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. ' <br /> ��- 9 ' <br /> DEED REGOF�.D NO. 96 <br /> � <br />� 82441-TNEAUGUf71NEC0.GAANDISLAND.NEiR. � � I <br /> s�A�E o� �s�sxa > <br /> �SS. C?n this 2bth day of June, 1950, bePore me, M. E. Mosee pereonally <br /> Cov.n�y af Hall ) appeared �he said E. H. $tobbe� as gheriPf of said County to me, <br /> peraonally known '�o be the ident3.aa1 peraon who aigned �he for�going <br /> instrumen� as gr�.ntor, and �ekr�owledged the sa.rt;e to be h3� volun�ary act and deed, ae auch aheriff, <br /> for the uaes and p�.rposes �herein set forth. <br /> WITl�'ESS my hand and offlcial se�l the da,y and year abrnre written. <br /> �sEAI�) M. E. Mo se s <br /> G�LERK OF THE DTSTRICT <br /> ��URT <br /> Filed for record this 1� day of July, 1950, at 3:00 o�clock P. M. <br /> � �(�y�� <br />� REGISTER OF DEE�3 /� <br /> - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -0-�-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-t3 <br /> o-o--o-o-o-o-ao 0 0-0 0 o a o-o 0 0-.0 0 o v o o-o o-o-o 0 0 0-0-0 o-c� <br /> QUIT CLAIM DEED <br /> I THT3 TNDENTt�RE, Mad� this _?7 day of �':�� in the year one' thousand nine hundred and f if�y, <br />� between W1111am H. Bosworth and Fannie E. Bogworth, husband arld. w3.Pe, ea�h in h3s and her own <br />� righ'�, and as spouse of the other, of the fir$t part, and C�.�y of Gra.nd T�land, Nebraska, par�iea <br /> of the �eaond part, WITNES3ETH, that the eaid parties of the first pax�, in eongidera�ion of <br /> the sum of On� and no/1�0 DOLLAR.S, and other eoMSiderations to them duly paid, �he receipt <br /> whereof is hereby acknawledged t�emised, released, ar�d quit-claimed, a.nd by these preeent8 do <br /> for themselves their heira, executt�rs and aadm�.nis�rator$, remi$e, release and fore�ver quit-alaim <br /> and eonvey ur�to �Ghe said party of the seeond part, and to 3t� heirs and asgigns S'orever, a1,1 <br /> their ri�ht, ti�le, interest, es�ate alaim and demand, both at law ar�d in equity, of, in and to <br /> all <br /> Lo� Fif�y-eight (58 }, in wes� Lawn, an Addition ta �he City of arand Ialanda Hall <br /> county, Nebraska, <br /> To�ether with a11 and singular the hereditaments thereunto belongin�. <br /> TO HAVE AND TO HOIsD the above desaribed premis�s unto �he said C3.ty o�' Grand Island, Nebraska, <br /> 3ts heirs and a�signs; so that neither the �aid grantors, nor any person in �heir name and behalf, <br /> ahall or will hereafter alaim or demand.any ri�ht or ti'Cle to the said premises or an,y part <br /> thereof, but �hey and every one of them aha11 by �hese preser�ts be exeZuded and Porever barred� <br /> TN WTTNESS ''�HERE4F, the said par�ies of the Pirs� par� have hereunto �e� their hands and <br /> seale the day and year above wri�t�n. <br /> �igned, sealed and delivered in presenae of William H. Boewarth <br /> Harry Qrimminger Fannie E. 8osworth <br /> STATE OF NEBRASKA ) <br /> )SS On this 27 day of Jun�, A. D. 19.50, before me, the unaersigned Harry <br />� HALL Coun�Gy ) arimmir�er a No�ary Public, duly cammissioned and qualiPi�d f or and <br /> i residir3g in said eounty, personally came William H. Boeworth and <br /> Fanni� E. Basworth, huaband and wife, eaeh in his and her owrt ri.ght, and as spouse oP �he other <br /> to me gnown to be '�he identical persons whoae names are affixed to the f ore�oing in�trwuent as <br /> grantors and aaknowled��d the sarne to be �heir voluntary ae� and deed. <br /> iil <br /> Witness my hand and �Totarial Seal the day and year last above written. <br /> (SEAL) Harry Grimmi.n�er <br /> Notary Public <br /> comm s ion e re the 1 of Au 1 1 <br /> My i s xpi s day �. 95 <br />'� . <br /> F11ed f or re�.b�d this 13 day of July, 1950, at 3:fl0 m�clock, P.M. " ' /��!r�-�- <br />'� G�-w'C. <br />'� " � REGI�TER OF DEEDS � � , <br /> o-o--o-o-.o-o-o-o-a-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-a-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-a-o-Q-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o=o-a-fl <br /> QUIT GLAIM DEED <br /> THIS INDENTtTRE, Made �his 2nd day of June, in the year one thouaand nine hundred and fifty, <br /> between Ed. E. Denman, unma.rried, �"rank H. Denman and Mabe1 Den�an, husband and wife, Netti� I. <br /> Modesitt, a widow, AliCe R. Dahls�rom, a widow and Maude E. Ols_on, a wido�,r, all oP Hall Gounty, <br /> Nebraska, of the first part, and .Arthur C. Denman, Party of the sec�ond part, <br /> WITN�3SETH, tha,t the aaid parties of the first par�, i� aongideration of the sum of One Dollar <br /> and other valuable aonaideration to them duly paid, the reeeipt �hereof 3s hereby aaknowledged <br /> have rem�.sed, released, and quit cl€�imed, and by these presenta do for �h�m�elv�s, their heirs, <br /> exe cu�ors and administrators, remise, release and f ore�rer qui'�-claim and aonvey unto the sa3d <br /> party of the second part and to hi,a heir$ and asaigns forever, all their right, title, ir�terest, <br /> estate elalm and demand both a� Iaw and in equ3ty, of, ln and to all:-- <br /> The North xalP (N�) of the So�th One-four'�h of the Northwest Quarter (NW�) , bein� a <br /> part of Lot One (1) on Mainland, and of Lots Three and Four on Island, in Sea�ion <br /> ��venteen (17) , Tvwnship Ter�, Nor�h Ran�e Ten, West of the 6th P.M, eon�aining 2Q <br /> acres, more partieularly dese�ibed as #'o�lows, tca-wi�: Th� North 20 aares of the <br /> trac� and parael, of land conveyed by Warranty Deed �x�au�ed by Lawrenae A, Berg and <br /> Robert B�r�, both single, to A. �. Denma� of A1da, Nebraska, under date of November <br /> 8, 1926, which deed was recsorded or� December 2, 1926 in Hook 62 oP the Deed Rec�ords :.:.. <br /> oi xa1.1 county -at Page 647. <br /> Also a11 of Lo�s One (1) and Two (2) ln 9eat�.on �hirty-one (31) in Terwrish3p Ten (10) <br /> North, Range Ten (10), Wes� of the 6th P. M. <br /> Together with a11. and sin�ular the heredi�amer�te �hereun�o beloriging. <br /> ' TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the above desarib�d premises unto the �a3,d Arthur C. De�,r�, �,g heira <br /> and asaigns; eo �hat neither �he gaid grantors, nor ariy person in their name and behal�, ehall <br /> , � <br /> � <br /> � <br />