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� --.- �, <br /> s <br /> _ ._ �`,� <br /> � _ _ <br /> DEED RECORD NO. 96 <br /> 92841�XEAUGUSTINEGO.GRANDISLhND.NElR. � � � <br /> �,ARR�NPY DEED . <br /> WARRA �TTY DEED <br /> F R 0 M <br /> MT'. PLEASANT CEMETERY ASSO�IATION OF HALL COUNTY,NEBR. <br /> THTS INDENTURE, Made this ll day of July, in the year of our Lord, One Thousand Nine Hundred <br /> and s�, be�w�en Mt. Pleasant demetery Associa�Cl.on, of Hall Qounty, Nebr. a eorpora�ion organized <br /> and exieting under and by virtue of the laws of thE 5tate of Nebr. party of the first part, arx'i <br /> Mrs. �arl Johngon, of the (�ou nty of Ha11, and Bta�e of Nebr. , party oP the second part: Witnesseth, <br /> that the said party of the fira� part, for and in consideration of the sum of Fifteen DOLLARB, <br /> �.n hand paid, receipt whereof i� hereby acknowledged, has sold and by these preaents does �rant, <br /> eonvey ar�d eonPirm unto the said part- of the eeeond part, the following described premiaes, to-wit: <br /> l�orth � Lot No. 2 �ivi�aion 1?, of Mt. Pleasan� Cemetery in Hall County, Nebr. , <br /> to�ether with a11 appurtenanoes thereunto belon�ing: Sub�ect, however, �o all Articles, By-Lawe, <br /> Rulee and Regulations of said Qemetery As�oaiation, aa they now exigt or may h�reafter be ahanged, <br /> ffiodiFied or enlarged. And the said M�. Pleasan� Cemetery A$sociatlon for itself or ite successor$, <br /> doee hereby covenant �o and with the eaid party of the aecond part and h�r heira and assigns, that <br /> a� th� time oP the exeQU�ion and delivery of these prea�nta i�G is la�'ully sei�ed of said premises; <br /> that it has good ri�h� and lawPul authority �o convey the same; tha.t they are free Prom encumbrance <br /> and does hereby covenan� to warraMt arid de�'end the sald premises against the lawPul of all <br /> persons whomeoever. In witneas whereoP, the said Mt. Pleasant Cemetery Associatio� has hereunto <br /> caused it8 corporate seal to be B���R@d and these �resents to be signed by i�s President and <br /> �lerk the day and year first above writ�en. <br /> �igned and sealed and delivered in the presence of Mt. Pleasant CEMETERY ASSOCIATION <br /> (CORp) Bv Haxry D. Turner <br /> (gEA,I,) Preaident <br /> - By H. �. Nunnenkam <br /> lerk <br /> STATE OF Nebraska ) <br /> )ss. OM this 11 day ot' July, A. D. 1950, before me, the undereign�d, a <br /> Hall Coun�Gy ) Notary Publia in and for eaid County, p�rsonally appeared Harry �. <br /> Turner, President, and H. C. Nunnenkamp, Clerk, of the Mt. Pleagant <br /> Cernetery Association, to me personally known to be �he sa3.d President and Clerk and the identiaal <br /> persone whose name,� are afflxed to the above inatrumsnt and aeknowledged the execu�Gion thereoP to <br /> b� their voluntary act and deed as such officers, and the volunta�y act and deed af the said Mt. <br /> Pleasant Cemetery Association. � <br /> Witness my hand and Notaxlal Seal at Ca3ro in said County the day and year last above taritten. <br /> (SEAL) Wa�vne S. Sorensen <br /> My commiasion �xpires April l�, 19�3 Notary Publia <br /> Fi1�d f or record this 17 day oP July,l9�0 at 1:30 o�cloak P.M. <br /> . ��,����.�, <br /> REGISTER OF DEEDS <br /> o-o-a-o-o-o-o-a a-o-o-o-o-a-o-o-a-o-o-o-o-o-a o-o-o-a o-o-o-a-o-o-o-a-o-o-o-o-o-a o-o-o-o-d:-o-o <br /> QtiIT CLATM DEED, ETC. <br /> K�TOW ALL N�EN HY THE3E PRESENT3: <br /> That, the Cit oP arand Island a munici a1 Qo oration of th Count of 11 <br /> Y , p rp , e y Ha , and State� of <br /> Nebraeka, Por the conaideration of the sum of One Dollar (�1.00) does hereby Quit Claim and convey <br />�, unto William H. Boaworth and Fa.nnie E. Boswor�h, huaband and wife, as �vint �enants and not as ten- <br /> ants in common, of the County oP Hall and State of Nebraska, all its right, title a.nd interest of <br /> whatsoever nature, in and to the foliowing described real eatate, aitua�ed in the County of Hall <br /> and 9tate of Nebraska, to-w3�s <br /> Lot FiPty-eight (5�) , in West La,wn, an Addition to the ��ity of arand Island, Hall County, <br /> Nebraska. <br /> It being the lntention of all parties hereto, that in the event of the dea�h oP either oP said <br /> �ranteea, the en�ire Pee simple �itle to the real eatate desaribed herein shall vest in the sur- <br /> �ivin�; grantee. <br /> The arantor, the City oP arand Zsland, shall not be required to furnish an Abstract of Title. <br /> SN WITNE83 WHEAEOF, the arantor, the City of t�rand Island, in Hall County, Nebraska, ha.s caused these <br /> presents to be si�ned by it$ Pre�ident o� the City Council and attested to by the City Clerk and <br /> has aaused the official seal of said City to be hereuntv affixed thia the 15th day of July A.D. , �950. <br /> CITY OF'aRAND T3LAND <br /> F'rance$ Searson (CORP) BYs 0. W. Johnson <br /> tnees (SEAL) res en of he <br /> y Council <br /> Frances �earson ATTEST: F. S. White <br /> ness y �r <br /> STATE OF NEBRASKA ) <br /> 88 On thia 15th day of July A.D. , 1950, before me the undersigned, a Notary <br /> COUNTY OF. HALL Pub13c, dulq commisaioned Por and residing in said county, personally <br /> came �. W. Johnson, Presiden't of the City Couneil of the City of arand <br /> Island, Nebraska, and Floyd S. White, City Clerk of sald City to me personally known to be such <br /> id�ntical persons and such quallfied and acting oPPiQere of said City and they severally acknowl- <br /> eclged �he execution ot' said instrument to be their voluntary act and deed and the oPflcial act and <br /> . deed on the part of said C1�y oI arand Island. <br /> V�itness my hand and notarial seal at Grand Island, in said County the day and year First above <br /> WP�.t t @31. <br /> (g�,�,) 1K8X SaOVill <br /> My commission expire� �tay 5 �956. Ro ary u o � <br />