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;: <br /> `� <br /> �� � <br /> DE�D REC�RD NO. 96 <br /> 32841-,(HEAUGUSTINEC0.6RANOISLAND.NEBR. � <br /> �°�A2'E CJ�' N��3R��, <br /> SS r '�f�r� ���ii� .1;��h ciay. o�'�Ju3.y,=;;��:w�:E���.�A, '�e#'oxe �me, th�,..t�nders igne�i '_ <br /> iH,A,�L� �ou��yr i ) �'� :A�o�i�erj�-:�iblia, °d�ly c�mm�.saioned: and qu�.lit_isd Por aMCi re�idi�g, �.t� <br />� ,�aid cs��i�y,�.��rsv�tal�y� �am� ��8te J. .3�ugs�l�,,° a��1�.0�, to �`me: 3�ic� . '� <br /> �� be .tY�e ,3den���al pe�so�.�ose naz�e. �� �aff;ix$d, �a the fca�e�aing iri�tr�ent as gran�G�x a�d. � <br /> ac°�n�wl�dgsd the ,�am� :�p be he�.�•vp�.u��a,ry a�'t .af��. deed. , , . <br /> . _ _ � , . <br /> . . <br /> . . <br />� . , . _ � <br />� . .. . . . ; . . . __, _ . __ .. . <br /> � �f�.t�es�,any hand and Notarial �c�al the day and year last above wri�ten. <br /> (�AI�� . _�Whr <br /> �� eb�#.S'fl.'��I1 '$]Cp�r2"l38, �.� a�'�.'�1�. E'�&�7 <+d� '���?FU.�'y,� ,Z.,�,rj�. O�a.:C'y. Pt113�.�C3 - - <br /> �'iled �'or r�cox�d this l� d.ay 'o�' .�a�ly, 19;�b; �,�� 9�00 0���.aa�t�'A.M. <br /> C�:�.6-Gt�v�� <br /> � � 4�c�� �o� ��� �/ <br /> �-�-.o-a�.�i.�a�.o-o�.a:o:�d���-r�o�.fl�c�..fl�c�.�n-.o.:ta-�ara��.:�:.c3-y��:��.�o�a.a..�-.�.�c�.a.�a.o-a�o�:a.�-�..�.�o�cy.�a-o-a <br /> , . .. _ _ <br /> WARRANTY DEED, J4INT TENANCY WITIi SURVIVORSHIP <br /> ICNOW AI,L MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: <br /> �i�,T �ARL V�, WTI.LAA11 wiclower of: �k�e Cnun�y of, �LI� �tate� o.f. N�B�K�,, f:�x, and ir� aonsld��-• $ <br /> atio� ��'' �-�:� sur� af ...��,AFt ar��. othe�-: ood��� ,v'�3.t��-�e"ts �3:r�� a�tibn�"°°---, - - - _. �.:� -.. �.� �;. , . .�� <br /> � �: � in hand pald,° d�ereby grant, bar�a�n, se��, eonv4ey an�con�rm un'Go CARL E. 1�'tLLAA,D AND \ <br /> VAIVCE WILLARD CAMPBLLL oP 'Che County o� HALL, State oP NEBRASKA, as JOIAIT TENA1�1T8 WITH BTJRVIVORSHIP <br /> AND NOT AS TENA�3TS IN COMMON; the followin� desoribed real estate, situated 1n HAa.L County, State <br /> oP NEBRASKA, to-wit. <br /> , The Easterly One Third (E 1/3) - of Lot Slx (b� and all of Lot Seven (7) Sn Block <br /> Eigh�Gy Three (�3) in the Original Town, now City, of Qrand Island, Nebraska. <br /> together with a11 �he tenemen�e, hereditaments, and appurtenances to the same belonging, and a11 <br /> the estate, title, dower, ri�h.t of homestead, e laim or demand whatsoever of �he eaid gran�Cvr, ef <br /> in or to the same or any part thereo�; sub�ect �o <br /> IT BEINa THE INTENTI�N OF ALL PARTIES HE'RETO, TH�►T IN THE EVEIVT OF THE DEATH OF EITHER OF SAID <br /> (�RAIVTEES, THE ENTIRE FEE SIMPLE TTTLE TO THE REAL ESTATE DESCRIBED HEREIN 3FiALL VEST TN THE <br /> StTRVIVINa C+RANTEE. � <br /> T� HAVE AND TO HOLD the above d��cribed premi8ee, with the appurtenances, unto the 8�aid <br /> grantees as JOINT TENANTS WITFi SURVIVORSHIP AND NOT A9 TENANTS IN COMMON, and to their asai�ns, <br /> � or �o their heirs and assi�na of the survivor oP them, forever. And CARL V. WILLARD, widower, ' <br /> the grantvr named herein �or hl��elP and hls heirs, executors, and administrators, do covenant ' <br /> with the grantees named hereln and with their asaigns and wlth the helrs and asalgne o� the <br /> survivor oP thern, tha� he is lawfully seized of' said premiaes; that they are Pree �'rom incum- <br /> branae exeept as atated herein, and that he the said grantor ha� good right and lawful authority <br /> to sell the same; and he doe� hereby eovenant that he will and h�.s heire, executore and admi�is- <br /> �rators sha11 warrant and defend the '�itle tv sald premises unto the �rantees named herein an8 <br /> untv their assi�na and unto the heirs and asaigns of the survivor of '�hem, forever, against the <br /> lawPul clairns oP all per�ona whomsoever, e xcluding the exceptions named herein. <br /> 31�ned this firs'� da,y oP January, A. D. , 1950. <br /> In �resence ot' Carl v. Wi1l.ard <br /> STATE OF NEBRASKA ) <br /> )SS. On �hie firs� 8ay of January, A. D. , 1950, before me, the underalgned <br /> Gounty of HALL ) a notary public, duly commissioned and qualified tor and re�id- <br /> n�n said county, personally came CARL V, WILLARD, a wido�rer, to <br /> me known to be the identioal person whose name is a�fixed to the fore�oing instrumen� as grar�tor, <br /> and acskr�owledged said ins�rument to be his voluntary aet and deed. <br /> WITNE�S my hand and aeal the day and year laat above written. <br /> (SEAL) R, C. Donald <br /> o t�ary�ub�i c <br /> My commission e xp3.r�s the l�th day of September, A. D. , 1954• <br /> Flled �or recsord thia 1� day of July, 1950, at 11:30 o 'cloak A.M. <br /> ��...✓ <br /> /� �y ^ ^ 8 F I�/� /✓ <br />.. . O����O�'�.Jio�o���V�V�O�O ro�o�oiO�Otio�O�O���O�O�Q yo��o�Mo���wo�o n'�: 1���O��O��O�O�O�O�O�O�O�O�V'�"�/�O�a 0 <br /> W <br /> �orporatlon Warran'�y Deed---Vesting Entire T3tle in 3urvivor <br /> KI�OW ALL MEAT B'Y TFiESE PRESENT3, That PLATTE VALLEY DEVELOPMENT COMPAAIY a corporation organized and <br />' �xieting under anc� by eirtuQ ot' �he laws oY �he State of Nebraska, �'or and in consid�ration of the <br /> sum oY One and No/1�0 and o�her valuable conaideration DOLI,ARS in hand paid doe� hereby grant, bar- <br /> �a�:�►, sell and eonvey un�o ROBERT C. BEERS and NOLMA BEER3, husband and wif e as JDIIJT TENANTB, and <br /> lI no'� as tenanta in aommon; 'the Pollowin� deseribed real estate, aituated in the County of Ha11 and <br /> i gtate oY �Tebraska, to-wit: <br />� <br /> II LOT NINE (9) , BLOCK O�iE (l) , T�T MEVE3 F'TR9T ADDITZOTd TO THE CITY OF t�RAND �SLAI�iD, A3 <br /> SURVE�ED PLATT�D AND RECORDED <br /> ST HEINa THE INTENTION OF ALL PARTIES HERETO, THAT IN THE EVENT OF THE DEATH OF EITHER OF SAID <br /> t�RANTEES, THE ENTIRE FEE SIMPLE TITLE TO THE REAL ESTATE DESCRIBED HEREIIQ 3HALL VEST IN THE SUR- <br /> VIVINc� aRANTEE. <br /> TO HAVE A13D TO H4LD the above described premiges, with the aforesaid appurtenances, unto �he <br /> aaid gran�ees a� JOINT TENANTS, and not as tenan�s in aommo�, and to their asei�ns, or �o the <br /> heir� and aaei�ns of the surviv'or of '�hem, forever, and the grantor herein, t'or itselP and its <br /> sucae�sors does eovenant wi�h the grantee8 names hereln and with their assl�ns and with the heir� <br /> and assigrns oP the survlvor ot them tha'� it is lawPully seixed of said premieea; that they are <br /> free Yrom encumbrance � <br />