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C )�_.`�° <br /> DEED R�CORD NO. 96 <br /> i <br /> 9284f-THHAUGUSTINEC0.6NANOISCAND.NEBR. '' <br /> the exeQUtion thereoP to be his voluntary act and deed as such ofPieer and the valuntarq aa� and ! <br /> deed of the said Bachman & Lester Company, a oorporat3on, and that the Corpora�e seal of the sai8 � <br /> Bachmar� & Lester Company, a eorporation wa� thereto afPlxed by ita authority. <br /> Witness my hand and �lotarial �eal at Grand Island in said county the day and year last abov� <br /> written. <br /> (SEAL) Ll�o _d_�T�__._ Kell <br /> My Commission expire� th� 27th day of Oatob�r 1951. �otary �u�a� <br /> I <br /> I Filed for record thle 12 day of July, 1950 at �#: 55 o 'elock P.�I. ,V, � <br /> �✓ <br /> I eg ster o eeds �/ <br /> �-0-0-0-0-0-0-p_0-0-�-0-0-0-0-�-0-0-0-0-�-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-4-0-0-0-0-0-�-0-0--0-�--0-0-0-0-0-�-0-0-(D�0 <br /> SHERIFF�S DEED <br /> KNOW ALL MEN HY THESE PRESENTS: <br /> THAT, WHEREAS, ln an aation in the Diatriat Court of the Eleventh Judiclal District of the <br /> S�ate oP Nebraska, within and Por �the COUnty of Ha11 where3n The Gounty of Ha].l, S'�ate of Nebraska, <br /> is plaintiYf and Cb.arles E•Williams and Williams, et a1. , are defendaxats, No. 2�, Da�. 1, <br /> Page 249_219, the plaintiff did on the l day of January 195�, obtain a deeree Pinding th�re to <br /> be du� from the defendants Por general and speeial improvement taxes �pon a CertifiQate ot' Taa . <br /> 3ale and subsequent taxes, in Cause of Action No. 6-7-�, the sum of $�2�F..31, aceruing interest and. <br /> oosts of �he auit, and, whereas, it was then and �here further ordered in �he said aation that in <br /> defaul� of the payment of the sum so found due from the said defendanta that the �herifP of aatd <br /> County oP HaZZ should caizse the lands and tenementa hereinaPter described to be advertSsed and sold <br /> accordin� to law to pay the same, and,wher�as, dePault hacing been made therein, the �aid Sheri�'f <br /> of said County, under and by virtue of the sa3d decree and th� order of sale to him duly direeted, <br /> did, on the 5th da,y oP Apri1, 1950, at the Nor�h Front Dvor of the Court House in '�he City of (��a�d <br /> Island, in said County of Hall, havin� Pirst glven due and Iegal. notice oP the time and pZace ot' <br /> said aale Yor nat less than thirty days prior thereto i.n the C�rand Island, Daily Independent a <br /> legal newspaper, printed and in general circulation in said County oP Hall, sell said premises a� <br /> public aucstion to W. H. Ehrs�m and Max�ian E. Ehrsam, as JOINT TENANTB WITH $URVIVORSHIP AND 1J�T A� <br /> TENANTS IN COMMON; for the sum of Two Hundred and Thirty-Pi�e and no�100 -. - - -- Dollara, (the <br /> total accrued aosts of suit ar�d eale being ��-72.b5) , wh3ch sale was af'tertwards on the 3rd day of <br /> Ma.y, 19�j0, examined and conPirmed by �he said Qourt and the sa3d E. H. Stobbe as suah 9herlff, <br /> ordered to convey the said premises in fe� simple to th� sa3d W. H. Ehrsam and Marlan E. Ehream <br /> NOW, THE�tEFORE�, I , �,he said SherifP of the County vf Ha11, as aforesaid, in cone3.dera'�ion of <br /> the premisea and by virtue oP the powers veated ln me by la�v and the decree of eaid Court, dc� <br /> hereby give, �ant, and convey to the said W. H. Ehrsam and l�ta.rian E. Ehrsam, their heira and as- <br /> �lgns, the premises so as aforesaid eold, to wi.t: Lot One (1) 3n Block 9ix�y-Seven (6'j), in <br /> Wheeler and Bennett� � 8eeond Addi�ion to the City of arand Island Hall County, Nebraska, as sur- <br /> veyed, platted, and reeorded. Lo� TwQ (2) ,!n Bloek S1xty-Seven (�7) , i� Wheeler and Bennett�s <br /> 9�cond Addition to the City of Grand I81and, Hall County, Aiebraska, as surveyed, pla,tted and <br /> recorded. Lot Three �3) in Block Sixty-3even (67) , in Wh�eler and Hennett�s 8eaand Addition to <br /> the City of arand Island, Hall County, Nebraska, as s�rveyed, platte�, and recorded. <br /> with the app�rtenanaes. <br /> IT BETNQ THE INTEN'TIC�N �F ALL P,ARTIEB HERETO, THAT IN THE EVENT OF THE I�ATH OF ETTHER 4F SATD <br /> C#RANTEES, THE ENTIRE FEE 91MPLE TITLE T� THE REAL ESTATE DESCRIBED HEREIN 3HALL VEST I1� THE 3UR.. <br /> VZVIN(� GRANTEE. <br /> TO HAVE AND TO HOLD THE SAME unto the said W. H. Ehrsa�r► and Marian E. Ehrsam ae JOINT TENANTB , <br /> WITH S[TRVIVOR3HIP AND N4T AS TENANTg IN COMMON, and their heire and assigns forever. <br /> IN TESTIMONY 'WHEREOF, T hane as sueh SherifP hereunto set my hand this �'�h day of June, 19�j�. <br /> F.�cecu�ed and delivere8, in the presenee of E, H. Stobbe <br /> Therese A. Muchow erif o a oun q, � ras . <br /> STATE OF NEBRA3KA ) � <br /> ) ss. On thls �th day of June, 1954, before me, M. E. Moaes personally <br /> Co�nty o� Hall ) appeared the said E. H. Stobbe, as sherifP of said County to me, <br /> persona2ly known to be the 3dent�.ca1 person who eigned tYie �foregQtng <br /> instr�ment as antor and aoknowled �d 'Che e e o be his eolunt <br /> gr , g am t ary act and deed, as such sheriff, <br /> for the uses and purpoaes therein se� Por�h. � <br /> WITNES9 my hand and offiaial seal the day and year �above written. <br />' (SEAL) . M. E. Mosee <br /> � <br /> Filed �or record this 13 day oP Ju1y, 1950, at 1I.15 o�clock A.M. <br /> e g s er o P Dee s�` <br /> o-v-o-o_o-.o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-ao-a.o-o-o-�o-o-o_o-o-o-o-o_ao-o-o-o-o_o-o-o-o-o-o-o_o-o-o-.c�_o <br /> WARRANTY DEED LOAItiTT No. SC 2�-A-gO�E�� <br /> KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRE'SEPITS <br /> THAT HOME OWNERS� LOAN CORPORATION of Washington, D. C. , a aorpora'�e instrumentali�y oF the <br /> United States oP Ameriea, sometimes otherwiee de�lgnated as a United States Corporation, Yor and <br /> . in consideration of the aum oP One dollar and other good and valuable consideration- - -( �1.00) <br /> dollars in hand paid does hereby �rant, bargain, sell, convey and confirm unto AL. E. �TILLTAM3 and <br /> RUTH Z. WILLIAMS, husband and wiPe, as ,�oin'� tenants and not as tenan�s 3n aommon, or '�o their sur- <br /> vivor oP the County o�' Hall and Btate of Nebraska, the following described real estate situated in <br /> Hall County and State of Neb�aska, to-wit: <br /> Commeneing at a poin� on th� south line oP F'irs� 3treet in the City oP arand Island, �3 feet <br /> Easterly Prom the Northwesterlp eorner oP Fractional Lot 1 in Fraotional Block C1 of Palmer 'a Sub- <br /> divtsion oP Lot 7 oP the Cot�nty 8ubd3vis3.on af the Southeast quarter of '�he 8ot�thwest quarter of <br /> Sectior� 16 in Township 11 North, Rar�ge 9 West; rur�ning thence southerly para11e1 with �h� Westerly <br /> line oP eaid Frac�ional Lvt I, 132 Peet to the Northerly alZey line betv�een First and Diviaion � <br /> Street�, '�henae Easterly along the northerly line oP eaid all�y, forty-three feet, a little more or <br /> I <br /> _ . . <br /> __ _ I <br />