey unto the said party of �he s�cond pa,rt, <br /> and to his heirs and assigns Pore�er, all his right, title, interest, estate claim and demand, both <br /> at lax and in equity, oP, in and to a11 <br /> Lots �wenty-four (24), twenty-five (2�j�, twenty-six (26) , and twenty-seven (27) in <br /> F'rank P. Barka 3ub-division, Number Two, being a part oP the East Half of the North- <br /> eaet Quarter (E� NE'�) oP Seet3on Ten (10) Township Eleven (11� Aange Nine (9� in Hall <br /> �ounty, Nebraska. <br /> To�ether with all and sin�ulax the hereditaments thereunto belonging. <br /> TO HAVE AND T� HOLD th e above described premiaes unto the said Joseph F. Christie his heire and <br /> assigns; so �hat neither the sald �rantor, or any person in his name and behalf, sha11 or will here- <br /> after elaim or demand any right or title to the said premises or any part 'thereof, but they and every <br /> one of them shall by these presents be excluded and forever barred. <br /> IN WITNESS WHERE�F, th� said paxty oP �h� first part has hereunto set his hand and seal the <br /> day �,nd year above written. <br /> 3igned, �ealed and deliv�red in presena� oP '"���' Jamea Cerney <br /> _ B. J. Cunningham � � ^ <br /> STATE OF NEHRASKA � <br /> ss. On this 15tM day of December A.D. 1942 before me, the underal�ned <br /> HALL County ) B. J. Cunningham a iVotary Public, duly commissi0ned and qualified for <br /> and residin� in said eoun�y, personally came James Cerney, unmarri�d, to <br /> �ne known to be the identical peraon whose name is afflxed �o th� foregoing instrument ae grantor <br /> and aeknowledged the same to be hie voluntaxy aat and deed. <br /> Witness my hand and Notarial Seal the day and year laat above written. <br /> My aommiasion �xplres �he 5th day of August, 1947 (SEAL} B.J.Cunnin�ham Notary Pub11o. <br />�I Filed for record this 2�F day o% July, 1950, a� 11 0 � cloak A.M. <br /> eg s er o eds � <br />