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���� <br /> DE�D RECORD NO. 96 �' <br /> 92841�►HEAU6UETINEC0.6R�NDISL�ND,NEBR. ' <br /> DRDINANCE N0. 23�� <br /> AN ORDINAAICE au'Chorizing and directing the sa1� of eertaln real e8tate belor�g3n� to �he City <br /> o� Grand Ieland, Nebraska; providing �he manner in which the same 8ha11 be sold and the terma of <br /> said sale; providing far the �iving of notice of the sale of such real ea�ate; . and, pronidin� for <br /> the M�t �o Plle. a remor�gtranee a�ainst the sale thereof ei�ned bq legai electors oP the City of <br /> arand Island, Nebraska, equal in number �o thirty per cent (30�) Qt the eleators oP said �ity, <br /> voting, �t the l�.st regular munieipal eleation h�ld in said City. <br /> BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY. COUNCTL OF THE CZTY OF aRAND ISLAND, NEBAA3KA. <br /> SECTION 1. The sale oP the real estate deseribed aa Lot FlYtq-eight (5�) , in West I�wn, an <br /> Addltion '�o the C3ty of arand Island, Hall County, Nebraeka, 'Go Willlam H. Bc�sworth and Fannie E. <br /> Bosworth, hueband and wife, be and the same is hereby direeted, authorized and confirmed. <br /> SECTION 2. The manner and t�rms of said sale of such rsal eatate are a� follows: The pur- <br /> chasers, have agreed to pay the sum oF �ne �ollar (�1.00) Por the wlthln deseribed real esta'Ge and <br /> the entire amount thereoP will be paid to th� City of arand Island upon delivery o! a Quit C1aim <br /> Deed For said premises to said purchasers and the City of arand Tsland, shall not be r�quired to <br /> furniah an Abstrac'� oP Title. . <br /> SECTTON 3. As provided by law, notice vP sueh sale and the '�erms thEreof ahall b� publlshed <br /> Por three conseeutive week� ln the arand Ialand Daily Ind�pendent, a newspaper published in and of <br /> general circulation in the City oP arand I�land, Nebraska, immediately after tY�e paa�age and pub- <br /> lication of this ordinanoe; and the City C1erk is hereby direated and ir�structed to prepare and <br /> publish aaid notice. <br /> SECTI41� 4. Authori�y is hereby granted to the eleatore oF the City oP Grand Island, Nebraska, <br /> to file a remonstranoe against the sale of the within described real estate; and iP a remonstr�.nae <br /> against the sale signed by 1e�a1 eleQtors of said City equal 1n number to thirty per eent (30�) of <br /> the eleators oP the .City oP arand Ieland, �otin� at the last regular election heid in said Qity be <br /> fi.led wlth the City Councll within thlrty days aYter the paasage and publica'�ion of this ordinanee, <br /> suc:h property ghall not. then, nor within one year �thereafter b� sold, <br /> 3ECTTORT 5. The $ale of said real estate is hereby directed, authori2ed and confirmed; and i� <br /> no remonstrance be Y11ed against such sale, : �he President af the Couneil and Ci'�y C1erk shall make, <br /> execut. nd deliver �o William H. Bo�wcarth and F nnie L. Bosworth huaband and �rife uit 1 im <br /> e a a a Q C a <br /> , , , <br /> Deed for said proper�y and the exeautican oP said deed is hereby authorized without turther aation <br /> on behalf of the City CounQil. <br /> . SECTION 6. This ordinance sha11 be in foree and take effeot from and after its passa�e, <br /> approval and publication as provided by la�. . <br /> PASSED AND APPROVED this �th day of Jttne, i95o. <br /> ATTE3Tt (CORP) O.W.Johnson <br /> �Flp-o�d,�S. S�hite. (SEAL) res ent a e ounc <br /> t�J.Fr�I (i EP . <br /> Fi1ed for reco�d this 18 day of Ju1y 1950, at 9t20 o�cleck A.M. � <br /> ���er o� . <br /> g /� <br /> a-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o_o-o_o-o-o_o-o-o-o_o-o-o_o_o-o_o_o-o-o_o-o-o-o_o-o_o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o_o-o-o-o <br /> DEED <br /> . <br /> RNOW ALL MEN BY THE9E PRE3ENT8, That UNI�N PA�IFIC RAILROAD COI�ANY, a corporation of the 9tate <br />�� oP Utah, arantor, in consideration oP �he s�m oP One Ibllar (�1.00) and other valuable oonsiderat�on <br /> to lt paid, the reaeip� whereoP is hereby acknowledged, doe8 hereby g�ant, bargain, aell, and e4nvey <br /> I'j unto CITY �F GRAND ISLAND, a municipal corpora�ion of the Sta�e of Nebraska, ite suc�essors and <br /> sasi�ns, �orever, Qrantee, a PERPETLTAL� EASEMENT t'or alley purposes upon, along and ov�r those cer- <br /> ta3n stripe ot' land described as tollowe, to wit�: � <br /> All those part� of Blocke Seventeen (l7) and Ei.�hteen (l�) in Bonr�i� Hrae Addi�ion, City <br /> of Grand Tsland, Hall Cot.inty Nebraska, that lie between llnes that are parallel with <br /> and one hundred eighty-four �1�4) and ts�o hundred (200) f�et, respectively, northerly, <br /> measured at right angle�, from center llne of original main traQk of Union Paaifie Rail- <br /> road Company. <br /> I�i RESERVTNa, however, �o the arantor, ita euccessors and assigns, the right to conetruct, at any <br /> and all times, and to maintain railroad tracks, pipe 11nes, and telephone, telegraph and electrie <br /> power pole and �ire linee ov�r, t�nder and acroas (but in suah a way as not to unreaaonably interf�re <br /> i . <br /> w th �he a11e oP the Crante� on the r 3 e$ r i r s <br /> ) y p em e he e nbefo e de eribed, it being underetood that the <br /> I rights� �o reserv�d to the arantor, its sucaessers and assigns, are retained along with the general <br /> right of the arantor, its suacessore and ass3gns, to t�he uae of said premises Por an u ose not <br /> Y P rP <br /> in�onsis'�ent with �he use by the aran�ee Por the purpose hereln dePined. <br /> • This deed is made sub�eat to all outatanding auperior ri�hts and 'Ghe right oS th� arantor to <br /> r�new and extend the same. <br /> St is also expressly made a condition of this easement �hat 1f the arantee, it� suQeeseors or <br /> assi�ns, shall abandon the land above described for alley purpoees, then and in that event all the <br /> rights herel.n granted shall c�ase and determine and the t�.tle to the land hereinbePore desarlbec� <br /> sha11 be relieved of the burden of this easement; and it i� Purther agreed that non-user of the <br /> easement herein granted Por a period of one (1} year shall be deeme8 an abandonment oP said land. <br /> TO HAVE AND T� HOLD, sub,�eat to the prov3sions aforesaid, the �bove mentioned easement unto the <br /> �aid arant��, its suecessors and assigna, Porever. . . <br /> IN WITNESS WHFREOF, th� said Un1on PaQific Ra1lre,ad Company has caused these presents to be <br /> l. sip;ned by ita President nd Assistant Secretary and its corporate seal to be hereunto aPPix�d �his <br /> 21st day ot' December, 19�+9 <br /> In Presence of: UNIDN PACIP'IC RATLR�AD C�MPANY, " <br /> E. W. Wentz � CORP) By A. E. �todclard . <br /> Attest: gE�� re� dent � <br /> L. J. Baehman (S�al) <br /> �• as � an ecre�ary . <br /> r <br />