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. . ,�`��� <br /> D�ED RECORD NO. 96 <br /> � <br /> 32841-}NEAU6U5TIHECO.GRANDISLANC,NEBR. 'I <br /> and that said grantor has gaod title to and good right and lawYul authorit� to coA�rey '�he e�at�te and it <br /> doee herebq t�ovenant �4 warrant and forever detend said pr�m3.Bea ur�to the grant�e� named herein a�d <br /> unto their asaigns and unto the heirs and assigna oP '�he survi�or af them; forever, against �he <br /> la�rful elaima oP a13 persc��s whomsoever, excluding the exc�p'�ions naiaed herein. <br /> I1� fiIIT�E33 WHERE4F �he gaid grantor hae �aue�d this instrt�ent to be ex�cuted by it�a president <br /> and it� Qorporate sea3. to be afflxed h�retc�. <br /> S�.gned this l�th c�ay of July A.D. 1950 <br /> In the Pres�nce oP ( .�j� . . a`mpe) (GORP) PLATTE VAZLEY DEVEL�PMEIVT C�. <br /> Lloyd W. Keliy ( Cancelled ) (SFAL) A Corporation <br /> Hy D. H. Me�es Presiden� <br /> A�Cte�t Secre�sry <br /> STATE OF NEHRASKA ) <br /> ) ss. �n this 1�th day of July 1954 beYor� me, �he undersi�ned, a Notary <br /> C�UNTY �F HALL ) Publie in and far said County, personally came D. H. MEVE�S, �r�eiden'C <br /> oY the PLATTE VALLEY DEVEL�PMENT COMPANY to me per�onaliy knoxn �fl be <br /> the Preaident and �he identical. p�rson whose name is aYYixed to the above conveyan�e, and acknowl- <br /> edged the exe�ution thereof to be his voluntary act and deed as $ueh a�'fieer and �he vol�ntarq ae�t <br /> and deed of the said PLATTE VALLEY DEVELOPME�iT QOMPAISTYY, and that the Corporate se�,l of the said <br />� <br /> PLATTE VALLEY DEVELOPMENT CQMPAri1Y wa� thereto a�'fixed by its authority. . � <br /> Witneas my band and Notarial 5ea1 at arand Island in said csoun�y tYze day and year last above <br /> wri t'�en. ����� <br /> Llo d W.�Kel�l <br /> My Commtsslon expires the 27�Ch day oP October 1951 �ub�ic. <br /> Filed for reaord thls 14 day oP Jul�r 1950, at 2s25 o �elo�k P.M. D � <br /> e e� er o� <br /> ��^ �/'� g ��/+� Q(� <br /> �^O���iJ�0'�0'�O"�O'�O'�O"�O�O"�Q�O`�O`O"'0"Q'�O�O'��"�O_V�Q�'O�O�Q�Q"�0.'O.�O.�Q�'O""0�On'�O.�O.�O^��owQ�O ro"O'�O'lJ���iJ"�Q� <br /> �,QUTT OLAIM DEED---.Cor�oration <br /> THIS INDENTURE, Made tY�is l5th da.g of July 19�j�, between C+rand Ialand Land Compan�r a corporatio� <br /> organ�zsd and exi��ing under and by vi.r�tue of the la,ws of the Sta'C� of Nebraska party oP the Pirat <br /> part, and Sh�ight 0. Thiel and Fannie Thiel an�i J�TNT TLNANTS and not as tenants in common ot' the <br /> Coun�y of Hall and State of Nebraska, part3ea oY the second part. <br /> WIT�IESSETH, that the said party of the first part, for and in consideratian of 'the sum oY �ne <br /> and No/10� - - - DOLLARS in hand paid, receipt whereof ie hereby acknowl.edged, has sold and by thes� <br /> presen�e does quit-claim, grant, eQnvey and conPirm unto the $aid parties of the eeQOnd part, the <br /> following described premises, situated in Grand Island Ha21 County, and Stat� oY Nebraska, to-wit: <br /> AlI of Lot Eleven (11) in Hlock Ten (10) in Bo�gs & Hi�.l�s Addition to the city of (�rand <br /> Island <br /> IT BEINa THE iNTENTION �F ALL PARTIES HERETO THAT IN THE EVENT OF THE DEATH �F EITHER OF SAID <br /> 4RANTEEB, THE ENTIRE TITLE AS CONiTEYED HEREIN SHALL, VEST IN THE SiJRVIViNa (3RAlU'TEE. <br /> TO HAVE AND T� HOLD the s�,id premises abov� d�scribed, to�ether with all the Ten�ments, <br /> Hereditament� and Appurtenanees thereunto txnto the said aRANTEES A3 JDINT TENANTS AND <br /> NOT AS TENANTS TN C4MM�N AND WITH RIGFHT OF SUAVIVORSHIP <br /> And the said arand Tsland Land Company for itself Qr its suceessor8, does hereby agree xo and <br /> with the said partlES of the second part and their heirs and assigns, that neither 3t nor any per- <br /> son 3n its name and beha�.P, sha11 or will hereaP�er cla3.m 4r demand any righ� or tltle '�o the said <br /> premises or any part thereo�', but tYiey and every one of them t�hall by these presents be excluded <br /> iand Yorever barred. <br />'� IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF th� said arand Island Land Com an has caused theae <br /> , p Y presents to be <br /> executed by its presi.dent and lts Corporate Seal to be afPixed here�o this 1�jth day of July Z9�0. <br />� �13tnees ( . .R. Sta,�p�) �C�RP) C+rand Island Lancl Company <br /> Bayard H. Paine Jr. (Caneelled ) (SEAL) b�€ Ba�d H. Paine , President <br /> BTATE 4F Nebraska ) � <br /> ) $s. On tnis 15th da.y aP Ju�.y 1950, before me the undersigned, a Notary Public <br /> Hall County ) in and for said County, personaily came BAYARD H. PAI�TE, President v� the <br /> Grand Island La,nd Company to me perBOnally known to be the Preaident and <br /> the identical p�rson whose name is affixed 'Co the above cvnvey$nce, and aeknowledg�d the �xecsutioM <br /> thereot to be his voluntary act and deed as auch officer and �he vo�.untary act and deed oP �he said <br /> Qrand Ts3and Land Company, and that the Corporat� seal of the said arand I�land Land Compan9 was <br /> thereto afYixed by its authority. <br /> Witness my hand and Notarial Seal at aRAND ISLAN�, NEBR. in said county �he day and year last <br /> abave written. <br /> (SEAL) Bayard H. Paine Jr. <br /> NIy eomm3ssion e ires the 22nd da. l�otary -�ublic. <br /> xp y •c►f December, 1951 <br /> Filed Por record this 1.5 day of July, 195� at 1I.25 v'c1oc� A.N, �� �� <br /> eg s er of Deed� � <br /> o-o-o-o-o-�_o-o-o-o_o_o_o-o-o_o-o_o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o--o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o_o-o--o-o-o-o- o <br />