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�`'�- <br /> DEED R�COI�D NO. 96 <br />� 82841�THBAUC0571NECO.GRANDISLAND,NEBR, <br />� <br /> Bp the terms of this inatrument the grantora convey to each of the grantees that interest only which <br /> the grantor, Paul A. Koech, purehased and acquired in a �uardianehip sale in the Dis�riet Court of <br /> Butler Caun�y, Nebraska, in case No. 5722 , and do not convey an� share, ri�it ar intereat inherited <br /> by the said Paul A. Kosch Prom his mo�her, Loretta Mae ICosch, now deesased. <br /> IN WITTJES3 WHEREOF, w� have set our hands thia llth day of Ju1y, 194g. <br /> IN PRE3ENCE OF Paul A. Koeeh <br /> �y11�.s�o s eF'i <br /> THE STATE OF NEHRA3KA, ) <br /> ) sa, BE IT REMEMBERED, That on the 14th day of July, lg4g before th� <br /> Butler County, ) undersi�ned Millicent Brown a Notary Public in and PQr gaid County, <br /> personaZly oame Paul A. Koseh (atherwise known as Paul Kosch) and <br /> Phyl.].is Kosch, his wife, to me known to be the identical persons deacribed in and who executed �Che <br /> foregoin� dee8 as �rantors, and aQknowledge said instrument to be their valuntary a�t and deed. <br /> WTTNESS my hand and Notarial seal the da.y and year above wr�.tten. <br /> . (�EAI,,) Millicent Brown <br /> G�MMIBSI�N EXPZRES APRTL 17, 19�j5 otary u c <br /> Filed Por reeord this 20 day of July 195�, a� lltl� o'cloek A.M. � <br /> ��re� e of Deeds <br /> o-o-o_o-a-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o_o-o-o-o-o-o_o-o-o:.o_o-o_o-o-o-.o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o_o-o-o-o-o-o-o.-o-ao-o-�o <br /> sx�tz�F�s �EEn <br /> KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS. . , <br /> THAT, WHEREAS, in an action in th� Distrie� Court of the Eleventh Judic3al Distr3ct ot the <br /> State� of N�braska, within and for the Ct�un�y of HaI1., wherein County of Hall, Hall Coun'�y, Nebraska, <br /> a municipal corporation, is plain�if� and E. B. Cowles, Pirst real true narae unknown et al. , are <br /> defendants, No. 17, Doc. 3, Pa�e 174_1�4, the plaintiff did on the 20th day of Deoember 1949, ob�si� <br /> a d�cree findln� there '�o be due from thE dePendants for �eneral and apeclal improvemen� taxes upon <br /> a Certificate of Tax Sale and subsequent tax�e, in Cauee oP Aation, No. q-10, the aum oP �213-56, <br /> aceruing interegt and costs of �he sui�, and, whereas, it was th�n _and there further orde�ed in <br /> the �aid action '�hat in defaul� of '�he paymen� of th� aum so Pound due from the said dePendants <br /> that the 3herifP of said County oP Ha7.l should cause the lands and tenements hereinafter described <br /> to b adv rtls d sold ecordin ta law �o a the same wher e <br /> e e e and a � p y , and, ea , de�ault hav�.n� been made <br /> therein, �he said Sheriff of said County, uz�d�r and by virtue of the said decr�e and �h� arder of <br /> sale to him duly dlrected, did, on the 22nd day of March, 1�50, at the North F'ron� Door oP the <br /> Caurt Hous� in the City of arand Ieland, in said County of Ha1i having first given due and legal <br /> not3,ce of the time and plaa� of aaid sal� for not lese than thirty days prior thereto ir� the The <br /> arand Tsland, Dai1y Independent, a le�al newspaper, printed and in general airoulation in said <br /> County of Hall, se11 said premiees at public auction to W. a. Plwnmer for the sum of Ninety-flve <br />� and no/100 - - - � Dollars, (the total accrued costs of sult and ea.le bein �229.20) , whieh sale <br /> g <br /> was afterwarda on th' . 2�th da of A ri1 1 � amin d n n m d h <br /> e y ex e a d eo Pir e b t e said Cour� and th <br /> p , 95 , y e <br /> said E. H. 3tobbe as such 3heriPY, ordered to convey the said premis�s in t'es simple to the said <br /> W. a. Plummer <br /> A10W, THEAEFORE, I, the sald Sheriff of the County of Ha11 ae aforeaaid, in consideration of <br /> the premiaes and by virtue oP the power vested in me by law. ansi the deeree of said Court, do hereby <br /> give, �rant, and eonvey to �he said W. a. Plummer, hia heira and assigns, the premi�es so as afore- <br /> said sold, to-wit: <br /> Lot Two (2) in La.mbert''s Subdivision� to the City of Grand Island, Ha11 County, Nebraska,, as sur- <br /> vey�d, platted, and recorded. <br /> Lot Three (3) in Lambert's Subdivision to the Gity oP Grand Island, Hall County, Nebraska, as sur- <br /> veyed, platted, and recorded. <br /> with the appurtenances. � <br /> TO HAVE AND TO HOLD THE SAME unto the said W. a. Plummer &nd hi8 heirs and assigns forever, <br /> SN TESTIM�NY WHEREOF, T have as such Sher3fP hereunto set my hand this 26th day of Jur�e, 195v. <br /> Executed and delivered in the presenee oY E. H. Stobbe <br /> There�e A. Muchow er o a ounty, e ras a <br /> 3TATE OF NEBRASKA ) <br /> ) ss. On this 26th day of June, 1950, before me, M. E. Moeea personally appeared <br /> Goun�y of Hall ) the sai d E. H. Stobbe, as sheriff of sa3d County to me, personally known <br /> to be the identical person who 8igned the foregoing instrument as gran�Cor, <br /> and aeknowledged the sacne �o be hSs voluntary act and deed, as such sherifY, for the uses and pur- <br /> poees therein set forth. <br /> WITNE53 my hand and ofPicial seal the day and year abov� written. <br /> (sEAL) M. E. Moses <br /> OF E D3RC 0 <br /> Filed Por record this 21 day of July, 1954, at 1:20 o� clock P.M, � <br /> e�3aterG o e�d <br /> 0-0-p-0-0_0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-a0-0_0-0-0-�-0-0-0_0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-:0 <br />