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�`)`� <br /> �a <br /> DEED RECORD NO. 96 <br />� 32841-'IXEAU6USTINEC0.6RANDISL�ND,NEBR. <br /> 3TATE OF NEBRASKA ) <br /> se. On this 21st day vY Deaember, Z9�9, before m�, a Notary Publia in and <br /> COUNTY OF DOUaLAB � Por sa3.d enunty in the State aYoresaid, personally appeared A.E.Stoddard, <br /> _ to me personally knowM, and to me personally known to be the President <br /> of UNION PACIFiC RAILROAD COMPANY, and to be the same person whose name ie subsaribed to the Pore- <br /> goin� instrument, and who, being by me duly sworn, did say that he is President of Union Pacifia <br /> Ra1lrc�ad Company; that the seal aPPixed to aald instrument is the eorporate seal of 8aid corpora- <br /> t1on; and that said in�trument was sig�ned and aeal�d on behalY of said corporation by autYiority of <br /> its boar�d of directors; and the said A. E. Stoddard acknowledged said inetrument to be h1s Pree <br /> and voluntary aat and deed, and t�he Pree and noluntary act and deed ot said corporation, by it <br /> voluntarily executed, for the uses specified therein. <br /> SN WITNESS WHEREOF, T have hereunto s�t my hand and official seal the day and year las� above <br /> written. <br /> (SEAL) Louis Saholnick <br /> My commission expirea May 10, 195�. o ary ublic <br /> Residing at O�aha <br /> Filed for record this 1,� day of Ju1y 19��, at 10:15 o �cloek A.M. � <br /> eg ster oP ee�i e� <br /> 0-0-0-0_0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-8�0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0- <br /> ��tARRANTY DE�D--Corporation . <br /> =T�ii3 INDENTZJRE, Made this 17th day of July A.D., 1950 between N. P. DOD(�E CORPOAATIOIV a <br /> eorpora�ion organized and existing under and by virtue of the laws oY the State of Del.a�rare party <br /> oP the first part, and Dodge Cons�ructlon Company, a Oorporation organized and e�cis�tng under and by <br /> virtue oY the laws of the Sta'�e oP Nebraska, of the County of Douglas, and 3tate of Nebraaka, party <br /> oP the second part, WITNE3SETH. That the said party of the first part for and in consideratlon of <br /> the sum of One Dollar (�1.00) & other valuable consideration - - - DOLLARS in hand paid, reoeipt <br /> whereoP is hereby aQknowledged, has aold and by these presents doee grant, convey and confirm unto <br /> the said pa�t_oY �he �eaond part, the following desaribed premises, situated in arand I$land, Hall <br /> Countq, and State of Nebra,aka, to wl�; <br /> All oP Lots Forty five (45) & Sixty-nine (6g), in BUENAVISTA SUBDIVISION of a part of the <br /> Northweat Quarter (1�4) oP Sea'Cion Twenty-two (22) , Townahip El�ven (11) North, Range Nine (9) <br /> West, in Fiall County, NEbraska. <br /> Sub�eot to restriction� contained in an ina�rument entitled "Protective Covenanta and Reatriet3ons" <br /> aovering lot� in Huenaviata Subdivisivn, recorded ln the records in the oftice of the Regiater oF <br /> Deeds in Hall County, 1Vebraska <br /> TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the premises above deseribed, together xi�h all the Tenements, Heredita- <br /> menta and AppurtenanQes th�reunto belonging unto �he said Dod�e Construetion Cvmpany <br /> Arxd the eaid N. P. DODQ�E CORPORATION for itaelf or ite sucaessors, does hereby covenant and <br /> agree to and with �he saSd party of �he seQOnd part and ita sucQessors and assigns, tha� at the <br /> time of the execution and delivery of these presen�s 3.'� is lawfull.y seized of eaid premiaes; that <br /> it has good right and lawful authority to convey the same; that they are free from eneumbrancse doea <br /> hereby covenant to warrant and dePend the said premises again�t the lawful claims of a11 persons� <br /> whoms o�v er. <br /> I� WITNESS WHERE(!F, the said N. P. DOD(�E CORPORATION has hereunto aaused its corporate aeal to <br /> be affixed and these presents to be eigned by its President �he day an8 year firat above writ�en. <br /> Sigried, sealed and delivered in presence of ( . . . ampa) Nr P. DOD(}E CORPORATIDN. <br /> ( Canaellsd ) By N. P. Dod e <br /> resi ent. <br /> (SF�AL) <br /> BTATE OF NEBRASKA ) <br /> } ss. �n this 17th day oP July 1950 betore me, the undersigned, a Notary <br /> Douglas County ) Public in and Por said County, peraonally came N. P. Dodge, Presiden� oY <br /> the N. P. DOD(�E CORPORATION to me peTSOnally known '�o be the Pre8ldent <br /> and the identiQal p�erson whose name is affixed to the above Qonveyanee, and aaknowledged the <br /> execsution thereof to be h1s voluntary acat and deed as euah officer and the voluntary sat and deed <br /> � of the sald N. P, DODC(3�E C�RPORATION, and that the Corporate aeal ot the said riT. P. DOD(�� CORPORATION <br /> was thereto affixed by its authority. <br /> Witneas my hand and Notarial Seal. at Omaha, in said county the day and year last above written. <br /> (SEAL) J. A. C�a��_rle� <br /> My Commisaion explres the 10th day vf a�arc� �955. ot� ary-Pub3� <br /> Flled for reQOrd this 19 day of July, �,950, at 2:30 0�eloak P.M. <br /> tie j.S t P <br /> g e of eeds � <br /> �-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0_0-0-0-0-�-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0 <br /> gUIT CLAIM DEED. <br /> Know All Men by These Presents; <br /> THAT we, Paul. A. Kosch (otherwise known as Paul Kosch) and Phyl.lis Koech, hls wife, oP the Cvunty of <br /> Butler and State af Nebraaka, Por the consideration of One and no�100 - - - - DOLLARS hereby Quit <br /> Claim and convey to each of Catherine M. KoacYi and John J. Kosch, of the County of Butler and State <br /> of Nebraska an undivided one-nlnth oP the followin� described real estate, to-wit: <br /> An undivided one-fourth interes� in the following deacrlbed real eata'Ge, to-wits The West 7g aeres <br /> oP the North HalY oP the Northwest Qiza,rter (N� NW�) of Section Two (2) , Townahip Nine �9�, Ran�e <br /> Twelve (lZ), and the Southeast �tua,rter of the 3outhwe�t Quarter (SF} SW�) of Section Thirty-•f ive <br /> t35) , Township Ten (10) , North, Range Twelve (12), all West of the Sixth Principal Merid�.an in Ha11 <br /> County, Nebraska; the Southeas� Quarter (SE�) of Section Four (4) , the Northweat Quarter (NW�) of <br /> . Section Ten (1�� , �he West Half of the �outhwes� Quarter (W 3 ) , the Weat Ha1P oP the Northeaet <br /> Quarter (T� NF�}) , �Che East Ha1f of the Northwest Quarter (E� NW�) and the Southwegt Quarter of the <br /> Northwes� Quarter (3W� NW�� oP Section Thre (3) , all in Town$hip Fifteen (15 ), North, Ran�e One (1), <br /> Esat of the 31xth Principa Meridian in Hut�er County, NebrasKa. - <br /> : <br />