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J �.. <br /> . ,.:. . . � . .. . <br /> ��w �� <br /> DEED RECORD NO. 96 <br /> $2841—}NEAUGUSTINEC0.6RANOISLANC,NEeR. <br /> lesa, thence Northerly parallel with the Easterly line of Lot NA� in A� place Addition to �he <br /> Ci�q oY arand Island, I�ebraska, 132 Feet Co the Soutlierly line of Firet Street, thenae westerly <br /> along the 3outherly line oP First street 43 feet. a li�tle more or leBS, to the place of beginning, <br /> I and being a traot of ground conveyed June lst, 1917 by John Woelz to Harold M. Steidley by 3pecial <br />� i�arranty Deed recorded in Hook �j� at page 177 of the Deed Reaorde ot Hall County, Nebraska, together <br /> with an eaaement for righ� of way for p� driveway over, and upon the � feet abutting on the oP <br /> the � above desaribed preml8es, ae outliaed in Warranty Deed reaorded in Book �j7 at page 239, Hall <br /> Cour�ty Recorda. . <br /> T4 HAVE AND TO HOLD the remises above described to ether with all the tenem�nte heredi�a- <br /> P , g � <br /> ments and appurtenanaes thereunto belongin�, unto the said grantees forener; and HOME Oi�TNERB� L�Atdi <br /> OORPORATION does hereby aovenant that it ia lawfully seized of eaid premiaea; tha,t they are iree <br /> " f'rom eneumbranaea except all tazes for the yeax 19�0 and subaequent ta�cee and all inatallments of <br /> gpeci$1 aBSeaements be�oming dellnquent aiter Marah 30, 19�0. , ancl eub�eot to oonditions, <br /> restrictic►ns, reservations, easement�, ri.ghta and rights oY way of reQOrd, and alI liens or ene�m- <br /> branaee attaching to gaid premises a$ a result of any act done, executed, or suftered by the aaid <br /> granteee, or those in privity with them. <br /> That it has good and law�ul authority to sell same and it does hereby covenant to xarrant and <br /> � defend the title to eaid premi�es againat the la��ul claima aP a1 1 pereons �rhomsoever. <br /> IN WTTNES9 WHEREOF, HOME OWNER3� LOAN COAPORATION hae caused �his instrument to be eaeQUteB <br /> by ita prvper vfticer and its csot�pora�e seal attaQhed. <br /> 81p,»�ed thi.s 20th da,y oP June, A. D. , �g5o. <br /> � . . . amps ) (CORP� HOME OWNE�S� L�AN CORPORATION <br /> (Cancelled ) (SEAL By Nelson S urrier <br /> ' ss stan reaeurer . <br />'' - STATE OF NEW YORK ) <br /> 9S. s On this 21 day oP J�ne, A. D. 1950, before me a Notary Publlc in and <br /> COUNTY OF NEN YORK � tor said County, personally appeared NEL30N SPtJRRIER oP HOME OWNER9� <br /> ,; � LOAri? CORPORATION, personally kno�n to me to be the Aesiatant Treasurer <br /> of said Qorporation and the identical person �vhose name is aftixed to the above instrument and ac- <br /> knowledged the exeauticn thereaf to be his Qoluntary aot and deed, and the voluntary aat and dee8 <br /> o! eaid HOME OWNERS� LOAN CORPORATION. <br /> °� �, <br /> Witnese my hand and notarial seal the date aforesaid. <br /> ,� Emma M. Ri ch ter <br /> � S A E <br /> �� (SEAL) No. 31�3275�50 <br /> � Quallfied in Ne�r York County <br /> - Certa.Piled with Clerks oP Kinga,Hronx,QueeAS, <br /> Naesau, Cot�ntiea, and <br /> � Register in . . , ngA, rona,�ne Counties <br /> f Term E�cpirea Maresh 30, �951 <br />, . �. <br /> F'iled for record this 13 day o= Ju�� 1950, at 11:25 o'alocak A.M. ���C���� <br /> egstero ea ,,�r <br /> O-O-O-O-O-O-O-O-O-O-.O-O-Q-O-�-O-O-O-O-O-O-O-O-O-O-O-O-O-O-O-O-O-O-O-O-O-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-�--U-O-O-O <br /> SHERIFF'S DEED <br /> KN�W �,LL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: <br /> THAT, WHEREAS, in an aation in the Diatricst Court oP the Eleventh J�tdiaial Distriat of the� <br /> 9tate oP Nebraska, �rithin and for the County of Hall wherein County of Hall, Hall County, Nebraeka, <br /> a munialpal oorporati.on, is plair�tlff and Henry H. Hi.nkle and Jessie W. Hinkle et al. , a�e <br /> defendante, No. 21, �oa. 1, Page 21$-228, the plair�tiff did on the 24th day of February, 1950, <br /> obtain a deores flnding there to bs' due from the defendants for general and epecsial improvement <br /> tax�s upon a Certiifiaate ot' Tax sale and subgequen� taxee, in Cause of Aation, No. l0, the aum <br /> of 139•82, aearuing interest and aosts of the suit, and, whereas, it was then and th�re further <br /> ordered in the said aation that in dePault oP the payment d' the sum so found due Prom the said <br /> defendanta that �he Sheriff' of said Co�inty oP Ha11 ehould aause the lands and tenements hereinafter <br /> desorlbed to be advertised and sold aacording to law to pay the same, and, whereas, default having <br /> been made therein, the said Sheriff oF said County, under and by virtue of the said dearee and <br /> tH� order oP sale to him duly direated, did, on �he llth day of May, 1950, at the North Front <br /> Door oP the Court House in the City of Grand I�land, in aaid Cvunty oP $all havirig Pirgt given <br /> due and legal r�otiae ot' the time and plaee of said sale for not less than thirty daye prior thereto <br /> in the The Grand Ialand Daily InBependent, a legal newspaper, printed and in �eneral Qirculation <br /> in said County of Hal7., sell said pr�miaea at public auetion to City of arand Island, for the sum <br /> oP Three Hundred and Ninety and no/100 Dollars, (the '�ota:t acerued costa of suit and eale being <br /> �139.82),whiah sale aas afterwarda on the 3rd day of June, 1950, examined and conPirmed by the <br /> gaid Court and the said E. H. S�obbe as suoh 8heriff, ordered to convay the said premiaes in <br /> t'ee simple �o the said C3ty oP 4rand Island <br /> NOW, THEREFORE, I, the eaid 9heriFf of �he Cou�at3r of Hall as afor�esaid, in eonaiderat3on oP <br /> the premises and by virtue of the poxer P88�6d �A me by law and the deeree ot' said Court, do <br /> hereby give, grant, end Qorivey to �he said City oP arand I�land, and ite assigns, the premi8es <br /> so as aforesaid sold, to-wit: <br /> . <br /> Lot Twelve (12) in Bloak Sixteen (16) in Ashton Plaae, an addition to �he City oF <br /> arar�d Island, Hall Catzrtty, Nebraska, aa surv�yed, platted, and reaorded. <br /> xith the appurtenarlaea. <br /> TO HAVE AND TO HOLD T'HE SAME un�o the said Ci�y oP arand Island, and its a.asigns forevery <br /> IN 'TESTIMONY WHERE�F, T have as suah Sheriff hereunto set my hand thie 26th day o� June, <br /> 1950. <br /> Eaecuted and delivered in the p�eser�ae of E. H. Stobbe <br /> herifP of Hall County, Nebraska <br /> Therese A. Muehow <br />