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� l��._(��7 <br /> DE�ED RECORD NO. 96 <br /> 92641KN6AU6USTINEC0.6R11ND ISLAND.NEBR. <br /> " QUTT CLAIM DEED <br /> THIS INDENTURE, Made thig 2nd da� oF Jt�t1e, in the year one thousand hundred and fiFty, be�ween ', <br /> Arth�r C. Denman and Dc�ra Denman, husband and wife, Frank H. D�r�man and Mabal �enman, hueband and <br /> wiPe, Alice R. Dahle�trom, a widow, Ed. E. Denman, uxirna.rried, and Maude E. Ol�on, a wido�a, all of <br /> Iiall Cotzr�ty, Nebraska, Partieg of the first part, and I�ettie I. Modesi��, Party r�f the secor�� par�y <br /> . WITI�JESSETH, that . �he sa3.d part�.es of the f irs� part, in consideratian of the sum of One Dollar and <br /> other naluable eonaideration to them duly paid, the reaeip� whereo�' is hereby acknowledged have <br /> remised, rel�ased, and quit-claimed, and by theae presents do Por themselvee, �heir heirs, exeo�- <br /> tors and administrator�, r�mise, relea,s� and f orever quit-claim and aonvey unto th� said party o2' '��a <br /> the second part, a�d to her hei�a and a�s3gr�8 2'orever, all their righ�G, title, interest, estate <br /> claim and demand, both a'� law and in equi�Gy, of, in and to all <br /> The Bouthweet Quarter of �Ghe So��h Wes� Quarter of Seetion 20, Townahip 10 North, <br /> Range 10 West oP the 6th P. M. , in.Hal.1 County, Nebra�ka. . <br /> . <br /> .�o�;ether with a.�.l and. s�.ngtalar the heredi�argen�a ther�un�o belor�ging. <br /> . . . . <br /> TO HAYE AND TO HOLD the above desaribed prem3see �nto the said Ne��ie I. Modesit�, her heir� <br /> and aeei�ne; so that neither the said gran'�ora, nor any person in their name and behalP, shall or <br /> will hereafter claim or demaxzd any r3ght or ti�1e to the aaid premises or,any par� thereof, but <br /> they and every one of -them sha11 by �h�ae presente be ex�luded and f orever barred. <br /> IN WZTNE5;3 WHERLOF, the �aid partie� of the fir�t part have hereunto set thelr hands and <br /> ,�:� <br /> eeals t he .day and year above written. � <br /> . . ( . O I. R. STAMP3) Arth�r C. Denman <br /> (Cancelled ) Dora Denman <br /> Frank H. Denman <br /> J3gned, sealed and delivered in presenae of Aliae Re�Dahlstrom <br /> B. J. Cunnir�ham Ed. E. Denman <br /> Maude E. �ls�n <br /> STATE OF NEHRASKA ) � <br /> )S�, �n �his 2nd day of ,�une, A. D. 1�50, �e�'are -me, the undersigned <br /> HALL �ounty ) B. J. Cunn�.ngham a Notary Public, duly commiagioned and quali�'ied Por <br /> and residing in eaid county, persor�ally e�ne Arthur �. 1Jenman & Dora <br /> Denman, huaband & wif'e, Frank H. Denman & Mabel Denma,n, huaband and wif�, Alipe R. Dahl.atrom, <br /> a. widow, Ed. E. Denman, unmarried and Maude E. 03son, a widow, to me known to be the identia�l <br /> persona whase na,mea affixed to �he f oregoing instrument as grantvrs and aeknowled�ed the same <br /> ' to be their vol�zntary aat and deed. <br /> Witness my hand and Notaxial. Seal the day and year last above written. <br /> (SEAL) B. J. �unr�3.r�ham <br /> �ty eommission expire� the 5 day of Au�ust, 1953• Notary Publia. <br /> Filed for record �his 13 day of Ju.1.y, 1950, at 4:,�0 o�clock P.M. <br /> � <br /> R.E ISTER OF DEEDS <br /> o-o-a.o-o-o-�-o-o-o-o-a-o-o-o-.o-o-o-o-a o-o--o-a-a-a-a-a-o-o-o-o-o-.o-o-a-o-o-o-o-o..o-o-a-o-o-o-� <br /> QUIT CLAIM DEED <br /> THSS INDEAITURE, Made thisl��� day af Jtul:�, in the ear one thousand r�tne hundred and fiPty, between <br /> �:m�le,�'. Rus�ell�.;a w�.�:��, of :�he_f��et par'�, anid �lyde �: ,�t��Mtos�i �d �i�.rir�r�"Y+, ���n�o��3�, -�. . ,. : � <br /> hu�baz�d, and:.wlfe, as J�iP�T .�ENAN'��, .and r�o� a� 'G�n�nt�t in eomm��' of the �eCon1 pap�, . , � , <br /> ���'TNES�L�TH, �hat the �a�.d pa,r�y. of '�h�,�'ir�t g,�rt, in �a��ide�a�is� ��' ��h�e �um o�' 4ne DQllar and <br /> �t�er avnalder.a�ifln� �Co k�er d�a3y p�,id, the� rec��ipt wk�e�eoP �.s hereby a.���:no�r3edged, hag r�mi��, <br /> relea�ea, and 9uit�, and ,'�Y '�hes�: p�e�s,ente• doeg_ for Y�e��elf, her,. h�ir�, ��acecu��r� a�. -�: <br /> �dm�ra�.s�r�,�or�, r�mi�e, ,re3�ase, and fQr�ver quS�-c�.a�:m and aQ�vey r��.�c��.tY�e ��.d p�r�3�e o�' ,#h� <br /> eecmr�d par�, anel to� their Y�e�.rs and a�a3,gns and to tk�e-, heir�_ �;nd assig�� o�' t�e� s�rvivQr c�f ;.�he� ;f:.4, <br /> �i��andr�o�a.�.1hQ�r ri�;ht, t�.tlet inter�et, es'��te �1a3�; and dem�d,,both a�,l�,�'��,n� 3m� �qui��, - o�,� ':,�. <br /> �o� �i�l�t (8) in Sloek Twen�y-�� (22.) in .3ah.�mmer� s �ddltian '�4 :��e Qity 4f �rr�d • � <br />!� Ie1�nd, in Ha11 ��unty and Sta�� of Nebra�ka. _ <br />�� ��:. H��NC� �HE IN'�'EI�Tit)N��F ALL P,�,�i.�I�B �R��t�, TH�� .I�; T� �V�3�T .Ol� �� -D��►'TH�C)F`� <br /> �.�,�'H�� ��' .�AI�J QRANTEEB, TH� ENTTRE �FE� STI�PLE TI�L� TO T� �AL ��T� ��B��TB�D . ; . <br /> H�REIN �xA� VES� �N THE. �UFi.VI�I�1f� ��9.N��E. , ... <br />, ...: y .. �. . i ,:, .. ... ... ... . .:.,. . • . . . . . . .. � ... , ' .� . :... .: , .�..: ,. .. . . � . . <br /> Together .with. �11 a�� a�.�gu�.a� '�h:� h��editamen�s thereunto belonging. <br />� <br /> �'v HATT� ANi3 T0 HQ�I? the`ab4ve desfsrlbed ��re���es �anto. �he e��,id' Ciyd� �. 1�alntosh;�:d 2�arion <br /> V. Me�r��oah, as �'�I�J�" 3'ENA�TT�3, and_ nQt as ��n�r��p f.n eommon, their heir� and assl�ns; and the he�.rs <br /> and assigns ot the survivor of them so that neithsr the said grantor, nor any person in her name <br /> '�..r,�d: �t�halP, °aha33 or .�r3i1 k��rea�f'�er a2aim- or demand ariy righ� �� t�,�le to the gaid premi�es or <br /> any part thereaf, but they and every one of them sha21 by tY�ese .presents be exeluded and forever <br /> barred. _ . _ a ' <br /> . , ,� <br /> ._, _ . .. _ .:. . ; <br /> I�' WZTN�SS '�'HEREQF, � �he sai� p�.r'�y of, the first par� has here�,��m �+�t her .h�r�ci a.�d.� �e�3 :.��,e <br /> d�.y- and year �bdve wr2tten. � � <br /> �ignec�, �ealsd arzd. de3iver�d ln p'r��er�ce of : . �`bsie �. �i�zesel�.; `- <br /> � � Wm. SuMr . r <br />